In collaboration with eleven partners from six countries, Karlstad University is participating in a new EU project that was recently granted funding as part of the programme Circular Bio-based Europe.
At the BioEco Valley Summit, hosted by Karlstad University, Pro2BE, in collaboration with Paper Province, Region Värmland, and Sting BioEconomy, researchers and industry representatives gathered to discuss the future of the bioeconomy.
The conference Cellulose Workshop, an international workshop focused on cellulose research, has been organised for the eleventh time. The 11th Workshop on Cellulose, Regenerated Cellulose, and Cellulose Derivatives gathered participants from 10 countries to learn about the latest research findings in the field.
– I had the pleasure of organising the 11th Cellulose Workshop at Karlstad University.
Professor of Analytical Chemistry Torgny Fornstedt received the J. F. K. Huber Lecture Award at the International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC 2024) in Liverpool in October. The award was given for ‘highly recognised contributions to the fundamental understanding of adsorption chromatography’.
‘This distinction means a great deal to me, as J. F. K.
Researchers at Karlstad University have started a 3-year project focusing on greener manufacturing and increased recycling of forest-based materials. They already have extensive knowledge about the chemical processes involved in providing product properties that determine the possibility of recycling.
Dewatering during paper manufacturing is a highly energy-intensive process. New research shows how the process can be made more efficient concerning energy consumption.
– In my research, I have looked at the manufacturing of grease-proof paper, says Björn Öman, an industrial doctoral student in chemical engineering. Grease-proof paper is extremely compact, enough to act as a barrier to fat, grease, and water.
The research project is about testing a new type of forest fertilizer, based on nutrient-rich industrial residues from pulp and paper mills. This closes the circle by making use of residual products and returning nutrients to growing plants and woodland.
– Our project group includes several companies, universities and organisations, says Maria Sandberg, docent in Environmental and Energy Systems at Karlstad University.
Salman Raza Naqvi, senior lecturer in chemical engineering, has been awarded a medal by the Government of Pakistan for his research.
– I feel very honored and it was a nice ceremony where I got to receive the award that was presented by the president at a ceremony where many prominent scientists were honored, says Salman Raza Naqvi.
The justification for the Excellencies in Research and Education in Chemical Engineering award is Salman's very extensive publication record
The students, enrolled in the Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Programme with a focus on forest bioeconomy, had the opportunity to visit Billerud Gruvön.
One of the problems with paper recycling is that the fibers stiffen during the dewatering and drying processes, also known as hornification. The same thing happens to, for example, dishcloths, which stiffen over time.
Ali Mohammadi has been involved in research on sustainability assessment of bio-based systems since he began his PhD. During his doctoral project at the University of New England in Australia, he studied economic and environmental impacts of biochar and bioenergy production from agricultural biomass.
The research on more energy efficient paper manufacturing processes – headed by Björn Sjöstrand – was selected for the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences’ (IVA) the 100 list of 2023.
Papermaking often requires additives to achieve desired properties, such as the strength of the paper. New research shows that this can be solved in an, as of yet, untested way.
- Normally, you add Cationic starch to the pulp in order to increase the strength of the paper, says Mozhgan Hashemzehi, PhD student in Chemical Engineering.
Karlstad University has been granted funds from the Knowledge Foundation, for conducting research on energy-efficient tissue manufacturing, in collaboration with the paper industry.
Björn Sjöstrand, senior lecturer in Chemical Engineering, has been awarded the Heinzel-Mondi-Sappi Award for his research on the virtual paper machine. His research makes it possible to optimise and test the manufacturing process in the industry, without expensive production stoppages.
“The award was given out at the Paper & Biorefinery conference in Graz in Austria,” says Björn Sjöstrand.