High quality on our research on cloud networks
2019-10-17Three scholarly articles written by researchers in Computer Science at Karlstad University have been accepted to IEEE CloudNet, a large international conference on cloud networks in Coimbra, Portugal.
“It is unusual that a research group has three articles included in a conference at this level,”says Andreas Kassler, Professor of Computer Science. “This shows that our research is of high international standard.”
The scholarly publications are all part of the project HITS, High Quality Networked Services in a Mobile World, the purpose of which is to contribute to the development of high quality network services for a mobile world. The research is carried out in close collaboration with partners in the industry.
About the conference contributions
Jonathan Vestin’s article describes a method for monitoring large data center networks, without incurring the high cost that such monitoring has traditionally involved. This is made possible by filtering and aggregating the data in the network before it is presented to the operators, which decreases the amount of data that requires processing. Read the article here.
Cristian Hernandez Benet has developed a method for improving the load balancing of data center networks through distributing data packets across different parallel network paths between servers more efficiently. This way, the information reaches the server faster, which reduces e.g. the response time for cloud hosted applications. Read the article here.
Kyoomars Alizadeh Noghani has developed a mathematical model for studying the reconfiguration overhead of virtual network functions. The model entails different costs related to reconfiguration of virtual network functions and provides insights into the pros and cons of the reconfiguration operation. Using this model, network operators can make better management decisions. Read the article here.
IEEE CloudNet 2019 will take place 4-6 November. Read more about the conference here.