Mathematics for Engineers II
7.5 ECTS creditsThis is the second compulsary course for the Bachelor of Science in the engineering programmes, GIS-engineers excluded, and contains one-dimensional calculus.
The main mathematical concepts treated in the course are differentiation, extremevalue problems, Taylor´s formula, integration, and ordinary differential equations.
The main mathematical concepts treated in the course are differentiation, extremevalue problems, Taylor´s formula, integration, and ordinary differential equations.
Progressive specialisation:
G1F (has less than 60 credits in first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Undergraduate level
Admission requirements
Mathematics for Engineers I, 7.5 ECTS, or equivalent.
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Mechatronic Engineering (studied during year 1)
- Music and Sound Engineering (studied during year 1)
Course code:
The course is not included in the course offerings for the next period.