Educational planning in Ladok
2024-10-03From 5 May, Karlstad University will be using a new system for educational planning. The administration of study programmes will transfer to Ladok and the new system “Kompletterande utbildningsadministration”, KUA (Supplementary educational administration). The project “Utbildningsplanering i Ladok” is underway, spanning 2024 and 2025, with the aim of improving and streamlining the university’s educational administration and making the transition to Ladok as smooth as possible.
The university uses the system ÖKA as a complement to Ladok to manage course planning and information. In 2023, Ladok launched new features for educational planning, and in line with this, the university carried out a pilot study, “Ladok som utbildningsdatabas”, in June -November 2023. The pilot study resulted in the decision to use Ladok’s educational planning features for programme administration. As Ladok does not cover all needs at Kau, the system “Kompletterande utbildningsadministration”, KUA, is also being created.
On 5 May, ÖKA Programme will transfer to Ladok and the new system KUA.
- Prior to the launch, the project will offer training and support to users to ensure a smooth transition, says project leader Therese Eriksson. Until then, users continue to work in ÖKA Programme as usual.
Steering group
The project is led by Therese Eriksson and the project has a steering group consisting of:
- Anne-Christine Larsson Ljung (University Director, Chair)
- Eric Nilsson (Head of the Unit for Education Services, commissioning party)
- Mats Möller (IT Director)
- Sara Hidén (Head of Administration, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
- Caroline Tengberg (Head of Administration, Faculty of Health, Science and Technology)
A reference group with representatives from the Faculty of Health, Science and Technology, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Teacher Education Board supports the project.
Future projects
Following the launch of the project regarding study programmes, a new project for the transition to the use of Ladok for course administration will be initiated. Project time and directives for this are yet to be decided and more information will be posted.
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