Changed opening hours at the library
On this page you can find information about when the library opening hours are changed during weekends and other holidays.
The main entrance has the same opening hours as the library. At other times, a KAU-card and PIN-code are needed to enter the reading room.
Changed opening hours winter 24/25
Library |
Reading room |
December 20 | 8-18 | 8-24 |
December 21-January 1 | Closed | Closed |
January 2-3 | 8-16 | 8-24 |
January 4 | 10-15 | 8-20 |
January 5 | Closed | 8-20 |
January 6 | Closed | 8-24 |
"Ask the library - Information desk in Zoom" is closed on weekdays when the library is closed.
The library chat is open during library opening hours.
The academic writing centre drop in is closed December 20-January 6.
You are welcome to e-mail us at