News archive for "Hnt"

Karlstad University is working actively to develop its wood research and the research group, together with its partners, has in the last year received considerable funding from various funders to develop timber construction. Karlstad University and researcher Johan Vessby has received a grant from the Swedish bioeconomy cluster Paper Province.
January 20 - 21, the digital conference B2B Forum on SmartIndustri was held at Karlstad University.
Integrated paperboard manufacturing consists of a number of unit processes that continuously generate large amounts of process data. Manufacturing is energy-intensive and variations must be taken into account to achieve the optimal production process.
VIPP Graduate School, which started in 2011, will reach the finishing line at the end of 2020. The occasion is celebrated with an event in connection with Papermakers Light on 12 November. “During this year, we will work hard to complete all projects and create conditions that will enable all our doctoral students to graduate”, says Magnus Lestelius, professor of chemical engineering and new programme director of VIPP Graduate School.
Per Hurtig is the most recent docent at the Department of Computer Science. His research is about making communication on the internet faster and more efficient. - The number of connected units has increased tremendously in recent years, which in turn has sharpened the quality requirements considerably”, says Per Hurtig. “Both applications and users now depend on higher quality in terms of faster connection and less delays.
In order for pharmaceuticals to be safe, they must be clean of pollutants. Carbon dioxide can be used to make the purification process more environmentally friendly, which may seem paradoxical since carbon dioxide is usually associated with a negative climate impact.
During her years as a researcher and data protection commissioner, the German computer scientist Marit Hansen has been a pioneer for the concept of privacy enhancing technologies (PET).
A virtual paper-making machine makes it possible to test run and optimise operations without costly downtime in the industry. New research at Karlstad University saves money and spares the environment. ”It is now possible to run the paper-making process virtually, without expensive equipment, to identify the optimal settings for each machine,” says Björn Sjöstrand, who recently submitted his doctoral thesis in chemical engineering at Karlstad University.
Research at Karlstad University shows that sludge and ashes as paper mill residues can be used as effective fertiliser. This involves biochar, that is, carbon from organic material returned to the forest and thus closing the cycle. "Biochar has many beneficial effects on the environment," says Maria Sandberg, senior lecturer in environment and energy systems and research leader for the project.
At Karlstad University, there is research on polymer solar cells and how these can be made more stable and effective. Recently, a doctoral thesis was presented on how solar cell materials and functions are affected by contact with air and light. ”By now, almost everybody agrees that climate change is real,” says Vanja Blazinic, PhD in physics. ”We need to phase out fossil fuels and transit to renewable energy sources like sun, wind and water.
Since 2016, a partnership, called MIRAI, has been in operation between Swedish and Japanese universities. Next year marks the start of a new period for the MIRAI partnership with more Swedish and Japanese universities involved in research, education and innovation collaboration.
Did you know that it is possible to use mathematical models to calculate how best to repair a broken blood vessel? And that it is possible to find out what tire groove gives the best grip on wintry roads?
The launch of the 5G network is approaching and the expectations are great. Both individuals and businesses are looking forward to higher speed, minimal delays, and the possibility of handling a greater number of connected devices simultaneously. But how do we make optimal use of the potential offered by 5G technology?
The last two weeks the CCS, Centre for Climate and Safety at Karlstad University has been visited by two experts on natural disaster modelling from the US Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA. Jesse Rozelle, the Acting Branch Chief for FEMA HQ’s Actuarial and Catastrophic Modeling Branch, and Casey Zuzak, a Senior Risk Analyst for Hazus and the Natural Hazards Risk Assessment Program (NHRAP) are in Karlstad in connection to a research project funded by the Swedish Ci
Doctor Natalie Holmes, organic electronics researcher at the University of Newcastle in Australia, is currently spending two months at Karlstad University as a visiting researcher.
Seke Chainda, a student in the Biology Master's Program at Karlstad University, has been named Global Swede of 2019. On May 21 he was celebrated, together with other Global Swede students, at a ceremony at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. On May 21 the distinction Global Swede was conferred on twenty-six international top students from Swedish institutions of higher education.

Lars Järnström is retiring

News » 2019-04-17
Lars Järnström, professor of coating technology, came to Karlstad University in 1999 and has been involved in building the current strong research environment for fibre-based processes and products. Now retirement is approaching but he will continue working at the university as senior professor. Lars Järnström's research centres mainly on environment-friendly surface treatment of fibre-based packaging materials.