Privacy and security in the cloud
2017-07-05Cloud computing is considered as one of the major growth areas in ICT but a problem is the uncertainty when it comes to satisfactory approaches to adequately protect sensitive data. For addressing such challenges, approximately 30 researchers and experts gathered at Karlstad University for three days during 27-29 June for a consortium meeting within the PRISMACLOUD (Privacy and Security Maintaining Services in the Cloud) project.
PRISMACLOUD is a European research collaboration project with the main idea and ambition to enable end-to-end security for cloud users and provide tools to protect their privacy with the best technical means possible. The project brings novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services and make them usable for providers and users.
“During the consortium meeting the project partners presented and demonstrated different use cases developed for secure cloud based services within the areas of e-health, smart cities and e-government. Most of the solutions are tested in real health care and archiving applictaions”, says Simone Fischer Hübner, professor within Computer science at Karlstad University and one of the project partners.
PRISMACLOUD is funded by the EU Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020. The consortium is composed of a balanced team of 6 industrial partners, 2 industrial research centres, 2 institutional research organisations and 6 universities, which are complementary in their expertise and have strong experience in their respective fields, i.e. cryptography, information security and cloud computing. The PRISMACLOUD project partners industry and research cover the complete value chain from theory to practice for maximum impact and exploitation potential.
In addition to researchers from Karlstad University, project partners from Germany, Austria, Italy, Israel, Spain, UK, France and Switzerland attended the meeting.
“We arrange two consortium meetings per year”, says Simone Fischer Hübner. “It has been nice to welcome the project partners to Karlstad and show them the university and our environment. It has been rewarding days with interesting presentations and discussions.”