Aktuella publikationer av informatikmedarbetare
- Antagna för publicering / In press -
Alaqra, A.S., & Pettersson, J.S. (2024) Facilitating digital communication among educators. Canvas for teacher-to-teacher communication. I antologi C. Vikström (red.), Bidrag från universitetspedagogisk konferens 2023. Del 2. Pp. xxx-yyy. Karlstads universitet.
Sjöberg, P., Bellström, P., Vestin, A. (2024) Muntlig individuell uppföljning som komplement till skriftlig individuell hemtentamen, Utmaningar, lösningar och möjligheter med att använda GenAI. In C. Vikström (Ed.), Bidrag från universitetspedagogisk konferens 2023. Del 2. Pp. xxx-yyy. Karlstads universitet.
- 2024 -
Vestin, A., Bellström, P., & Sjöberg, P. (2024) Automatisk bedömning och automatisk återkoppling. Lärdomar från att ha utvecklat och använt ett system för automatisk bedömning och automatisk återkoppling i en programmeringskurs. I antologi C. Vikström (red.), Bidrag från universitetspedagogisk konferens 2023. Del 1. Pp. 87-103. Karlstads universitet. DOI: 10.59217/sycc4161
Alaqra, A.S., Linus Geewe, L., Pettersson, J.S. & Vinerean, M. (2024) Konkretisering genom virtualisering av vektorbegrepp. Interdisciplinärt försök att öka ingenjörsstudenters engagemang i abstrakta begrepp. I antologi C. Vikström (red.), Bidrag från universitetspedagogisk konferens 2023. Del 1. Pp. 105-122. Karlstads universitet. DOI: 10.59217/sycc4161
Khumalo, A.C., Brodén, K., Bellström, P., & Alaqra, A.S. (2024). AI Adoption in Oncology: Implementation process, Barriers, and Facilitators. In: Selected Papers of the 47th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Issue Nr 15 (2024). 5.
Brodén, K., Johansson, J., Bergkvist, L., Humble, N., & Mozelius, P. (2024). Design Principles for a Higher Education Course Focusing on Lifelong Learning. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 22(7), pp. 31-39.
Hallin, A., Karrbom-Gustavsson, T., & Gustavsson, T. (2024). Projektledning, 4:e upplagan, Liber.
Kharko, A., ... Kane, B., ... Hägglund, M. (2024) Impact of healthcare education on preferences for electronic health records: Results from national survey of patient users in Sweden. NordiCHI '24: Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Article No.: 76, Pages 1 - 10.
Alaqra, A.S., and Pettersson, J.S. (2024) How to Facilitate Interaction in Remote Focus Groups: a Practical Guide. Human Systems Engineering and Design (IHSED 2024), Vol. 158, 187–199.
Geewe, L., Vinerean, M., Alaqra, A.S., and Pettersson, J.S. (2024) Interactive Augmented Reality to Extend Students’ Vector Experience. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, Vol 31(2), 61-70.
Saeeda, H., Ovais Ahmad, M. & Gustavsson, T. (2024) Navigating social debt and its link with technical debt in large-scale agile software development projects. Software Quality Journal,
Iwaya, L.H., Alaqra, A.S., Hansen, M., and Fischer-Hübner, S. (2024) Privacy impact assessments in the wild: A scoping review. Array, 23, September 2024, 100356.
Wik, M. (2024) Prototyping with purpose: Increasing participatory design with malleable interactive prototypes. Doktorsavhandling. Karlstad University Studies 2024:17.
Eilu, E., Pettersson, J.S., Baguma, R., and Bhutkar, G. (eds.; 2024) Rethinking ICT Adoption Theories in the Developing World. Springer.
Rouis Skandrani, S. (2024) Afterword: A view from the backseat. In: Imaging and assessing mobile technology for development / [eds.] R.Musabe & J.S. Pettersson. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 178-180
Musabe, R., and Pettersson, J.S. (eds.; 2024) Imaging and Assessing Mobile Technology for Development. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Reuben, J., Alaqra, A.S. (2024). Private Training Approaches - A Primer. In: Bieker, F., de Conca, S., Gruschka, N., Jensen, M., Schiering, I. (eds) Privacy and Identity Management. Sharing in a Digital World. Privacy and Identity 2023. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 695. Springer, Cham.
Fischer-Hübner, S., and Karegar, F. (2024). The Curious Case of Usable Privacy. In the book series Synthesis Lectures on Information Security, Privacy, and Trust. Springer, Cham.
Maqbool, B., Karegar, F., and Herold, S. (2024). A Survey on Usability Evaluation in Digital Health and Potential Efficiency Issues. In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - HEALTHINF. SciTePress, pages 63-76. DOI: 10.5220/0012344400003657
- 2023 -
Bäccman, C., Bergkvist, L. & Wästlund, E. (2023) Personalized SMS coaching for behavior change: A mixed-methods design to understand a healthy lifestyle intervention in a naturalistic setting. JMIR Formative Research, Vol. 7:e47312.
Alaqra, A.S., (2023). The Power of Live Anonymous Feedback: there are no stupid questions, only spammy ones. In N. Jakobsson & C. Vikström (Eds.), Bidrag från universitetspedagogisk konferens 2022. Pages 21-38. Karlstad University.
Romare, P., Morel, V., Karegar, F. and Fischer-Hübner, S. (2023). Tapping into Privacy: A Study of User Preferences and Concerns on Trigger-Action Platforms. In 2023 20th Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST). IEEE, pages 1-12. DOI: 10.1109/PST58708.2023.10320180
Magnusson, M. and Wik, M. (2023). "Designing for a Repository of Virtual Crisis Management Tabletop Exercises – Lessons Learned from a Scandinavian R&D Project". Selected Papers of the IRIS, Issue No. 14 (2023). 10.
Khumalo, A.C., and Gharaie, A. (2023). "Implications of Including the Developer in the IS Delegation Framework" (2023). Selected Papers of the IRIS, Issue No. 14 (2023). 9.
