News archive for "Hhk"


Sustainability in focus

News » 2017-12-14
One time is no time and two times is a habit. If the phrase is right, that means that Sustainability Day at the Business School is from now one a tradition. For the second year in a row sustainability issues where put in focus under the headline “Solving Global Challenges in Practice”. Lars Sandberg, innovation manager at BillerudKorsnäs, talked about the company's work for increased sustainability and consideration to the environment when it comes to food packaging.
Karlstad Business School has been given greenlight to proceed in the process for an accreditation by the Accreditation Committee at the AACSB. The work now continues towards building a robust and sustainable quality control system as a support for a continuous development of the school. Just over two years ago, AACSB granted the Business School's request to start a process towards accreditation. It was the start of a quality development work for the entire department.
During the autumn four groups of students on the course Service Management and IT have worked with interviewing different target groups and suggesting improvements of a prototype to a digital matching service, which Compare has produced. The purpose is to support companies to get started with investments on digitalizing and to get more innovative small and medium companies through digital innovation.
As on a poster on a science conference. This is part of the examination task for the students on the course Advanced service management at the Karlstad Business school – and a way to use research methods in teaching. It was the second year that the students got to work with content and modeling of posters, which were then exhibited in the Business school building, house 11.

New course - Idea Management

News » 2017-09-29
In the beginning of 2017, Karlstad University embarked on a project that aims to develop and offer cutting-edge international web-based courses at master’s level developed for professionals working with or having an interest in service, customer experiences and business development.
Anders Gustafsson, Professor of Business Administration at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, is the first European to be awarded the prestigious assignment as President of AMA Academic Council. Anders Gustafsson has been appointed President-Elect Designate of the AMA Academic Council. In this role, he is a member of the council's Executive Committee and is in line to serve as the first council president from outside of North America.