Community collaboration for researchers
2021-03-29Sustainable Agenda is a network in the municipalities of Forshaga and Munkfors where companies, associations, public agencies, and Karlstad University collaborate to achieve climate neutrality.
Sustainable Agenda is a vital part of the efforts to reach the goals specified in the Paris Agreement and the global Agenda 2030 goals by reducing greenhouse gas emissions at an annual rate of 16%. Experiences from other networks and research show that collaboration is a key factor in achieving climate neutrality and a sustainable local industry.
Karlstad University, a partner in the project, has helped develop the report “1.5 ◦C Business Playbook”. The report provides concrete tools for the work of reducing the climate impact. Researchers Erik Persson and Avit K Bhowmik at Karlstad University serve in an advisory capacity and help municipalities and companies develop plans to reduce their emissions and take action.
“Sustainability Agenda is a great example of how climate action can be accelerated at a community level, like we found out in our research published last year, says Avit Bhowmik, assistant professor in Risk- and Environmental Studies. Forshaga and Munkfors jointly have a population of about 15,000, which is a sweet spot for deploying climate action with minimal intervention but maximum benefit.”
The municipalities are the coordinator and process leader for the work with Sustainable Agenda and the participants define their own agenda. Two network meetings for large groups are scheduled every year where the groups will conduct follow-ups and evaluation and plan future efforts. Between the meetings, the plan is for the work to take place in focus groups and centre on current issues and themes, such as funds to apply for or information about new energy-efficient solutions.
“The work with Sustainable Agenda is not a project – it is a continuous process in the municipality where company coordinators work with us from Housing and Environment to reduce the impact of climate change”, says Ulrika Thorén, sustainability strategist for the Forshaga and Munkfors municipalities.
Want to know more about the Sustainable Agenda network and the 1.5 ◦C Business Playbook?
Here you can see the movies:
the Sustainable Agenda about Business Playbook
Presentation 1,5 C Business Playbook
Sustainable Agenda - Why do we need to work together to reduce our climate impact?