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During the holidays there is a lot of focus on food. It is the time of the year when we consume in abundance and throw away more food than ever- at the same time as we know that food waste has a negative impact on our climate and what we choose to eat and how we handle the food matters. So, what can we do to reduce the food waste?
A new study evaluated the association between early pregnancy exposure to eight PFAS compounds respectively and birth weight in 1,533 mother child pairs in the Swedish Environmental Longitudinal, Mother and child, Asthma and allergy (SELMA) study, specifically focusing on differences according to sex of the child. Researchers found significant associations between higher prenatal exposures for five different PFAS (PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, PFDA och PFUnDA) and lower birth weight,
At Karlstad University, there is research on polymer solar cells and how these can be made more stable and effective. Recently, a doctoral thesis was presented on how solar cell materials and functions are affected by contact with air and light. ”By now, almost everybody agrees that climate change is real,” says Vanja Blazinic, PhD in physics. ”We need to phase out fossil fuels and transit to renewable energy sources like sun, wind and water.
Since 2016, a partnership, called MIRAI, has been in operation between Swedish and Japanese universities. Next year marks the start of a new period for the MIRAI partnership with more Swedish and Japanese universities involved in research, education and innovation collaboration.
This year's Sustainability Day at the Business School centred to a great extent on the art of moving from talking to acting, turning ideas and plans into speed and action, since knowledge means nothing without the ability to use it.
When courts decide whether to continue or discontinue care under the Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act (LVU) previous judgements are, in practice, indicative. This means that children and adolescents who have previously been subject to enforced protective custody tend to remain in care for a considerably longer time.
Black Friday attracts customers to shop more. At the same time reports on climate change with calls for changed consumption habits and counter-reactions such as White Monday are growing stronger. What is it that makes consumers take part in the shopping frenzy despite increased climate anxiety? Professor Per Kristensson explains. "One important trigger is “everyone else" is shopping.

Award-winning essay

News » 2019-11-27
”Everyone clapped because they were expected to”, is the title of the C-essay which won the 2019 Essay Award presented by the Region West HR Association. The authors are Emma Hammarberg and Fanny Olsson, who studied the Human Resource Management and Working Life programme at Karlstad Business School. The winning essay in HR studies centres on organisation culture and loyalty. The jury’s citation was, among other things, that the essay is valuable for the HR profession.
Times Higher Education is one of the most esteemed university rankings in the world. Karlstad University has been ranked 251-300 in the category Business & Economics. This year’s ranking includes almost 1 400 universities in 92 countries and is the largest and most varied university ranking ever made. In order to be included, the higher education institutions must meet certain criteria.
Researchers at Karlstad University have studied how apps’ access to our personal data has changed since the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was introduced in May 2018.
Did you know that it is possible to use mathematical models to calculate how best to repair a broken blood vessel? And that it is possible to find out what tire groove gives the best grip on wintry roads?
A crisis management exercise will take place at Karlstad University on 5 November. A police task force will take part and train in Building 9A. This building will be closed off for the duration of the exercise. Building 9A is located next to the woods perpendicular to Building 12. The crisis management team and the managers of faculties and teacher education will participate in the exercise. Other functions and groups of staff may be involved if necessary.
Cybersecurity concerns you, your work and your research - it is becoming increasingly important, and a sustainable society without cybersecurity does not exist. This was the main message when researcher and expert Fredrik Blix, Stockholm University and Cybercom, gave an open guest lecture at Karlstad University. On October 25, CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, organized an open guest lecture with the researcher and cybersecurity expert Fredrik Blix.
Exposure during pregnancy's first trimester to mixtures of suspected endocrine disrupting chemicals found in consumer products is related to lower IQ in children after age 7, according to a study by researchers at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and Karlstad University, Sweden, published Environment International in October.