
  • 2024-05-24

    Cybersecurity researcher have developed new protection against AI analysis

    Researcher Tobias Pulls from the Department of Computer Science at Karlstad University, together with the Gothenburg-based company Mullvad VPN, has developed a new protection named DAITA ("Defense against AI-guided Traffic Analysis").

    The protection against the rapid AI development in traffic analysis is available in Mullvad's VPN app on various platforms throughout the year, which has over a million downloads worldwide.

  • 2024-05-15

    Researchers are testing SpaceX's Starlink.

    Within the Drive project in computer science, the new satellite-based internet service Starlink is currently being tested.

    Starlink, developed by Elon Musk's SpaceX, offers reliable internet connectivity in areas with limited infrastructure. There are some uncertainties about how this works technically, which is something that researchers in computer science want to further investigate:

  • 2024-05-06

    Unlocking usable privacy - new Book offers a blueprint for navigating user-centric privacy

    Farzaneh Karegar, lecturer in informatics, together with Simone Fischer-Hübner, professor in computer science, you have written the book The curious case of usable privacy: Challenges, Solutions, and Prospects.

    Farzaneh Karegar, tell us what the book is about

  • 2024-04-10

    PhD student from Computer Science won MIT Energy & Climate Hack

    Recently, Amal Nammouchi, a doctoral student in Computer Science, participated in the winning team during AI meets climate: MIT Energy and Climate Hack.

    Hundreds of students from around the world gathered both on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s campus and virtually for the event held in Massachusetts, USA. The hackathon brought together participants from various fields to develop innovative solutions for one of today’s most complex challenges: the global energy and climate crisis.

  • 2024-04-03

    From rare bird to professor

    In House 11, Erik Wästlund is just finishing a Zoom meeting on research funding. He is new as professor of psychology, but a familiar face in the university corridors.
    – I started studying psychology here in 1996, he says.

    – Back in those days it was mostly because I wanted to do something more besides my job working in a bar. But pretty soon my studies became more important than my work. Psychology was not a given choice. I was actually also thinking about applying to the preparatory year, technical and natural science subjects.

  • 2024-03-12

    Karlstads University is now part of the one6G Association

    One6G is a non-profit association with over 100 academic and industry members. Karlstad University can use one6Gs network for establishing strategic collaborations and partnerships with other one6G members.

    – As one6G member, we can propose new or participate to existing joint research topics as part of one6G working groups. This gives the opportunity to collaborate internationally on different research topics in a flexible and research-driven manner, for instance towards joint publications, participate to one6G plenary meetings where research activities are discussed and gain strategic visibility in the 6G research ecosystem.
