News archive for "Forskning"

Avit Bhowmik, Assistant Professor in Risk and Environmental Studies, who is going to attend COP28 in Dubai, which starts today, reflects on the SB meeting in Bonn. The annual Conference of Parties (COP) 28 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that will be hosted by Dubai is knocking at the door. Almost everyone who keeps an eye on climate change policy at the global level is by now familiar with COPs.
The purpose of Health Data Sweden (HDS) is to increase the use of health data within small and medium-sized companies and public organizations. - HDS must offer services such as available data, legal issues and skills development, says Karin Brodén. - Increasing the use of health data has been identified as a way to increase efficiency in the health sector and to increase health benefits for individuals, says Karin Brodén, postdoctor in information systems at the Service
Research findings from Karlstad University were presented at a conference in Oslo. - As always when it comes to changing cultures, it is important to be persistent and not give up, says Markus Fellesson from the Center for Service Research (CTF). Markus Fellesson and Anna Fyrberg-Yngfalk, researchers at the Service Research Center (CTF) and Karlstad Business School, you recently participated in the conference “Prevent and Intervene – Ending Sexual Harassment at Work” in O
... who will start researching renewable energy and gender equality in Yemen. Can you tell us more? "Last year we received funding from Formas for a study that will start now in December. We are three researchers who’ll be working together – Maria-Louise Clausen from the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) in Copenhagen, Vasna Ramasar from Lund University and me from Karlstad University.
The pandemic threw intensive care personnel into innumerable challenges and upheavals. A new study looks at the managers’ role and experiences during this period. The researchers behind the study conclude that the dramatic transition of intensive care came at a high organisational and personal cost, and that there are lessons to be learned. Intensive care around the world was at the focal point during the COVID-19 pandemic.