Brodén, K., Snyder, K., Soerensen, H., and Zingmark, M. (2023) Determining value in welfare-technology: the need for a multi-perspective framework. International Journal of Health Economics and Policy 8(4): 76-88. doi: 10.11648/j.hep.20230804.11
Brodén, K., Bergkvist, L., Humble, N., Mozelius, P., & Johansson, J. (2023). Redesigning technology-enhanced professional development to facilitate lifelong learning. In: Proceedings of the 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2023), Sevilla, Spain, November 13-15, 2023. doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.
Bergkvist, L., Ahlin, K., Humble, N., Mozelius, P., & Johansson, J. (2023). Redesigning Professional Development on Digital Transformation Using Andragogy as a Theoretical Lens. In: Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2023), Pretoria, South Africa, October 26-27, 2023. Pp. 25-32.
Kitkowska, A., Karegar, F., & Wästlund, E. (2023) Share or Protect: Understanding the Interplay of Trust, Privacy Concerns, and Data Sharing Purposes in Health and Well-Being Apps. CHItaly '23: Proceedings of the 15th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, September 2023. Article 15
Bergkvist, L. & Magnusson, M. (2023). Digital Transformation Models: A Literature Review from an Agile Perspective. In proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Digital Transformation, Växjö, Linneaus University, Sweden, August 21-23, 2023. Published extended abstract/work in progress in LnuOpen:
Gustavsson, T. (2023) The Impact of Agile Coordination Practices on Conditions for Successful Coordination. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management. Vol. 16, No. 3, 347-367.
Alaqra, A.S., Fischer-Hübner, S., Karegar, F. (2023) Transparency of Privacy Risks Using PIA Visualizations. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2023 Jul 9 (pp. 3-17). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Alaqra, A.S., Karegar, F., Fischer-Hübner, S. (2023) Structural and functional explanations for informing lay and expert users: the case of functional encryption. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies. 2023;4:359-80.
Alaqra, A.S. & Khumalo, A.C. (2023) Handling Public’s Well-being during the COVID-19 Crisis: An Empirical Study with Municipalities’ Representatives in Sweden. JMIR Form Res. 2023 May 12;7:e40669. doi: 10.2196/40669. PMID: 37053098; PMCID: PMC10185336.
Barry, Ph. and Kane, B. (2023) Global Virtual Team Working during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Interacting with Computers, iwad029,
Kitkowska, A., Alaqra, A. S., & Wästlund, E. (2023) Lockdown Locomotion: The Fast-Forwarding Effects of Technology Use on Digital Well-being due to COVID-19 Restrictions. Behaviour & Information Technology, online. DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2023.2203268
- 2022 -
Muhammad Humayoun and Naheed Akhtar (2022) CORPURES: Benchmark Corpus for Urdu Extractive Summaries and Experiments using Supervised Learning. Intelligent Systems with Applications, Volume 16, November 2022, 200129. [Online]
Pettersson, J.S., Olsson, G., Andersson, H. (2022) Usability Testing of Interactive Systems Conducted by University Students During a Pandemic. Proceedings of the 2022 AIS SIGED International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research. Article 10.
Wik, M. (2022) Introducing a Socio-Technical Perspective on Digital Competence Education Through Co-design. Selected Papers of the IRIS, Issue 13, pp. 3-17.
Lindskog, K. (2022) Tensions experienced and balancing strategies used in Agile Software Development environments. (Diss.) Karlstad University Studies, ISSN 1403-8099, 2022:27.
Ahmad, M. O. and Gustavsson, T. (2022) The Pandora's box of social, process, and people debts in software engineering. Software: Evolution and Process early online version. e2516
Gustavsson, T., Berntzen, M. and Stray, V. (2022) Changes to team autonomy in large-scale software development: a multiple case study of Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) implementations, International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management: Vol. 10: No. 1, Article 3.
Gustas, R. and Gustiené, P. (2022). Holistic Approach for Representation of Interacion Scenarios in Semantically Integrated Conceptual Modelling. Proc. of 28th International conference on Information and Software Technologies, ICIST 2022, eds. Lopata et al, pp. 183-196. Springer.
Pettersson, J.S., Olsson, G., Andersson, H. (2022) Att utvärdera interaktiva system med användare under en pandemi: Handledning i fara när studenter möter testdeltagare på distans? I antologi N. Jakobsson och C. Vikström (eds.), Bidrag från universitetspedagogisk konferens 2021. Sid 129-146. Karlstad University. urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-91760
Bellström, P., Vestin, A., Sjöberg, P. (2022) Distribuerad och synkron laborationshandledning i Zoom. I antologi N. Jakobsson och C. Vikström (eds.), Bidrag från universitetspedagogisk konferens 2021. Sid 29-46. Karlstad University. urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-91760
Crusoe, J., Ahlin, K. (2022). Publishers Working with Open Government Data: A Work Framework. eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government 14(1): 19-49.
Lindskog, C. (2022). Tensions and ambidexterity: a case study of an agile project at a government agency. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, 10(2), 5-23. doi:
Karegar, F., Alaqra, A.S., Fischer-Hübner, S. (2022). Exploring User-Suitable metaphors for differentially private data analyses. In Eighteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2022), Boston, MA, August 2022. USENIX Association.
Darbey, I. and Kane, B. (2022). Analysing Out-patient Demand and Forecasting Theatre Requirements in a Teaching Hospital. In 2022 IEEE 35th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), July 2022 (pp. 240-245). IEEE.
Wik, M., Bergkvist, L. (2022). Exploring Mobile Co-design in the Context of Use: Continuous Elicitation and Evaluation of Design Suggestions. In: Kurosu, M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Theoretical Approaches and Design Methods. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13302, pp. 324-342. Springer, Cham.
Alaqra, A.S., Khumalo, A.C. (2022). Swedish Recreational Businesses Coping with COVID-19 Using Technologies. In: Stephanidis, C., Antona, M., Ntoa, S. (eds) HCI International 2022 Posters. HCII 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1582, pp. 349–357. Springer, Cham.
