
  • 2024-06-12

    New research for more energy-efficient paper manufacturing

    Dewatering during paper manufacturing is a highly energy-intensive process. New research shows how the process can be made more efficient concerning energy consumption.

    – In my research, I have looked at the manufacturing of grease-proof paper, says Björn Öman, an industrial doctoral student in chemical engineering. Grease-proof paper is extremely compact, enough to act as a barrier to fat, grease, and water. The more compact the paper, the more energy is used for dewatering.

    During dewatering, the paper passes through several vacuum suction boxes, normally five to eight boxes. This creates a problem of rewetting, that is, the paper has time to absorb already removed water again, before being transported to the next step.

  • 2024-06-04

    Karlstad University Hosts Major International Mathematics Conference

    After a year of planning, the Equadiff 2024 mathematics conference is fast approaching. Almost 500 mathematicians from around the world are expected to visit Karlstad and the university.

    The conference will take place from June 10-14, featuring participants from countries such as Japan, USA, Brasil and France and will include over 200 talks and lectures. Professor Adrian Muntean, who has led the planning, aims to provide mathematicians from various countries the opportunity to meet, exchange knowledge, and be inspired by each other's research:

  • 2024-05-30

    Sustainable and efficient pellets production

    There is a great interest in sustainable energy production and pellets provide an energy source that is both efficient and renewable. A recently published thesis looks at how pellets can be produced more efficiently through different sawdust mixtures and storage times.

    – In my research, I have looked at how sawdust from different parts of the tree affects the final product and the role of the drying process, says Workson Siwale, who recently completed his PhD in environmental and energy systems. The goal is to produce pellets with more consistent quality, avoid storage losses and at the same time increase knowledge of how different sawdust mixtures affect the end product. 

  • 2024-05-27

    Student at Elite Sports University won gold medal in weightlifting at the European Junior Championships

    Axel Isberg, 19 years old, a student at the Elite Sports University, Karlstad University, recently became the European champion in equipped powerlifting at the Junior European Championships in Luxembourg. This marks the third time he has achieved this feat, having also won gold medals at the European Championships in 2022 and 2021.

    In total, he lifted nearly a ton and set junior records in three events. Congratulations!

    "Thank you, it was fun; it’s just as enjoyable every time. I lifted 390 kg in squat, 220 kg in bench press, and 325 kg in deadlift. In equipped powerlifting, we use a squat suit that supports the body and tightly wraps the knees for additional support. It provides more assistance than classic powerlifting, where I lift 330 kg in squat."

  • 2024-05-22

    Research team tests new circular fertilizer for plants and woodland

    The research project is about testing a new type of forest fertilizer, based on nutrient-rich industrial residues from pulp and paper mills. This closes the circle by making use of residual products and returning nutrients to growing plants and woodland.

    – Our project group includes several companies, universities and organisations, says Maria Sandberg, docent in Environmental and Energy Systems at Karlstad University. She is also the research leader of the collaborative project behind the development of a new type of fertilizer for growing forests, called enriched hydrocoal.

  • 2024-05-17

    One step closer to sustainable hydropower

    Researchers from Karlstad University, University of Gothenburg and Lund University have started a new research project with the aim of making hydropower more environmentally friendly. As climate change affects our watercourses, the researchers are looking for new ways to protect aquatic life and at the same time ensure reliable energy production.

    The project takes on the difficult balancing act between generating hydroelectric power and protecting the environment.