Cornelia Brantner

I am a professor at the Department of Geography, Media and Communication at Karlstad University and coordinator of the Centre for Geomedia Studies. Previously, I worked at the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Research at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, was (temp.) Professor of Media and Communication Studies at ZeMKI at the U of Bremen and at the TU Dresden. Prior to that, I was an assistant at the University of Vienna and have spent time as a visiting scholar at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.
Research Interests
My current research focuses on analyzing geomedia, visual communication, digital communication, and digitalized publics. I investigate these while considering the increasing visuality and multimodality of communication and against the background of the increasing entanglement of ‘online’ and ‘offline’ spheres, especially with regard to the mediatization of space. In connection with this, I deal with questions of participation and how the field of tension between visibility and invisibility is fathomed, as well as with questions of inequality and responsibility in digitized spaces.
Current funded research
I am the project leader and manager of the research project "Digital infrastructure sovereignty. Towards a public value-based media policy for the datafied Swedish welfare state," funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Selected publications
Recent Publications
Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
Brantner, C., Rodríguez-Amat, J. R., & Stewart, J. (2024). Gauging the Google gaze: A digital visual analysis of images of a semi-peripheral town. Culture Unbound.
Stehle, H., Bock, A., Wilhelm, C., Springer, N., Mahrt, M., Lobinger, K., Linke, C., Engelmann, I., Detel, H., & Brantner, C. (accepted, 2024). In/visibility in the digital age: A literature review from a communication studies perspective. International Journal of Communication.
Saurwein, F., Brantner, C., Möck, L. (2023). Responsibility networks in media discourses on automation: A comparative analysis of social media algorithms and social companions. New Media & Society.
Mooseder, A., Brantner, C., Zamith, R., & Pfeffer, J. (2023). (Social) media logics and visualizing climate change: 10 years of #climatechange images on Twitter. Social Media + Society.
Pfeffer, J., Matter, D., Jaidka, K., Varol, O., Mashhadi, A., Lasser, J., Assenmacher, D., Wu, Siqi, Yang, D., Brantner, C., Romero, D. M., Otterbacher, J., Schwemmer, C., Joseph, K., Garcia, D., & Morstatter, F. (2023). Just another day on Twitter: A complete 24 hours of Twitter data. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 17, 1073-1081.
Brantner, C., & Saurwein, F. (2021). Covering technology risks and responsibilities: Automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, and algorithms in the media. International Journal of Communication, 15, 5074–5098.
Brantner, C., Rodriguez-Amat, J. R., & Belinskaya, Y. (2021). Structures of the public sphere: Contested spaces as assembled interfaces. Media and Communication, 9(2), 16–27.
Brantner, C., & Stehle, H. (2021). Visibility in the digital age. Introduction [Special issue]. Studies in Communication Sciences, 21(2), 93–98.
Brantner, C., Lobinger, K., & Stehling, M. (2020). Memes against sexism? A multi-method analysis of the feminist protest hashtag #distractinglysexy and its resonance in mainstream news media. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 26(3), 674–696.
Recent edited books and edited journal issues
Autenrieth, U., & Brantner, C. (Eds.). (2022). It’s all about Video. Visuelle Kommunikation im Bann bewegter Bilder. Herbert von Halem.
Brantner, C., & Stehle, H. (Eds.). (2021). Visibility in the digital age: Theoretical and empirical perspectives [Special issue]. Studies in Communication Sciences, 21(2), 93-98.
Brantner, C., Götzenbrucker, G., Lobinger, K., & Schreiber, M. (Eds.). (2020). Vernetzte Bilder. Visuelle Kommunikation in Sozialen Medien [Networked images. Visual communication in social media]. Herbert von Halem.
Recent book chapters and other journal articles
Brantner, C. (2023). Die vernachlässigte Produzent*innenethik [The neglected producer ethics]: Drumwrigth & Murphy „How advertising practitioners view ethics: Moral muteness, moral myopia, and moral imagination.“ In T. G. K. Meitz, N. S. Borchers, & B. Naderer (Eds.), Schlüsselwerke der Werbeforschung (pp. 235–2745). Springer Nature.
