History in short
There wasn't always a university in Karlstad. Fact is, we became a university in 1999. But there is a long tradition of higher education in Karlstad. There's been teacher education here since 1843, and it goes on to this day. Here are some milestones from our university's rich history.

1843 Teacher education
1907 Nursing Education
1967 University Branch
1974 Common building for the branch and teacher training
1977 University college
1987 The Karlstad model
1989 The development program " University of Karlstad "
1993 Master's degree in 13 subjects
1995 Own professors
1997 Solid research resources
1998 Healt college are integrated in the university college
1999 Karlstad University is formed
2000 The right to award civil engineers
2002 The Ingesund School of Music gets integrated in Karlstad University
2009 Karlstad Business School is formed
2009 Karlstad University 10 years
2011 The right to award economists
2015 The right to award psychologists
2015 The right to award musicians
2017 The right to award law degree
2024 Karlstad University 25 years