Pettersson, J.S. (2022). Key Concepts for Effective Use of Digitally Supported Table-Top Crisis Management Exercises. In N.Matta, H. Purohit, H. Karray, A. DI Nicola, & L. Elmhadi (Eds.), ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Tarbes, France: Enit. Pp. 864-875.
Sibomana, L., Skandrani, S., Pettersson, J.S. (eds. 2022) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on M4D Mobile Communication Technology for Development: M4D 2022, 28-29 April, Kigali, Rwanda. Karlstad University Studies 2022:11. (Full text.)
Khumalo, A.C., and B.T. Kane. (2022). Perspectives on record-keeping practices in MDT meetings and meeting record utility. International Journal of Medical Informatics 161:104711.
Hägglund, M., Cajander, Å., Rexhepi, H., & Kane, B. (2022). Personalized Digital Health and Patient-Centric Services. Editorial note to the special issue on personalized digital health and patient-centric serices. Frontiers in Computer Science, 4.
- 2021 -
Bellström, P., Sjöberg, P. Utmaningar och lösningar med att genomföra en planerad on-campus-kurs off-campus. Erfarenheter från att våren 2020 genomfört programmeringskursen JavaScript för webbutveckling.. I antologi N. Jakobsson och C. Vikström (eds.), Bidrag från universitetspedagogisk konferens 2020. Karlstad University.
Gebka, E, Crusoe, J and Ahlin, K. (2021). Methods to Capture User Information Needs: Design Principles for Open Data Intermediaries and Data Providers. Data Science Journal, 20: 37, pp. 1–19. DOI:
Magnusson, M., Persson, E., Pettersson, J.S., Bellström, P., Venemyr, G.O., Tallak Bakken, B., Pettersson, A., Hindersson, E. (2021) Digitalisering av krisövning: Erfarenheter från CriseIT-projekten. Rapport, 128 sidor. Karlstad: Karlstads universitet.
Cheng, C., Humphreys, H. and Kane, B. (2021). Transition to telehealth. Engaging medical students in telemedicine healthcare delivery. Irish Journal of Medical Science 190, pp.1-18.
Williams, K., Kane, B., Clarke, C. and Widdicks, K. (2021). The environmental impact of research communities: insights from conference sustainability chairs. XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students, 27(4), pp.46-51.
Alaqra, A.S., Kane, B. and Fischer-Hübner, S. (2021). Machine Learning–Based Analysis of Encrypted Medical Data in the Cloud: Qualitative Study of Expert Stakeholders’ Perspectives. JMIR Human Factors, 8(3):e21810.
Svensson, A., Bergkvist, L., Bäccman, C., & Durst, S. (2021). Challenges in implementing digital assistive technology in municipal healthcare. In P. Ekman, P. Dahlin, & C. Keller (Eds). Management and Information Technology after Digital Transformation. (Chapter 9). Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology. Routledge.
Bergkvist, L., & Wik, M. (2021). Co-design av smartphoneapplikation i användningsmiljö : en studie inom ramen för projektet DigitalWell Research och innovationscaset Att hitta rätt. Hämtad från Karlstads universitet website:
Lindskog, C., Netz, J. (2021) Balancing between stability and change in Agile teams. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business.
Gustavsson, T. (2021) Team performance in large-scale Agile software development. Presented at ISD 2021, Valencia, 8-10 September 2021. *Best Paper Award*
Pettersson, J.S., Venemyr, G.O. (2021) Engage the engaged to continue crisis training and other lessons learned from two demonstration exercises with LMS. In E. Insfran et al. (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Crossing Boundaries between Development and Operations (DevOps) in Information Systems (ISD2021 Proceedings). Valencia, Spain: Universitat Politècnica de València.
Fredriksson, O. (2021) Electronic Business: Implementation and Effects. Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., in Business Administration. Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm. Link to “Part I: Dissertation Overview and Synthesis”.
Eilu, E., Baguma, R., Pettersson, J.S., Bhutkar, G.D. (Eds.) Digital Literacy and Socio-Cultural Acceptance of ICT in Developing Countries. Springer.
Alaqra, S.A., Kitkowska, A. (2021). Impact of Intrinsic Factors and COVID-19 Pandemic on the Use of Technology. CHI’21 Extended Abstracts, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan. ACM.
Cronin, S., Kane, B., Doherty, G. (2021) A Qualitative Analysis of the Needs and Experiences of Hospital-based Clinicians when Accessing Medical Imaging. J. of Digital Imaging (publ. 8 APril 2021).
Lindskog, C., Magnusson, M. (2021) Ambidexterity in Agile Software Development A Conceptual Paper. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, Vol.8(1): 16-43.
Daniel Lindegren, Farzaneh Karegar, Bridget Kane, and J.S. Pettersson. (2021) An evaluation of three designs to engage users when providing their consent on smartphones. Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 40, No. 4, 398–414. e-publ 2019
- 2020 -
Gustavsson, Tomas (2020) Inter-team Coordination in Large-Scale Agile Software Development Projects. Doctoral thesis. Karlstad University Studies 2020:30.
Christiansson, M.-T. (2020) Effektiv verksamhetsutveckling – metoder för processorientering i praktiken, Studentlitteratur.
Christiansson, M.-T. (2020). Från 22 till 44 kursdeltagare. Erfarenheter av att skala upp en samproduktion mellan utbildning, forskning och yrkesliv. In N. Jakobsson och C. Vikström (eds.), Kursdesign i Canvas. Bidrag från universitetspedagogisk konferens 2019. Sid. 43-63. urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-80610
Bellström, P., Persson, E., Magnusson, M., Pettersson, J.S., Wik, M., Venemyr, G.O. och Hindersson, E. (2020). Canvas som plattform för digitala krisövningar. Några första resultat från en demonstrationsövning. In N. Jakobsson och C. Vikström (eds.), Kursdesign i Canvas. Bidrag från universitetspedagogisk konferens 2019. Sid. 11-42. urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-80610
Bjerkan, J., Kane, B., Uhrenfeldt, L., Veie, M. and Fossum, M., Citizen-Patient Involvement in the Development of mHealth Technology: A Systematic Scoping Review Protocol. JMIR Res Protoc 2020, vol. 9, iss. 8, e16781
Alaqra, S.A., Ciceri, E., Fischer-Hübner, S., Kane, B., Mosconi, M., Vinci, S., (2020). Using PAPAYA for eHealth – Use Case Analysis and Requirements. In 2020 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), pp. 440-445. IEEE.
