News archive for "Hnt"

Dewatering during paper manufacturing is a highly energy-intensive process. New research shows how the process can be made more efficient concerning energy consumption. – In my research, I have looked at the manufacturing of grease-proof paper, says Björn Öman, an industrial doctoral student in chemical engineering. Grease-proof paper is extremely compact, enough to act as a barrier to fat, grease, and water.
After a year of planning, the Equadiff 2024 mathematics conference is fast approaching. Almost 500 mathematicians from around the world are expected to visit Karlstad and the university. The conference will take place from June 10-14, featuring participants from countries such as Japan, USA, Brasil and France and will include over 200 talks and lectures.
Axel Isberg, 19 years old, a student at the Elite Sports University, Karlstad University, recently became the European champion in equipped powerlifting at the Junior European Championships in Luxembourg. This marks the third time he has achieved this feat, having also won gold medals at the European Championships in 2022 and 2021. In total, he lifted nearly a ton and set junior records in three events.
The research project is about testing a new type of forest fertilizer, based on nutrient-rich industrial residues from pulp and paper mills. This closes the circle by making use of residual products and returning nutrients to growing plants and woodland. – Our project group includes several companies, universities and organisations, says Maria Sandberg, docent in Environmental and Energy Systems at Karlstad University.
Researchers from Karlstad University, University of Gothenburg and Lund University have started a new research project with the aim of making hydropower more environmentally friendly. As climate change affects our watercourses, the researchers are looking for new ways to protect aquatic life and at the same time ensure reliable energy production. The project takes on the difficult balancing act between generating hydroelectric power and protecting the environment.
The book “Integrative Approaches in Urban Sustainability” represents an international collaboration project including about forty academic institutions worldwide. The book examines the increasing rate of urbanisation and the consequences for social structures. - This publication aims to redefine the way we think and plan for urban environments of the future, says Asaad Almssad, Docent in Construction Engineering and one of the editors of the book.
Researchers from several European countries gathered for a two-day workshop at Karlstad University. The general theme was research on polymers and their application for organic solar cells and energy storage. – There are several purposes behind the workshop, says Jan van Stam, Professor of Physical Chemistry. We want to learn from other experts, expand our networks and make new contacts, as well as putting Karlstad University on the map in this field of research.
As part of the university’s systematic quality assurance efforts, eight third-cycle subject areas (doctoral-level disciplines) have been reviewed by an external assessment group. All of them are rated as meeting a high standard in the report by the assessment group. The discipline of nursing received a positive assessment of their doctoral education.
Salman Raza Naqvi, senior lecturer in chemical engineering, has been awarded a medal by the Government of Pakistan for his research. – I feel very honored and it was a nice ceremony where I got to receive the award that was presented by the president at a ceremony where many prominent scientists were honored, says Salman Raza Naqvi. The justification for the Excellencies in Research and Education in Chemical Engineering award is Salman's very extensive publication record
One of the problems with paper recycling is that the fibers stiffen during the dewatering and drying processes, also known as hornification. The same thing happens to, for example, dishcloths, which stiffen over time.
Ali Mohammadi has been involved in research on sustainability assessment of bio-based systems since he began his PhD. During his doctoral project at the University of New England in Australia, he studied economic and environmental impacts of biochar and bioenergy production from agricultural biomass.
It is that time of the year when we indulge a lot more in food. Not only are we buying and eating more, we are also wasting more. – During major food holidays, we tend to buy a little extra and things we don't normally use, increasing the risk of waste, says Helén Williams at the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University. Planning is key to minimise food waste, and save money. Households account for the largest share of food waste in Sweden.
Patricia Saenz Mendez came to Karlstad University in 2020, in the midst on the pandemic. A rather strange start, but as a newly appointed docent in chemistry, she feels that she is in exactly the right place. - I completed my PhD in Uruguay and after that I ended up in Sweden. Before Karlstad University, I was a postdoc at KTH and Örebro University, as well as at University of Gothenburg for a short period, says Patricia Saenz Mendez.
The industry of today and tomorrow requires modern technology where cooperation takes place between people, between people and machines, and between machines. Machines can monitor themselves, analyse results and autonomously optimise operating conditions and production. The result is greater efficiency and productivity. A new era of industrial robots that can work side by side with humans in above all different forms of small component assembly and material handling has already begun.