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The EU have created definitions and pilot projects based on smart villages – a concept that has emerged to shift the focus on development from cities to rural areas and small towns. Interest from community stakeholders is immense. In the last decades, smart cities have increasingly been hailed as an urban development ideal and a solution to current and future environmental and climate-related challenges.
Vice-chancellor Johan Sterte has made a new decision regarding teaching in the current pandemic. The decision is made to allow the University’s organisation to prepare for a gradual return to campus. As a general rule, distance teaching and examination will continue in the autumn semester of 2021.
Agnieszka Kitkowska is a new postdoctoral researcher at CTF where she is studying online privacy and decision-making, and barriers that consumers face during digital transactions. What is your background and what brought you to CTF?"I have a multidisciplinary background with one master's degree in art and one in computing. Last year, I successfully defended my Ph.D. in Computer Science.
Agnieszka Kitkowska is a new postdoctoral researcher at CTF where she is studying online privacy and decision-making, and barriers that consumers face during digital transactions. What is your background and what brought you to CTF?"I have a multidisciplinary background with one master's degree in art and one in computing. Last year, I successfully defended my Ph.D. in Computer Science.
We asked the International Office at Karlstad University how they identify new partners for student exchanges. Carina Eriksson, who develops new exchange agreements with universities outside Europe explains, that during previous International Exchange Days we asked students, where do you want to go on exchange? - We use this feedback directly from students to formulate a plan of where to start new agreements.
We asked the International Office at Karlstad University how they identify new partners for student exchanges. Carina Eriksson, who develops new exchange agreements with universities outside Europe explains, that during previous International Exchange Days we asked students, where do you want to go on exchange? - We use this feedback directly from students to formulate a plan of where to start new agreements.
Mats, welcome to Karlstad Business School. Please tell us about your background - Thank you. I am originally from Finland but I have lived in Sweden since 2018 and got my undergraduate degree in Economics at the University of Edinburgh. I completed my doctoral studies at the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki and have a degree in Economics and Sociology from the University of Chicago.
Mats, welcome to Karlstad Business School. Please tell us about your background - Thank you. I am originally from Finland but I have lived in Sweden since 2018 and got my undergraduate degree in Economics at the University of Edinburgh. I completed my doctoral studies at the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki and have a degree in Economics and Sociology from the University of Chicago.

CTF's Annual Report 2020

News » 2021-04-19
We have now published our annual report for 2020. In the report, we summarize the past year and share highlights of our research and collaboration with partners from academia, business and the public sector. 2020 was a different and challenging year marked by the corona pandemic. Despite the challenges with restrictions and new routines, we managed to perform at a continuously high level and drive research forward.

CTF's Annual Report 2020

News » 2021-04-19
We have now published our annual report for 2020. In the report, we summarize the past year and share highlights of our research and collaboration with partners from academia, business and the public sector. 2020 was a different and challenging year marked by the corona pandemic. Despite the challenges with restrictions and new routines, we managed to perform at a continuously high level and drive research forward.
Mia Larson’s research is in the borderlands between organization and marketing and her focus has been on tourism, events and sustainable development for a long time. Today, her focus is on digital services and personal integrity, and she was recently promoted to professor of Business Administration at Karlstad University. Mia's current research focuses on digital services and personal integrity.
Mia Larson’s research is in the borderlands between organization and marketing and her focus has been on tourism, events and sustainable development for a long time. Today, her focus is on digital services and personal integrity, and she was recently promoted to professor of Business Administration at Karlstad University. Mia's current research focuses on digital services and personal integrity.
Mia Larson’s research is in the borderlands between organization and marketing and her focus has been on tourism, events and sustainable development for a long time. Today, her focus is on digital services and personal integrity, and she was recently promoted to professor of Business Administration at Karlstad University. Mia's current research focuses on digital services and personal integrity.
From the perspective that life after the coronavirus never fully will be the same, and we will not go back to “business as usual”, the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the urgent need to rethink the human ecosystem. The relationship between humanity and nature, and, more specifically, the service ecosystem. While it is clear that the crisis will contribute to a transformation of the world as we know it, dare we hope that it can be transformed into one that is more inclusive and sustainable?
From the perspective that life after the coronavirus never fully will be the same, and we will not go back to “business as usual”, the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the urgent need to rethink the human ecosystem. The relationship between humanity and nature, and, more specifically, the service ecosystem. While it is clear that the crisis will contribute to a transformation of the world as we know it, dare we hope that it can be transformed into one that is more inclusive and sustainable?
Värmland is collaborating with two other European regions within the framework of the EU project DigiTeRRI to support digital development. Two out of three workshops have been held and an action plan is starting to take shape.