Alaqra, S.A., Kane, B., (2020). Wearable Devices and Measurement Data: An Empirical Study on eHealth and Sharing. In 2020 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), pp. 446-451. IEEE.
Gustas, R., Gustiené, P. (2020) A Semantically Integrated Conceptual Modelling Method for Business Process Reengineering. In Zimmermann, A, Schmidt, R and Jain L.C (Eds). Architecting the Digital Transformation. Digital Business, Technology, Decision Support, Management. Book series: “Intelligent Systems Reference Library”, vol. 188, Springer-Verlag, Cham. Pp. 163-177
Wik, M., Khumalo, A. (2020) Wizardry in Distributed Participatory Design. From design to implementation. Presented at HCII 2020. M. Kurosu (Ed.): HCII 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 12181, Springer. Pp. 172–186.
Pettersson J.S. (2020) The Utility of Digitally Supported Manual Interactive Mockups. In: Stephanidis C., Antona M. (eds.) HCI International 2020 - Posters. HCII 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, CCIS vol 1224. Springer, Cham. Pp. 76-84.
Bäccman, C., Bergkvist, L., Kristensson, P. (2020) Elderly and care personnel's user experiences of a robotic shower. Journal of Enabling Technologies, Vol. 14(1), pp. 1-13. (Open Access)
Gustavsson, T. (2020) Visualizing inter-team coordination. In Proceedings of EASE 2020: Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (pp. 306-311). ACM.
Karegar, F., Pettersson, J.S., Fischer-Hübner, S. (2020) The Dilemma of User Engagement in Privacy Notices: Effects of Interaction Modes and Habituation on User Attention. ACM Transaction on Privacy and Security (TOPS), Vol. 23(1), Article 5, pp. 1-38. (Open Access)
Alaqra, A.S. (2020) Tinkering the Wicked Problem of Privacy: Design Challenges and Opportunities for Crypto-based Services. Doctoral thesis in Computer Science. Karlstad: Karlstad University Studies, ISSN 1403-8099; 2020:5.
- 2019 -
Framner, E., Fischer-Hübner, S., Lorünser, T., Alaqra, A.S., Pettersson, J.S. (2019) Making secret-sharing-based cloud storage usable. Information & Computer Security Vol. 27 No. 5, pp. 647-667. (Open Access).
Pettersson, J.S. (2019) A conceptual win-win struggle between swiftness and formal constraints. In Encoding Metaliguistic Awareness (eds. E. Cancik-Kirschbaum, J.C. Johnson). Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient, Band 29, pp. 177-194.
Kane, B., Su, J., & Luz, S. (2019). Potential Applications of Machine Learning at Multidisciplinary Medical Team Meetings. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.00914.
Gustiené, P., Gustas, R. (2019) Modelling Patterns for Business Processes. Presented at ICIST 2019, in Vilnius October 10-12. Published in: Damaševičius R., Vasiljevienė G. (eds) Information and Software Technologies. ICIST 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1078, pp. 161-172. Springer, Cham.
Wik, M., Pettersson, J.S. (2019) Lack of multimedia tools in intervention support for running systems. Int. J. of Web Science, Vol. 3(2): 148-173.
Thomas, S., Foley, C., Kane, B., Johnston, B. M., Lynch, B., Smith, S., Healy, O., Droog, E. & Browne, J. (2019) Variation in resource allocation in urgent and emergency Care Systems in Ireland. BMC Health Services Research, 19, article 657, 18pp.
Magnusson, M., Venemyr, G.O., Bellström, P., Bakken, B. (2019) Digitalizing Crisis Management Training. Presented at EGOV-CeDEM-ePart San Benedetto Del Tronto, September 2-4, 2019. In: Panagiotopoulos P. et al. (eds) Electronic Participation. ePart 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11686. Springer, Cham. Pp. 102-113.
Bellström, P., Persson, E., Magnusson, M. (2019) Elaborating requirements for a digital crisis training tool: Findings from a pilot study. Presented at ISD 2019, Tolon, France, August 28-30. 28th International Conference on Information Systems Development. Will be available in: Information Systems Development: Designing Digitalization (ISD2019 Proceedings), electronically published by the AIS.
Gustavsson, T., Bergkvist, L. (2019) Perceived impacts of using the Scaled Agile Framework for large-scale agile software development. In A. Siarheyeva, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Information Systems Beyond 2020, ISD2019 Proceedings. ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée.
Gustavsson, T. (2019) Changes over time in a planned inter-team coordination routine. In R. Hoda (Ed.), Lecture notes in business information processing: Vol. 364. Agile processes in software engineering and extreme programming - workshops (pp. 105-111). Springer.
Gustavsson, T. (2019) Dynamics of inter-team coordination routines in largescale agile software development. In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS (pp. 1-15). Stockholm University; Uppsala University.
Gustavsson, T. (2019) Voices from the teams - impacts on autonomy in largescale agile software development settings. In R. Hoda (Ed.), Lecture notes in business information processing: Vol. 364. Agile processes in software engineering and extreme programming – workshops (pp. 29-36). Springer.
Magnusson, M., Pettersson, J.S., Bellström, P., Andersson, H. (in press) Developing crisis training software for local governments - From user needs to generic requirements. Lect.Notes Information Syst. and Organisation, Vol. 34, : Advances in Information Systems Development, 978-3-030-22992-4
Gustavsson, T. (2019) Agile Project Management. Sanoma Utbildning.
Gustavsson, T., Gorling, S. (2019) Att arbeta med systemutveckling. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
Christiansson, M.-T., Rentzhog, O. (Accepted) Lessons from the ‘BPO Journey’ in a Public Housing Company: Towards a Strategy for BPO. Business Process Management Journal.
