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On November 16-17, the DRIVE project held a two-day kick-off meeting at Karlstad University. The aim for the kick-off was to get the DRIVE and its subprojects officially started and to let all partner representatives and researchers meet face-to-face. - I am very excited to get started!
With the article “Assessing travel satisfaction in public transport: A configurational approach”, researchers at Karlstad Business School and the subject of psychology have attracted global attention. - This shows that our research has an impact, says Alexandre Sukhov. Alexandre Sukhov, Margareta Friman and Lars E.
In a recently published perspective article in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers put forward an agenda for integrated climate catastrophe assessment, emphasizing the need for in-depth understanding of climate change induced mass human mortality and even extinction.  In a commentary article published in the same journal, Research Director of Centre for Research on Sustainable Societal Transformation and Assistant Professor
What are the long-term effects of the current economic situation, for both consumers and producers? And how can we guide young adults towards more sustainable consumption. Researchers at Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University answer questions on this subject. Producers want to sell their products, of course, but many will experience lower sales figures.
The tech corporations’ algorithms are well-kept secrets. Three researchers, two of which come from Karlstad University, have now made progress and managed to catch a glimpse of what governs what you are exposed to on Facebook. Researching algorithms is hard, since it is impossible to gain access to the tech corporations’ systems. They are clouded in a technological fog, and the people behind them are contractually bound to secrecy.
The music industry spends a lot of resources on creating innovative concert experiences, and the relationship between the musicians and their fans. With the show Abba Voyage, a giant step is taken towards developing and transforming an already digital industry.
The Academic Celebration is one of the biggest events of the year at Karlstad University and a long-standing tradition. On 14 October it is time again – with great pomp and ceremony we will confer degrees on new doctors and honorary doctors and inaugurate our new professors. We will also pay attention to this year’s docents and adjunct professors. Freedom – a beautiful word with so many meanings that we, living in Sweden, often take for granted.
Fredrik Wikström, Professor in Environmental and Energy Systems at the Service Research Center, Karlstad University, answers questions about energy prices and shares useful tips on how you can reduce your electric energy consumption. Why are energy prices soaring in Sweden? - Above all, it is because energy prices in Europe are so high. Since we have a common electricity market, the demand for Swedish electricity is higher and hence Swedish prices also go up.
Vaccinating a large enough portion of the population against various diseases is a constant challenge. Despite COVID-19 vaccination being offered for free, many people are still not fully vaccinated.
The climate movement groups Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion aim for the same goal while using different methods. Sol Agin, who recently completed her PhD in media and communication studies, has focused her research on their way of communicating about an extremely complicated subject. When Swedish people speak up on behalf of the environment, they prefer to do so in the form of peaceful protests inspired by Greta Thunberg’s work with Fridays for Future.
Bio-based resources from well managed forests play important roles in transition to a sustainable society. In WoodPro, the research team will explore new processing chains that convert forest residues to high-value industrial chemicals and soil amendment products. - WoodPro is an EU cooperation in form of a consortium with three sub-projects hosted in Karlstad University, the Natural Resources Institute in Finland (LUKE) and the University of Eastern Finland (UEF).
In 2016, Karlstad University was given the right to issue a Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts at Ingesund School of Music. The experiences gained from that application process were then utilised in a new application for a Degree of Master of Fine Arts, which was submitted to the Swedish Higher Education Authority, UKÄ. The application has now been approved and Ingesund School of Music can issue a master’s degree.
Teacher motivation is a major factor affecting students’ motivation to learn a second language. But what motivates the teachers? English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ motivation has not been given enough attention, particularly in China, where English plays a key role. A new thesis study at Karlstad University investigates the motivation of English teachers at the university level in China.
Karlstad University has been granted funds from the Knowledge Foundation, for conducting research on energy-efficient tissue manufacturing, in collaboration with the paper industry.
Bo Edvardsson, professor at Karlstad Business Service Research Center (CTF), and Bård Tronvoll, professor at CTF and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, are the editors for the newly published Palgrave Handbook of Service Management. - The book provides a unique and current overview of service management research, says Bo Edvardsson.
Björn Sjöstrand, senior lecturer in Chemical Engineering, has been awarded the Heinzel-Mondi-Sappi Award for his research on the virtual paper machine. His research makes it possible to optimise and test the manufacturing process in the industry, without expensive production stoppages. “The award was given out at the Paper & Biorefinery conference in Graz in Austria,” says Björn Sjöstrand.
Why are discussions of whether you had to wait alone in your friends’ room while they ate dinner with their families, pushing away discussions about more important issues in the internet? Charlotte Bäccman, senior lecturer in Psychology, explains. A war is being fought in Ukraine, Sweden are approximately 100 days away from an election, climate change is an enormous challenge and the energy prices are skyrocketing.
Have you ever felt frustrated with all the technology surrounding you? You are not alone. In his book Rethinking Communication Geographies, André Jansson, professor of Media and Communication Studies, has compiled his research on a subject that is relevant to our digital everyday lives. The school must be notified about sick children. Travel plans must be made. The tax returns must be finished on time.