Activities Fall 2021

Seminar materials are normally distributed via the KuFo and ISLI mailing lists. Anyone not reached by these lists should feel free to contact us – our seminars and other events are open to anyone who is interested!
Tue 21/9, 13.15–15.00, ISLI PhD student seminar. New PhD student Denny Jansson presents preliminary research plans for his dissertation project. Alexander Kofod Jensen gives a presentation placing his research in a societal context.
Fri 24/9, 10.15-12.00, Zoom, PhD defense. Grace Zhu Yuanyuan defends her doctoral thesis on biblical allusions in works by Charles Dickens. Opponent Dominic Rainsford, Professor of Literature in English, Aarhus University.
Thu 30/9, 13.15–16.00, Mock defense. Seminar on Alexander Kofod Jensen's PhD thesis-in-progress. Opponent Markus Huss, German Studies, Stockholm University.
Fri 8/10, 9.15–11.00, Mock defense. Seminar on Sophia Liu Fei PhD thesis-in-progress on teacher motivation. Opponent: Mehmet Sercan Uztosun, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University/Karlstad University.
Thu 12/10, 15.15–17.00, Minerva. KuFo seminar with Nadja Neumann (publiceringsstöd) and Inga-Lill Nilsson (library) on publishing, research resources, and new developments.
Thu 14/10, 9.00–17.00, Minerva. KuFo workshop. Work-in-progress workshop with KuFo researchers. Submit texts to Maria no later than 5/10, noon.
Tue 19/10, 13.15–16.00, Zoom, ISLI PhD student seminar. Double seminar: Judith Kiros presents work from her dissertation project (reader Jakob Olsson, senior readers Anna Linzie & Peter Wikström). Zdravka Katinic presents work from her dissertation project (reader Liliann Byman Frisén, senior readers Christina Olin-Scheller & Kristian Petrov). Chair Nicklas Hållén.
Tue 9/11, 13.15–15.00, 9B330, ISLI PhD student seminar. POSTPONED UNTIL SPRING 2022.
Tue 11/11, 9.00–17.00, Minerva, KuFo workshop. Work-in-progress workshop with KuFo researchers. Submit texts to Maria no later than 2/11, noon.
Thu 18/11, 15.15–17.00, Minerva, KuFo guest seminar: Henrik Christensen will talk on the topic of his dissertation We Call upon the Author: Contemporary Biofiction and Fyodor Dostoevsky (Stockholm University); see the dissertation and more information here.
Wed 24/11, 13.15–16.00, 3C512, ISLI PhD student seminar. Double seminar: Saga Bokne presents work from her dissertation project (reader Zdravka Katinic, senior readers Sofia Wijkmark & Nicklas Hållén). Sebastian Malinowski gives a presentation placing his research in a societal context. Chair Johan Wijkmark.
Thu 25/11, 9.00–17.00, Minerva, KuFo workshop. Work-in-progress workshop with KuFo researchers. Submit texts to Maria no later than 16/11, noon.
Fri-Sat 26-27/11: EVL symposium (En värmländsk litteraturhistoria), lunch–lunch including an open program in Frödingsalen 15.15–17.00 on Friday afternoon and a public event at Värmlands museum on Saturday before lunch. For more information, see the PDF program attached to this page or contact Helene Blomqvist.
- See the PDF program for the celebratory activities in the right-hand column of this page for information about time and place (mobile view: bottom of the page).
Wed–Fri 1-3/12: Specfic 2021: Time and History is the first conference organized by the Swedish Network for Speculative Fiction. The conference takes place in Karlstad on 1–3 December, 2021. Information about the conference can be found here.
Mon 6/12, 15.15–17.00, Fryxell (1B306) and Zoom: Open lecture. Professor Brenda Schmahmann, University of Johannesburg, visiting scholar at KuFo and Intercultural Studies, gives an open lecture with the title "When life hangs by a thread: Representations of Covid-19 by the Mapula Embrodery Project". The lecture is open to the public – all are welcome!
Thu 9/12, 10.15–12.00, KuFo PhD student seminar on internationalization. Seminar for PhD students and early career researchers – but all are welcome – on experiences of and issues relating to internationalization. Topics covered include research stays at University of Glasgow and the British Library, Fulbright scholarships, and participation in an EU-funded project (TRANSPEER).
Fri 10/12, 10.00–17.30, Minerva och Zoom: Intercultural Studies symposium. Photographs in Conversation, a symposium on photography and visual culture. Contact Staffan Löfving for more information.
Tue 14/12, 13.15–15.00, Zoom, ISLI PhD student seminar. Jakob Olsson presents work from his dissertation project (reader Jonas Hoeck, senior readers Anna Swärdh & Erica Sandlund). Chair Sofia Wijkmark – contact Sofia Wijkmark for a link to the Zoom meeting.