Hamm, P., Krenn, S., Pettersson, J.S. (2019) Secure and privacy-preserving identity and access management in CREDENTIAL. Chapter 13 in Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - the European Research Landscape, eds. J.B. Bernabe & A. Skarmeta. Delft: River Publishers. Pp. 271-284.
Bergkvist, L., Karlsson, J. (2019) Bridging the Gap - From Great Ideas to Realized Innovations. In: Service Innovation for Sustainable Business: Stimulating, Realizing and Capturing the Value from Service Innovation / eds. Kristensson, P., Magnusson, P.R., Witell, L. World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, pp. 225-252.
Eilu E., Pettersson J.S. (2019) Mobile Social Media for Preventing the Ebola Virus Disease Spread in Liberia and Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis. In: Paiva S. (eds) Mobile Solutions and Their Usefulness in Everyday Life. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer, Cham, pp. 173-188.
Bäccman, C., Bergkvist, L. (2019) Welfare technology and user experience: A study of seniors' expectations on and first impressions of a robotic shower. In: Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 4297-4306). Honolulu: University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Marie-Therese Christiansson (2019) Samproduktion av kunskap mellan utbildning, forskning och yrkesliv, In: Pedagogiska utvecklingsprojekt vid Karlstads universitet: Bidrag från universitetspedagogisk konferens 2017-2019 / [ed] Mikael Svanberg & Carina Vikström, Karlstad: Karlstads universitet, 2019, s. 57-76
Stefan Wagner, Daniel Méndez Fernández, Michael Felderer, Antonio Vetrò, Marcos Kalinowski, Roel Wieringa, Dietmar Pfahl, Tayana Conte, Marie-Therese Christiansson, Desmond Greer, Casper Lassenius, Tomi Männistö, Maleknaz Nayebi, Markku Oivo, Birgit Penzenstadler, Rafael Prikladnicki, Guenther Ruhe, André Schekelmann, Sagar Sen, Rodrigo Spínola, Ahmed Tuzcu, Jose Luis De La Vara, Dietmar Winkler (2019) Status quo in requirements engineering - A theory and a global family of surveys In: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, ISSN 1049-331X, E-ISSN 1557-7392, Vol. 28, nr 2, s. 1-48, artikel-id 9
- 2018 -
GAHAN, J. A. & KANE, B. Determining User requirements for an Audiology Information System. 31st International Symposium on IEEE Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), June 18 - 21 2018 Karlstad, Sweden. IEEE, 268- 273
Gustiené, P. (2018). Visualization for Open Access – A Case Study of Karlstad University and the University of Makerere in Uganda. In G. Vasiljeviené and R. Damasevicius (Eds), Information and Software Technologies. Proceedings of the 24st International Conference, ICIST 2018, CCIS Vol. 920, p.187 ff. Springer Nature, Switzerland 2018.
Baguma, R., Pettersson, J.S., editors (2018) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on M4D Mobile Communication Technology for Development: M4D 2018, 15-16 November 2018, Kampala, Uganda. Karlstad University Studies 2018:47. urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-69759
Bellström, P., Pettersson, J.S. (2018) Page Owner Comments on Page User Posts. A Pilot Study of Three Swedish Municipalities. In: EGOV-CeDEM-ePART 2018 Proceedings, eds. Virkar, S., Parycek, P., Edelmann, N., Glassey, O., Janssen, M., Scholl, H J., Tambouris, E. Pp. 81-89.
Christiansson, B. USING CODE REVIEWS TO MEASURE LEARNING OUTCOMES IN SOFTWARE ENGINERING: Adding application to the mix. In: Studentaktiva lärande- och examinationsformer: Bidrag från universitetspedagogisk konferens 2017, p.49-64
Karegar, F., Pettersson, J.S., Fischer-Huebner, S. (2018) Fingerprint Recognition on Mobile Devices: Widely Deployed, Rarely Understood. In: ARES 2018: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, Hamburg 27-30 August, 2018. ACM, New York, 9 pages.
Magnusson, M., Pettersson, J.S., Bellström, P., Andersson, H. (2018) Developing crisis training software for local governments: from user needs to generic requirements. ISD 2018, Lund 22-24 August. In: Information Systems Development: Designing Digitalization (ISD2018 Proceedings), ed. B. Andersson, B. Johansson, S. Carlsson, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider.
Gustavsson, T. (2018) Practices for vertical and horizontal coordination in the Scaled Agile Framework. ISD 2018, Lund 22-24 August. In: Information Systems Development: Designing Digitalization (ISD2018 Proceedings), ed. B. Andersson, B. Johansson, S. Carlsson, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider.
Länger, T., Alaqra, A., Fischer-Hübner, S., Framner, E., Pettersson, J.S., Riemer, K. (2018) HCI patterns for cryptographically equipped cloud services. In: Human-Computer Interaction. Theories, Methods, and Human Issues: HCI 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 10901, ed. Kuroso, M, Springer. Pp. 567-586.
Thorsteinsdottir, G. & Kane, B. (2018) Health information seeking among young adults in Sweden. IEEE 31st International Symposium on Compuer-Based Medical Systems, CBMS 2018, Karlstad, June 18-21. Pp. 262-267.
Magnusson, M., Nyberg, L., Wik, M. (2018), Information Systems for Disaster Management Training: Investigating User Needs with a Design Science Research Approach. Presented at ISCRAM 2018, 15th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, May 20-23, 2018, Rochester, NY. Pp. 841-850.
Pettersson J.S., Wik M., Andersson H. (2018) GUI Interaction Interviews in the Evolving Map of Design Research. In: Paspallis N., Raspopoulos M., Barry C., Lang M., Linger H., Schneider C. (eds) Advances in Information Systems Development. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, vol 26. Springer, Cham. Pp.149-167
Karegar F., Lindegren D., Pettersson J.S., Fischer-Hübner S. (2018) User Evaluations of an App Interface for Cloud-Based Identity Management. In: Paspallis N., Raspopoulos M., Barry C., Lang M., Linger H., Schneider C. (eds) Advances in Information Systems Development. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, vol 26. Springer, Cham. Pp. 205-223
- 2017 -
KANE, B. & PIERCE, B. F. Multidisciplinary Teamwork and the Pathology Diagnosis: Improving Internal Quality Assurance? Diagnostic Error in Medicine 9th International Conference, October 8 - 10 2017 2017 Boston, Mass. USA. Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine.
