4th Nordic PRME Symposium - 2025
- 1-2 April, 2025
- Karlstad Business School, Karlstad (Hybrid Format)
The annual, collegial event focuses on research and education in responsible management and will include a special workshop on the use of digital tools (AI) for sustainability in teaching.
The 4th Nordic PRME Responsible Management Education (RME) Symposium, which will take place both in person and online.
Key Note Speakers
David Sloan Wilson, President, Prosocial World
Kajsa-Lisa Ljudén, Head of Sustainability at Löfbergs AB
Call for Contributions
We invite submissions from researchers and faculty members on the following topics:
- Research papers on Responsible Management Education (RME)
- Case studies showcasing innovative courses in sustainability or the integration of sustainability across all areas of business administration
- Teaching case studies on sustainable development
- Workshop submissions on the use of digital tools (e.g., AI) for sustainability in teaching, including the presentation of teaching methods and courses
Deadline: 28th February, 2025
Submission guideline: Max 300 words for research abstract or case study description.
Submissions to:
Tentative Schedule
31st March (Evening)
Optional Gathering - Dinner (participant-funded)
1st April
Keynote Addresses
RME Research Papers
Case-showing Courses: Faculty will submit courses in advance that are innovative in sustainability or integrate sustainability into core business courses
2nd April (Half-Day)
Workshop on the use of digital tools (AI) for sustainability in teaching
Showcase of teaching methods and courses
Collaborative project development session
The symposium will also feature an update from PRME Global.
Organizing committee
Samuel Petros Sebhatu, Karlstad Business School, Sweden
Caroline A. Pontoppidan, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Lukas Goretzki, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden