News archive for "Hhk"

... project manager for MECO, Music Ecosystems Inner Scandinavia. You are now half way in the project, can you tell us more about it? "The overall aim of Meco is, based on digitalized user experiences and place experiences, to study, innovate and optimize the music service ecosystems in the Region of Inner Scandinavia.
Alexandre Sukhov is awarded the IMIT scholarship 2020, for his doctoral thesis "The human side of idea screening" and receives SEK 25,000. "I am deeply honoured for the recognition and the acknowledgement of my research by the IMIT foundation. To me, this signals that my doctoral work is relevant and holds good quality, which is really nice to know after doing several years of research.
Karlstad University receives 27 million SEK from the Knowledge Foundation to develop and offer courses to strengthen the competence needs in the Swedish business sector with the purpose of ultimately strengthening Sweden's competitiveness. CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, has for more than 30 years conducted research education with focus on services and value creation.
… within the Research School on Sustainable Societal Transformation since 1 February this year. Why did you decide to do a PhD? “Well, because I’m curious, I want to learn more, develop, and also contribute to developing the knowledge in social work as a field... ...
Tomas Gustavsson, lecturer and doctoral student in Project Management at Karlstad Business School, was elected as a member of the Swedish Project Academy on 20 April. This makes him the second representative of Karlstad Business School next to Lennart Ljung, senior lecturer in Project Management, who is already a member. “It is a great honour and recognition of my research in agile project management”, says Tomas Gustavsson.
Klaas Staal, researcer in Public Economics and Political Economy, has had his article ”State-level Federal Stimulus Funds and Economic Growth: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” published in IAER. What is the main result in your article? - Previous research mainly focused on the beneficial effect of the economic stimulus implemented by the first Obama administration.
Karlstad Business School has qualified for a final review by AACSB, a non-profit organisation that works with quality enhancement and accreditation of business schools around the world. The review will be performed in connection with a site visit late 2020 or early 2021. “I am incredibly proud of the quality development towards accreditation that we have achieved together over the last few years,” says Martin Löfgren, Head of Department at Karlstad Business School.
Businesses and public organizations continuously work on developing new services or products in order to be innovative. One important part in this work is to know how ideas for new services and products are evaluated, since the idea screening determine whether an idea is considered good, and whether it will continue its development as an innovation project.
The Insolvency Law Academy at Karlstad Business School has been appointed as a consultation body by the Justice Department. This means that the Academy will now contribute to shaping the development of future legislation. The Insolvency Law Academy at Karlstad Business School has been appointed as a consultation body by the Justice Department.
The issue of procurement is important in terms of making space for new welfare innovations. In a workshop at Karlstad University, DigitalWell process managers inspired students to procure digital solutions for a healthier working environment. The workshop, a component included in the course Acquisition of Information Systems, was offered to students in the IT Design and Web Developer programmes.
Marie Karlsson Tuula, a Professor of Civil Law at Karlstad University, has been appointed one of the 2020 ambassadors against honour-based violence by the national organisation GAPF (Glöm aldrig Pela och Fadime). The reason is that she has taken an important stand against honour-based violence and is committed to working against it. “It feels amazing and surprising,” says Marie Karlsson Tuula.
Can an app help visitors at the Central Hospital in Karlstad find the way? This is what a new research study will investigate. The study is a breakthrough for research in real-world environment within DigitalWell. The study is a part of DigitalWell Research, a sister project to DigitalWell, and is linked to the case: “Find the way”.
We are happy to welcome Kristin Svärd, new PhD student in Business Administration at Karlstad Business School. Kristin will be placed at CTF, Service Research Center, and she is also part of the Swedish Research School of Management and IT, MIT.
On December 5, researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, received the Lidl Future Initiatives award of 3.8 million SEK to start up a new research project on transformative packaging design.