GRÜNLOH, C., HALLEWELL HASLWANTER, J. D., KANE, B., LEE, E., LIND, T., MOLL, J., REXHEPI, H. & SCANDURRA, I. Using Critical Incidents to Reflect on eHealth Services: A Novel Workshop Format. Interact, September 25 - 29 2017 Mumbai, India. UNESCO International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). Pp. 364-373.
Wik, M., Nyberg, L., Magnusson, M. (2017). Behov av datorbaserade metoder och verktyg för krisövning. Intervjustudie i Inre Skandinavien. Working paper September 2017. Depts. of Information Systems and Risk- and environmental studies. urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-54911
Christiansson & Van Looy. (2017). "Elements for Tailoring a BPM Maturity Model to Simplify its Use". BPM Forum sub-track of the BPM Conference. Barcelona 2017.
Casap, L., Pettersson, J.S. (2017). The E-governance Development in Educational Sector of Republic of Moldova. In: Electronic Government: 16th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 4-7, 2017, Proceedings / [ed] Marijn Janssen, Karin Axelsson, Olivier Glassey, Bram Klievink, Robert Krimmer, Ida Lindgren, Peter Parycek, Hans J. Scholl, Dmitrii Trutnev, Springer, 2017, p. 177-186. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-64677-0
Bellström, P. (2017). What do page users ask about? A content analysis of page user posts on a local government Facebook page. ISD 2017, Larnaca 6-8 September.
Pettersson, J.S., Wik, M., Andersson, H. (2017). Wizards of Oz in the Evolving Map of Design Research – Trying to Frame GUI Interaction Interviews. ISD 2017, Larnaca 6-8 September.
Karegar, F., Lindegren, D., Pettersson, J.S., Fischer-Huebner, S. (2017). Assessments of a Cloud-Based Data Wallet for Personal Identity Management. ISD 2017, Larnaca 6-8 September. "Best Paper Award".
Karegar, F., Pettersson, J.S (eds. 2017). UI Prototypes v1. CREDENTIAL Deliverable D3.1.
Kostopoulos, A., Sfakianakis, E., Chochliouros, I., Pettersson, J. S., Krenn, S., Tesfay, W., Migliavacca, A., Hörandner, F. (2017) Towards the Adoption of Secure Cloud Identity Services. ARES '17 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2017, Article 90.
Gustavsson, T. (2017) Assigned roles for inter-team coordination in large-scale agile development: A literature review. In XP '17 Workshops: Proceedings of the Scientific Workshops of XP2017 (Article 15).
Gustas, R., Gustiene P. (2017). Principles of Semantically Integrated Conceptual Modelling Method. Business Modeling and Software Design, Revised Selected Papers, Springer, pp. 1-26.
- 2016 -
Méndez Fernández, D., Christiansson, M-T., & Wieringa, R. (2016). Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering: Contemporary Problems, Causes, and Effects in Practice. Journal of Empirical Software Engineering, 1-41.
Bellström, P., Magnusson, M., Pettersson, J.S. and Thorén, C. (2016), “Facebook Usage in a Local Government – A Content Analysis of Page Owner Posts and User Posts”, Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy. Vol. 10, no 4, p. 548-567.
Magnusson, M.(2016) Facebook Usage During a Flood–a Content Analysis of Two Local Governments’ Facebook Pages. Paper presented at ACIS2016-The 27th Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 5-7 December 2016, Wollongong.
Alaqra, A., Fischer-Hübner, S., Pettersson, J.S., Wästlund, E. (2016) Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Malleable Signatures in a Cloud-based eHealth Scenario. Presented at HAISA 2016, Frankfurt Germany, 19th - 21st July 2016.Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance, 2016. Springer.
Gustavsson, T. (2016). Benefits of agile project management in a non-software development context: A literature review. In Fifth International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic Countries (pp. 114-124). University of Latvia.
Pius, Alphonsa, & Kane, Bridget. (2016, June 20 - 24). Development of Minimum Dataset (MDS) for Postnatal Discharge Summaries (PDS). Paper presented at the 29th IEEE Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems (CBMS), Dublin and Belfast.
Vinu, Molly, & Kane, Bridget. (2016, June 20 - 24). The Use of a Digital Structured Format for Nursing Shift Handover to Improve Communication. Paper presented at the 29th IEEE Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems (CBMS), Dublin and Belfast.
Jones, Stephen, Keane, Ann, Stawiarski, Artur, Fatus, Remi, & Kane, Bridget. (2016, June 20 - 24). The Impact of Application System Messages on the Usability of Healthcare Software Applications. Paper presented at the 29th IEEE Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems (CBMS), Dublin and Belfast.
Asmussen, L, Andersson Nyrén, M, & Kane, B. (2016). The experience of healthcare workers following the implementation of an IT-System in a home for the aged. Paper presented at the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland - Student Symposium in Health Informatics, Dublin.
Andersson Nyrén, M, Hansell, B, Emilsson, H., Asmussen, L, & Kane, B. (2016). The development of an application for patients to communicate location and intensity of their pain. Paper presented at the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland - Student Symposium in Health Informatics, Dublin.
Nim, Rasmus, & Kane, Bridget.. (2016). Developing Auditory Feedback Support for High Performance Athletes. Paper presented at the Student Interaction Design Research Conference SIDeR, Malmö, Sweden
Luz, Saturnino, & Kane, Bridget. (2016). Perspectives on Intelligent Systems Support for Multidisciplinary Medical Teams. Paper presented at the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Spring Symposium, Palo Alto.
Andersson, Henrik. (2016).The Asynchronous Question - To Practice Collaboration without Direct Interaction. Paper presented at the Student Interaction Design Research Conference SIDeR, Malmö, Sweden.
