Test environment for 5G, the mobile communication system of the future, is now opened
2021-09-07DigitalWell Arena and Karlstad University have, together with Telia, built a test environment for businesses, entrepreneurs and others who are developing innovative new services.
5G is the fifth generation of mobile communication systems, which enables higher capacity and bandwith, as well as shorter response time and latency. The improvements facilitate the development of services within healthcare, industry and gaming.
Last year, Telia launched the first public 5G network in Karlstad’s city centre. Telia expects to be able offer 5G to more than 90 percent of the Swedish population as soon as 2023
- The purpose of the test environment is to develop and test new innovations and applications before it is possible to do so in the public 5G network, says Stefan Alfredsson, senior lecturer in Computer Science at Karlstad University.
Made by people, for people - with support from modern technology
- The test environment will be used for research and development within industry, commerce and academia, says Josephine Schapiro, project manager at Compare & DigitalWell Arena. We want to be cutting edge and offer a test environment where businesses and entrepreneurs can develop their 5G services for the society of tomorrow.
The 5G-effort in Karlstad will also be a part of Health Innovation of Sweden (HIOS), which is a collaboration between the University and innovation hubs throughout Sweden.
At Karlstad University, units and services for the 5G network will be tested in house Vänern, which in turn is connected to Innovation Hub in Stora Enso’s facilities on Kronoparken in Karlstad.
The test environment contains the latest 5G technology, and it is a part the 5G innovation network that Telia and Ericsson is running at several places throughout Sweden.