The university collaborates for sustainable manufacturing processes
Mission 0 House, a collaboration between industry and academia with the goal of eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing processes, has secured its first long-term research funding. Several leading companies, together with the Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen), have jointly guaranteed nearly 100 million SEK for the next five years.
Mission 0 House, led by Polestar and Lindholmen Science Park, started as a pilot project in 2024. The initiative has allowed five Swedish universities to join Mission 0 House in Gothenburg: Karlstad University, University of Borås, University West, Jönköping University and Mid Sweden University. The institutions will contribute scientific expertise and hire a total of 10 new postdoctoral researchers. These researchers, along with senior scientists, will work together to develop future emission-free manufacturing methods.
Words from our senior management: Thoughts about academic freedom
The university is involved in research, education and collaboration in a wide range of areas. In some, we are recognised as world leaders. In others, we receive less attention. Some areas are clearly aligned with the express needs of society. Others are more difficult to identify the immediate benefit of.
The fact that the benefit is not obvious does not mean that there is none. Some things may take a hundred years to prove beneficial, and in other cases, nothing much ever comes of it.
Certain insights confirm what we already know, others call our understanding into question or upends it entirely. Out of context, much of what we do may come across as meaningless. In context, however, some of it could eventually turn out to be indispensable.
Center for Research on Societal Risks Presents Research in Sendai, Japan
Researchers from the Center for Research on Societal Risks (CSR) at Karlstad University, along with researchers from Örebro University, Gothenburg University, and Jönköping University, are in Japan to contribute to a long-term research collaboration between Sweden and Japan.
Avit Bhowmik and Mikael Granberg, both from CSR, are currently in Sendai, Japan, meeting with researchers at the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) at Tohoku University, Sendai, as well as Hiroshima University and Nagoya University.
Eunice course provides a broad view of intercultural relations
What shapes us and gives us our culture and subculture? With scientific backing on culture, interculturality, and internationalization, Eunice offers a digital course that concludes with a week of full-time studies. Jessica Ekberg and Hanna Räftegård, both lecturers in educational work, and Sylvie Vandermeuter, international coordinator at Karlstad University, participated.
The course "Intercultural relations and intercomprehension in mobility and in higher education institutions" was given as a BIP course, blended intensive programme, as part of the Eunice collaboration. After one and a half months of digital education, the course concluded with a week of full-time studies at The Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal.
Words from our senior management: Review to create long-term sustainable education
The strategic review of the university’s degree programmes continues. Among other things, it will be a standing item on the agenda at this year’s four dialogues where the management teams of the teacher education board and the faculties meet with the vice-chancellor.
The vice-chancellor has approved a planned continuation of the education review that was initiated in the spring of 2023. An important starting point in the first phase was that we have to have a sufficient number of attractive degree programmes to ensure a sufficient number of new programme students – it is important that we do not to stagnate as a university. The review resulted in new degree programmes and revisions of existing ones.
Hanna Enefalk – New Representative for Karlstad University in Humtank
Hello there, Hanna Enefalk, Associate Professor of History and the new representative for Karlstad University in Humtank. Tell us more!
"Humtank is a think tank for research and education in the humanities, with representatives from fourteen Swedish universities and colleges. It has existed for over ten years and is funded by nearly all Swedish universities engaged in humanities research. Its purpose is to highlight the humanities and their perspectives. Both the general public and politicians sometimes forget that science is more than just men in white lab coats. Humtank plays an important role in reminding people that historians, literary scholars, cultural researchers, and other humanities academics also exist."