Gustas, R., Gustiene P. (2016). Interactions, Transitions and Inference Rules in Semantically Integrated Conceptual Modelling. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, Rhodes, Greece, 20-22 June, pp. 11-21. "Best Paper Award".
- 2015 -
Pettersson, J.S., Wik, M. (2015). The longevity of general purpose Wizard-of-Oz tools. OzCHI'15: Proceedings of the 27th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. ACM. Pp. 422-426.
Gustiené, P., Magnusson, M. (2015). Best practices for e-learning in on campus and distance education - a case study of Karlstad University. In G. Dregvaite and R. Damasevicius (Eds), Proceedings of the 21st International Conference Information and Software Technologies, ICIST 2015, CCIS vol. 538, pp. 93-103. Springer International Publication, Switzerland 2015, DOI: 10.10077978-3-319-2477009, ISBN 97-3-319-24769-4
Lindgren, I., Christiansson, M.-T. (2015) Stakeholder analysis in public e-service development: exploring a possible research-practice gap. Paper presented at The 12th Scandinavian Workshop on E-government (SWEG 2015).
Christiansson, M.-T., Axelsson, K., Melin, U. (2015) Inter-organizational Public e-Service Development: Emerging Lessons from an Inside-Out Perspective. In Electronic Government: 14th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 30 - September 2, 2015, Proceedings ed. by Tambouris et al., Springer, 2015, Vol. 9248, 183-196.
Magnusson, M., & Öberg, L. M. (2015). Crisis Training Software and User Needs–Research Directions. In Palen, Büscher, Comes & Hughes (eds.), Proceedings of the ISCRAM 2015 Conference, Kristiansand, May 24-27. ISSN: 2411-3387, ISBN: 978-82-7117-788-1.
Eilu, E., Baguma, R., Pettersson, J.S. (2015) M-voting in developing countries: Findings from Uganda. In Commonwealth Governance Handbook 2014/15. Democracy, development and public administration. Published by Nexus Strategic Partnerships for the Commonwealth Secretariat. Pp. 25-28.
Angulo, J. (2015) Designing for Usable Privacy and Transparency in Digital Transactions. Dissertation. Karlstad: Karlstad university Studies 2015: 30. urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-35921
Angulo, J., Ortlieb, M. (2015) “WTH..!?!” Experiences, reactions, and expectations related to online privacy panic situations. In Proceedings of the Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS ’15). Ottawa, ON, Canada. July, 2015. USENIX and ACM.
Pettersson, J.S. (2015) A brief evaluation of icons in the first reading of the European Parliament on COM (2012) 0011. In Camenich et al. (Eds.) Privacy and Identity Management for the Future Internet in the Age of Globalisation. Springer International Publishing AG Switzerland, pp. 125-135.
Angulo, J. (2015) Usable transparency through network representations and analyses. Position paper at "The Future of Networked Privacy: Challenges and Opportunities" workshop at CSCW 2015 The 18th ACM conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing March 14-18, 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
Angulo, J., Fischer-Hübner, S., Pulls, T., Wästlund, E. (2015) Usable Transparency with the Data Track - A tool for visualizing data disclosures. CHI'15 Extended Abstracts, April 18{23, 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea. ACM.
Fischer-Hübner, S., Pettersson, J.S., Angulo, J. (2015) HCI requirements for Transparency and Accountability Tools for Cloud Service Chains. M. Felici and C. Fernández-Gago (Eds.): A4Cloud 2014, LNCS 8937, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 81-113.
Gustas, R., Gustiene P. (2015) Conceptual Modeling Patterns of Business Processes, International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 2015 (accepted).
Bergkvist, L. (2015). Distributed IS Development Projects: Significant Relational-Oriented Conditions. In S. Gao, & L. Rusu (Eds.) Modern Techniques for Successful IT Project Management (pp. 221-244). Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-7473-8.ch011
Gustavsson, T. (2015) Agil Projektledning Övningsbok. Sanoma Utbildning.
- 2014 -
Gustas, R., Gustiene P. (2014) Semantically Integrated Conceptual Modeling Method and Modeling Patterns, Systems and Software Development, Modeling and Analysis: New Perspectives and Methodologies, IGI Global, USA, pp. 1-33.
Gustas, R., Gustiene P. (2014). Three Conceptual Modeling Patternsof Semantically Integrated Method. The 4-th International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology, BUSTECH 2014, IARIA, Venice, pp 19-24.
Pettersson, J.S., Wik, M. (2014) Perspectives on Ozlab in the cloud. A literature review of tools supporting Wizard-of-Oz experimentration, including an historical overview of 1971-2013 and notes on methodological issues and supporting generic tools. Working paper August 2014, Dept. of Information Systems, Karlstad University. urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-33617
Eilu, E., Baguma, R., and Pettersson, J.S. (2014) “Persuasion and Acceptance of Mobile Phones as a Voting Tool in Developing Countries.” In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on M4D Mobile Communication for Development – M4D 2014, General Tracks, Dakar Senegal from April 7-9th 2014. ISSN 1403-8099; 4.
Magnusson, M. (2014), “Information Seeking and Sharing During a Flood – A Content Analysis of a Local Government´s Facebook Page”, in Rospigliosi, A. and Greener, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the European Conference on Social Media, pp. 305-311.
Pettersson, J.S. (2014) A brief evaluation of icons suggested for use in standardised information policies. Referring to the Annex in the first reading of the European Parliament on COM (2012) 0011. Working paper, April 2014. Depts. of Information Systems and Computer Science, Karlstad University. urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-32217
Fischer-Hübner, S. Angulo, J., and Pulls, T. (2014) How can cloud users be supported in deciding on, tracking, and controlling how their data are used? In Privacy and Identity Management for Emerging Services and Technologies. Springer. Pp. 77-92.
Bellström, P. and Kop, C. (2014), “Schema Quality Improving Tasks in the Schema Integration Process”, International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, Vol. 7, No 3&4, pp. 468-481.
Bellström, P. and Kop, C. (2014), ”Towards Quality Driven Schema Integration Process Tasks”, The Sixth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management, ISBN: 978-1-61208-329-2, IARIA XPS Press, pp. 98-104.
Bellström, P. (2014), “A Semi-Automatic Approach for the Integration of Structural Karlstad Enterprise Modeling Schemata”, Advances in the human side of service engineering 2014, Publisher: AHFE Conference, pp. 13-24.
- 2013 -
Angulo, J. and Wästlund, E. 2013. Identity Management through "Profiles": Prototyping an Online Information Segregation Service. In Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Contexts of Use (pp. 10-19). HCI International, Las Vegas, NV, USA. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Angulo, J. 2013. Users as Prosumers of PETs: The Challenge of Involving Users in the Creation of Privacy Enhancing Technologies. In Pańkowska, M., editor, Frameworks of IT Prosumption for Business Development, Chapter 12 (pp. 178-199). IGI Global.
Gustiené P., & Gustas, R. 2013. A Method for Data Minimization in Personal Information Sharing. In Dmitry Mouromstev, Cyril Pchenichniy, Dmitry Ignatov (Eds.) In Proceedings of the MSEPS 2013 (Modeling States, Events, Processes and Conceptual Structures (pp. 33-34). Mumbai, India.
Weber, S. G., & Gustiené, P. 2013. Crafting Requirements for Mobile and Pervasive Emergency Response based on Privacy and Security by Design Principles, International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), Vol. 5 Issue 2, (pp 1-18). New York: IGI Global.
- 2012 -
Angulo, J. and Wästlund, E. 2012. Exploring Touch-Screen Biometrics for User Identification on Smart Phones.In Privacy and Identity Management for Life - Proceedings of the 7th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.4, 11.6 International Summer School, eds. Camenisch, Crispo, Fischer-Hübner, Leenes and Russello, 130 - 143, Springer, Trento, Italy, IFIP AICT 375.
Angulo, J., Fischer-Hübner, S., Pulls, T., and Wästlund, E. 2012. Towards Usable Privacy Policy Display & Management. Information Management & Computer Security, 20(1):4--17.
Wästlund, E., Angulo, J., and Fischer-Hübner, S. 2012. Evoking Comprehensive Mental Models of Anonymous Credentials. Open Problems in Network Security, Camenisch & Kesdogan (eds.), Volume7039, 1-14, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Angulo, J., Wästlund, E., Gullberg, P., Kling, D., Tavemark, D., and Fischer-Hübner, S. 2012. Understanding the user experience of secure mobile online transactions in realistic contexts of use. In Workshop on Usable Privacy & Security for Mobile Devices (U-PriSM), Sonia Chiasson and Jaeyeon Jung, Washington DC, USA, July, Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2012.
Bellström, Peter & Kop, Christian (2012) Towards a Framework for Schema Quality in the Schema Integration Process
Bellström, Peter (2012) Aspects of the Classification Dependency in the Integration of Structural Karlstad Enterprise Modelling Schemata
Christiansson, Benneth Lean Integration Using Open Source Based Infrastructure and an Integration Competency Center Approach 2012. Communications of the IBIMA, ISSN 1943-7765, E-ISSN 1943-7765, Vol. 2012
Gustas, R., Gustiené P. (2012). Conceptual Modeling Method for Separation of Concerns and Integration of Structure and Behavior. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design, Vol. 3, Issue 1, (pp. 49-77).
Gustas, R., & Gustiené P. (2012) A Graphical Method for Conceptual Modelling of Business and Software Scenarios. In H.Fujita & R.Revetria (Eds.) New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques (pp. 238-253). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Magnusson, Monika; Bellström, Peter; and Thoren, Claes, "Facebook usage in government – a case study of information content" (2012). AMCIS 2012 Proceedings. 11.
- 2011 -
Bellström, Peter & Molin Lennart An Explorative Study for Evaluating - A Tool for Learning Programming INTEL-EDU 2011, 2011
Bellström, Peter & Vöhringer Jürgen A Three-Tier Matching Strategy for Predesign Schema Elements Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information, Processing, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW2011) 2011
Johansson, B., and Bergkvist, L., Management of Information Systems Outsourcing: Evaluation of Lessons Learned from a Boundary Spanning Perspective 2011. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation (ECIME 2011), 8-9 September 2011, Como, Italy, 2011
Christiansson, Benneth Key Success Factors for Successful Enterprise Application Integration: Using Lean Integration and Open Source Based Infrastructure 2011. Open Source Journal, ISSN 2042-4434, nr 2, s. 37-42
Marie-Therese Christiansson A Common Process Model to Improve eService Solutions - the Municipality Case. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on e-Government 2011
Monika Magnusson, Marie-Therese Christiansson Using Goal Modelling to Evaluate Goals for eService Development in Government 2011. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation
Gustiené P., & Gustas, R. (2011) Modeling Method for Bridging Pragmatic and Semantic Dimensions of Service Architectures. International Conference on Information Systems, (pp. 257-270). Prague: Springer.
Gustas, R., & Gustiené P. (2011) A Method for Conceptual Modeling of Semantically Integrated Use-case Scenarios. IFIP Conference on e-business, e.service and e-society, (pp. 138-142). Kaunas: Springer.
Claes Thorén The political economy of news value and the commodification of the general intellect 2011. Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) Conference 2011
Gudrun Wicander Mobile supported e-government systems : analysis of the education management information system (EMIS) in Tanzania. (Dissertation)Karlstad University Studies 2011:49.
Bergkvist, L. (2011). Conditions Influencing Client − IS Supplier Interactions During IS Outsourcing. In J. Pokorny, V. Repa, K. Richta, W. Wojtkowski, H. Linger, C. Barry & M. Lang (Eds.), Information Systems Development. Business Systems and Services: Modeling and Development (pp. 125-136): Springer
<Bergkvist, L., & Johansson, B. (2011). “Management of Information Systems Outsourcing: Challenges and Lessons Learned”, in: Proceedings of the 17th Americas Conference in Information Systems (AMCIS 2011), Detroit, Michigan, August 4-7, Paper 321. (Best Paper Nominee)<