Making research and science useful (4.5 credits) is a doctoral course that deals with how knowledge from your research can be useful for society, business and academia.

The findings, experiences, and ideas that emerge from research have traditionally been utilised through academic publication and teaching programmes. However, academic impact alone is no longer enough for a successful research career. With the growing emphasis in the research funding landscape on maximising impact beyond academia, it is increasingly important that researchers reach wider society by embedding non-academic impact strategies in their projects, by working with a range of non-academic partners and by using ever more innovative methods of dissemination and utilisation.
This course contains a number of methods that can be used as support to ensure that your research has impact and relevance beyond the university. The course also gives you tools that help you best communicate the value of your research to research funders and potential investors.
You will be provided with knowledge about idea development related to research. Particular emphasis will be given to developing an understanding of ’research impact’ and how to embed this in your projects. You will meet researchers from various disciplines, all of whom have chosen different paths to take their ideas further from non-profit routes to commercialisation. Other sessions will involve people with extensive experience in key areas around the utilisation of research, such as intellectual property rights and protection. You will also review different types of entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as the importance of networking.
The course is offered to PhD students in all disciplines from Karlstad University, Linnaeus University, Mid Sweden University and Örebro University. The course consists of eight compulsory seminars and an examination session. The course is delivered completely digitally via Zoom and is taught in English.
The course is organised by Innovation Office Fyrklövern
Registration opens April 8
Send your application to no later than 3 June. Write your name, university, department, contact information, and a short description (max. 200 words) about your research project and why you want to participate in the course. Make sure you get your supervisor's approval to participate in the course, and also state your supervisor's name and email in your application. We strive to have as broad a composition of different disciplines as possible in the group.
1. COURSE INTRODUCTION - 17/9 09.00-12.00
- Course introduction and practical information
- Vinnova - What is innovation?
2. Impact Workshop - 19/9 09.00-12.00
- NABC and IPC (Impact Planning Canvas)
3. Communication & Networking - 1/10 09.00-12.00
- Presentation Skills
- Networkning
4. Value Creation Forum 1 - 15/10 09.00-12.00
- Open Access and Open Data
- VFC Group Work (4-minute pitch)
5. Value Creation Forum 2 - 22/10 09.00-12.00
- Research in Collaboration with industry
- VFC Group Work (4-minute pitch)
6. Funders & Wider Collaboration 24/10 09.00-12.00
- Wider Impact and Funding
- Formas - Impact and Research Funding
- Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences’ (IVA) annual 100 List
7. Professors' Privilege and Intellectual Property - 29/10 09.00-12.00
- IP and IPR
- Different rights and obligations based on employment
- Support systems for academic innovation
8. Value Creation Forum 2 - 22/10 09.00-12.00
- Research in Collaboration with Public Sector
- VFC Group Work (4-minute pitch)
Examination Day 1 - 12/11 09.00-15.00
Examination Day 2 - 19/11 09.00-15.00
- You attend one of the examination days. It is not possible to choose which session you attend, but if you have any wishes, let us know at the start of the course.