Report series
UPE will continuously publish reports in the field of teaching and learning where teachers and staff share experiences from development work regarding teaching and examination.

The series of reports are titled Utveckling av undervisning och examination i högre utbildning (Development of teaching and assessment in higher education).The reports will be used as course literature within the unit so that the content of courses and workshops can be built upon previous experiences. The reports can also function as the basis for research related to teaching and supervision in higher education. The reports are published as full text in DiVA.
Publications of development or research projects that are part of the university-wide series of reports can be counted as teaching qualifications when applying for promotion or for being appointed recognised or distinguished university teacher at Karlstad University.
You will find links to all published reports in the right column.
Our publications
2022: Redefining Learning Spaces
Contributions from the unit's conference on teaching and examination 2021
2021:1 Teaching and Learning from both the digital as well as the physical environment
Contributions from the unit's conference on teaching and examination 2020
2020: 1 Course Design in Canvas
Here, five development projects are presented from the unit's conference on teaching and examination 2019.
2019: 1 Pedagogical development projects at Karlstad University.
Here, five development projects in teaching and examination are presented. The contributions have been presented at the university pedagogical conference between the years 2017-2019.
If you want to publish a text or have suggestions for themes in future issues, contact UPE: