Användarvänlig integritet
Hur användare förstår vilka data som samlas in om dem och vad den kommer att användas till är fokus i ett mångårigt samarbete mellan datavetenskap, informatik och psykologi.
Vidare till PriSec-gruppen på datavetenskap. Se också GenomSynlig.
Pågående EU-projekt: kontakta Ala Sarah Alaqra
Avslutade EU-projekt: PrimeLife, A4Cloud, PRISMACLOUD, CREDENTIAL, Papaya, TRUEdig; exempel på användbarhetsstudie presenterad vid ISD 2017.
Interested of human-computer interaction and interfaces for privacy?
Contact Ala Sarah Alaqra or Farzaneh Karegar.
Special event 2024
The European Symposium on Usable Security (EuroUSEC) which is a forum for research and discussion on human factors in security and privacy will be held at Karlstad University on September 30 and October 1, 2024, chaired by Farzaneh Karegar from the Information Systems department. EuroUSEC solicits previously unpublished work offering novel research contributions in any aspect of human-centered security and privacy. The symposium aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and students from diverse backgrounds including computer science, information systems, engineering, psychology, the social sciences, and economics to discuss issues related to human-computer interaction, security, and privacy. The deadline for paper registration is May 27, and for paper submission is May 31. For more information visit the EuroUSEC website.