Increase your visibility as a researcher

- Create your research profile on KAU.SE - a simple way of presenting your work on the Internet.
- ORCID - Open Researcher & Contributor ID. Register for an ORCID ID to avoid being mistaken for another researcher and to ensure that your publications are linked to you. ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) can also be used to showcase information about your publications and research.
Register your publications in KaU’s institutional database DiVA. DiVA provides researchers and students at Karlstad University with an easy way of making their publications accessible.
In Journal Citation Report (JCR) you can view the average number of citations an article in a specific journal generates – the more citations, the higher the calculated impact of the journal.
Check that a journal is indexed in Web of Science or Scopus and/or in databases used in your field. Go to the journal’s homepage or to Ulrich’s for information about the databases in which the specific journal is indexed.
Remember that publications in English and with more than one author are cited more frequently, thus leading to higher rankings in evaluations.
Publish in Open Access format to encourage speedier and more effective dissemination of research results. This in turn leads to an increased number of citations and higher impact rankings.
Monitor citations from your own articles with Google Scholar Citations. You can see who cites your publications, create citation graphs and analyse different citation variables. You can also make your research profile public so that it is shown when your name is searched for in Google Scholar.