Autenrieth, U., & Brantner, C. (2022). It’s all about Video. Visuelle Kommunikation im Bann bewegter Bilder [Introduction to the edited book]. In U. Autenrieth & C. Brantner (Eds.), It’s all about Video. Visuelle Kommunikation im Bann bewegter Bilder (pp. 9–20). Herbert von Halem.
Lobinger, K., & Brantner, C. (2022). „Niemand muss diese Videos zeigen“. Der medienethische Diskurs über die visuelle Berichterstattung zum Terroranschlag 2020 in Wien. [“Nobody has to show these videos.” The media-ethical discourse on the visual coverage of the 2020 terrorist attack in Vienna]. In U. Autenrieth & C. Brantner (Eds.), It’s all about Video. Visuelle Kommunikation im Bann bewegter Bilder (pp. 253–277). Herbert von Halem.
Schwarzenegger, C., Wagner, A. J. M., Brantner, C., & Lobinger, K. (2022). Hitler, Stalin, LOL – Geschichte als Ressource “grenzwertiger Komik” in Memes linker und rechter Aktivist*innen in Social Media [History as a resource of “borderline humor” in left- and right-wing activists’ memes in social media]. In C. Schwarzenegger, E. Koenen, C. Pentzold, T. Birkner, & C. Katzenbach (Eds.), Digitale Kommunikation und Kommunikationsgeschichte. Perspektiven, Potentiale, Problemfelder. Digital Communication Research.
Brantner, C., & Stehle, H. (2021). Visibility in the digital age. Introduction [Special issue]. Studies in Communication Sciences, 21(2), 93–98.
Brantner, C., Lobinger, K., Götzenbrucker, G., & Schreiber, M. (2020). Vernetzte Bilder in Sozialen Medien als Forschungsthema der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung [Networked images in social media as a research topic in visual communication research]. In C. Brantner, G. Götzenbrucker, K. Lobinger, & M. Schreiber. (Eds.), Vernetzte Bilder in Sozialen Medien als Forschungsthema der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung (S. 9–24). Herbert von Halem.
Lobinger, K., & Brantner, C. (2020). Picture-sorting techniques. Card sorting and Q-sort as alternative and complementary approaches in visual social research. In L. Pauwels & D. Mannay (Eds.), Sage handbook of visual research methods. 2nd revised and expanded edition (pp. 309–321). Sage.
- Fast, Cornelia Brantner, Pablo Abend - 2024
- Cornelia Brantner, Joan Ramon Rodriguez-Amat, Judith Stewart - 2024
- Helena Stehle, Annekatrin Bock, Claudia Wilhelm, Nina Springer, Merja Mahrt, Katharina Lobinger, Christine Linke, Ines Engelmann, Hanne Detel, Cornelia Brantner - 2024
- Florian Saurwein, Cornelia Brantner, Leonie Möck - 2023
- Cornelia Brantner - 2023
- Cornelia Brantner, Joan Ramon Rodríguez-Amat, Judith Stewart - 2023
- Jürgen Pfeffer, Daniel Matter, Kokil Jaidka, Onur Varol, Afra Mashhadi, Jana Lasser, Dennis Assenmacher, Siqi Wu, Diyi Yang, Cornelia Brantner, Daniel M. Romero, Jahna Otterbacher, Carsten Schwemmer, Kenneth Joseph, David Garcia, Fred Morstatter - 2023
- Florian Saurwein, Cornelia Brantner, Leonie Möck - 2023
- Angelina Mooseder, Cornelia Brantner, Rodrigo Zamith, Juergen Pfeffer - 2023
- Christian Schwarzenegger, Anna Wagner, Cornelia Brantner, Katharina Lobinger - 2022
- