News archive for "Hnt"

Solar cell researchers from Karlstad University have once again conducted experiments in zero gravity during parabolic flights in Bordeaux, France. The aim is to study how the structure of the active layer of the polymer solar cell is formed, to thereby be able to increase its efficiency. – This is the second time we have conducted experiments during parabolic flights, says Jan van Stam, Professor of Physical Chemistry at Karlstad University.
Mangroves can thrive in harsh environment and are used to natural perturbations like tropical cyclones. But, with several confounding pressures exacerbating each other, mangroves fail to withstand and diminish. Mangroves, the coastal cousins of the inland forests, do not only represent a unique set of rich biodiversity but also provide important livelihoods, coastal defence, and carbon sinks.
The digitalisation of society has led to a constant pursuit of better performance. Through a new research project, Computer Science at Karlstad University wants to help speed up the process. Waiting for changes in the major operating systems Linux and Windows is time-consuming.
Solar cell research at Karlstad University has been granted further funding from the Swedish National Space Agency, SNSA. Later this year, the research group in chemistry and materials physics will carry out experiments under microgravity conditions on parabolic flights in Bordeaux, France.
Carbon nanotubes are of great interest in both scientific research and commercial applications thanks to the unique properties of the material. A new thesis at Karlstad University looks at how the atomic structure influences the different properties of the material. - At the moment, there are too few measuring standards and no proper classification system for carbon nanotubes, says Mattias Flygare, recently qualified doctor of physics who just published his thesis.
Over the last decade, perovskites have received much attention in solar cell research all over the world. Perovskite solar cells combine the benefits of the high performance of conventional silicon solar cells and the low cost of polymer-based solar cells.
We receive district heating and electricity from cogeneration plants (also known as combined heat and power plants). In the future they might also produce bio-oil, which can be used as biofuel or replace fossil oil in the chemicals industry.
A grant of nearly SEK 10 million from the Knowledge Foundation allows researchers at Karlstad University to launch a new research project dedicated to the contribution of modern digitisation technology to pharmaceutical quality assurance and development. The accelerated rate of development of Covid-19 vaccines has raised the demand to speed up the development process for other pharmaceuticals.
Karlstad University is working actively to develop its wood research and the research group, together with its partners, has in the last year received considerable funding from various funders to develop timber construction. Karlstad University and researcher Johan Vessby has received a grant from the Swedish bioeconomy cluster Paper Province.
January 20 - 21, the digital conference B2B Forum on SmartIndustri was held at Karlstad University.
Integrated paperboard manufacturing consists of a number of unit processes that continuously generate large amounts of process data. Manufacturing is energy-intensive and variations must be taken into account to achieve the optimal production process.
VIPP Graduate School, which started in 2011, will reach the finishing line at the end of 2020. The occasion is celebrated with an event in connection with Papermakers Light on 12 November. “During this year, we will work hard to complete all projects and create conditions that will enable all our doctoral students to graduate”, says Magnus Lestelius, professor of chemical engineering and new programme director of VIPP Graduate School.
Per Hurtig is the most recent docent at the Department of Computer Science. His research is about making communication on the internet faster and more efficient. - The number of connected units has increased tremendously in recent years, which in turn has sharpened the quality requirements considerably”, says Per Hurtig. “Both applications and users now depend on higher quality in terms of faster connection and less delays.
In order for pharmaceuticals to be safe, they must be clean of pollutants. Carbon dioxide can be used to make the purification process more environmentally friendly, which may seem paradoxical since carbon dioxide is usually associated with a negative climate impact.
During her years as a researcher and data protection commissioner, the German computer scientist Marit Hansen has been a pioneer for the concept of privacy enhancing technologies (PET).
A virtual paper-making machine makes it possible to test run and optimise operations without costly downtime in the industry. New research at Karlstad University saves money and spares the environment. ”It is now possible to run the paper-making process virtually, without expensive equipment, to identify the optimal settings for each machine,” says Björn Sjöstrand, who recently submitted his doctoral thesis in chemical engineering at Karlstad University.