Ph. D students from Karlstad University best in Sweden on cybersecurity
2017-02-14Ph. D students from Karlstad University took first place in the Cyber Challenge 2017. The competition was organized by Swedish Defense University’s Center for Asymmetric Threat Studies(CATS) and the Swedish Contingencies Agency (MSB).
The team from Karlstad University consists of the four Ph. D students, Alexandre Sukhov and Sebastian Dehling, both from CTF, Service Research Center, Jenni Rueben and Nurul Momen, both from Computer Science, and their supervisor Lothar Fritsch, Associate Professor at Computer Science at Karlstad University.
Before the competition the teams were given the scenario of a changed security situation in our region. The scenario implicated that a national commission is appointed to develop emergency preparedness for information and cybersecurity incidents on a national level. The competing teams’ task was to act as consultants for the commission to develop guidelines for crisis management response in connection with cyberattacks.
“Cyber Challenge 2017” is a selection competition for the international European finale “Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge 2017” which takes place in Geneva this spring. This is where the team from Karlstad is qualified to go next.