News archive for "Geomedia"

The research project “Sámi ‘Trail of Tears’ Walking Trail” has now been completed. Richard Ek, professor of human geography and project leader, talks about the importance of the control being with the indigenous population and that the culture surrounding Sápmi is extremely important in keeping the stories surrounding the forced displacement of the Sámi alive. – Our findings have confirmed what we’ve known all along, Richard Ek explains.
People who own or have access to a holiday home are called “the invisible population” because they can be difficult to reach in the event of a crisis. Geomedia researchers at Karlstad University emphasise the importance of increasing the knowledge regarding how crisis communication from authorities needs to reach temporary populations. Holiday homes are a significant part of Swedish tourism.
Xin Liu, senior lecturer in gender studies at Karlstad University, receives funding for her research from Geomedia to write the book ”Making Air Smart: The Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Atmospheric Data”. Xin Liu, in what way is this project connected to Geomedia? - It examines the production, imaginaries, experiences, and implications of atmospheric data, which includes environmental data such as air quality index, remote sensing data of forest, and radar scan of atmosph

Geomedia summary 2023

News » 2023-12-13
It's time to look back on 2023 – the second year for the Center for Geomedia Studies. First and foremost, I want to thank you for all the valuable contributions and efforts that collectively build our shared research environment! The examples below, taken from our news feed, provide a glimpse of what we were up to during 2023. But much more also took place. New externally funded projects started – others continued. A new Geomedia Phd, Henrik Bergius, joined us.
- Propaganda is what media and communication research has focused on in Russia – the discourse that I’m looking at was fairly unexplored before the start of the war, says Svetlana Chuikina. In her doctoral thesis, “(Re)constructing Russian anti-war movements.
The Mediatization of Space through navigational interfaces, or: the digital map as a symptom of (almost) everything that has happened with media. After a phase of “spatial forgetfulness,” media and communication studies have revisited the intersection of media, space, and place, challenging earlier views of media inherently transcending geographical constrains leading to spatial annihilation and the disappearance of distance.
Briefly tell us about your background - Academically socialized in media studies, last year I became a professor of design theory at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in the city of Halle, Germany. Before that, I worked as a scientific coordinator of the interdisciplinary research school "Locating Media" at University of Siegen that had a strong focus on researching location- and situation-specific media processes by means of location- and situation-specific methods.
Richard Ek, professor in human geography at Karlstad University, tell us about the Indigeneity and Visual Sovereignty conference held in Cape Town 27–28 April 2023 - The conference theme was “visual sovereignty”, which includes ways for indigenous communities around the world to have ownership and control of for instance materials and photo archives that depict their history, culture, language, and identity.

Geomedia Higher Seminar

News » 2023-05-08
Setting the Scene: Academic interventions in the media and tourism industries with our guest professor Stijn Reijnders at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam.  Title Setting the Scene: Academic interventions in the media and tourism industries Abstract This presentation focuses on media tourism: the phenomenon of people travelling to places associated with films, TV series or other forms of popular culture.
Henrik, you recently began your doctoral studies in Geomedia at Karlstad University. Tell us about your background. - I have a Master’s in cultural studies from the University of Gothenburg and an interdisciplinary background in humanities with a great interest in culture and social policy issues. I’m interested in the way geomedia affects society and culture, and the spatial aspects of media. Tell us about your research project - The idea is to focus on digital exclusion in public transport.

Geomedia summary 2022

News » 2022-12-20
During 2022, our new Geomedia research centre got off to a flying start. One way of summarizing our achievements, is to revisit what was written about Geomedia during the year. The below examples represent the interdisciplinary scope and quality of our research.
Georgia Aitaki has analysed financial crises, striving for international attention and broken hearts in countries far from home. With her doctoral thesis ”The Private life of a nation in crisis - A study on the politics in/of Greek television fiction”, Georgia Aitaki, senior lecturer in Media and Communication Studies at Karlstad University, examined the Greek TV industry and the mechanisms involving its producers, screenwriters and filmmakers.
The music industry spends a lot of resources on creating innovative concert experiences, and the relationship between the musicians and their fans. With the show Abba Voyage, a giant step is taken towards developing and transforming an already digital industry.
Tourism, popular culture and media - Stijn Reijnders has an interdisciplinary approach to examining the role and meaning of locations in popular culture. Stijn Reijnders is a full professor of Cultural Heritage, specialised in tourism and popular culture. He is active at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and his research is focused on the intersection of media, culture and tourism.
The climate movement groups Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion aim for the same goal while using different methods. Sol Agin, who recently completed her PhD in media and communication studies, has focused her research on their way of communicating about an extremely complicated subject. When Swedish people speak up on behalf of the environment, they prefer to do so in the form of peaceful protests inspired by Greta Thunberg’s work with Fridays for Future.
Have you ever felt frustrated with all the technology surrounding you? You are not alone. In his book Rethinking Communication Geographies, André Jansson, professor of Media and Communication Studies, has compiled his research on a subject that is relevant to our digital everyday lives. The school must be notified about sick children. Travel plans must be made. The tax returns must be finished on time.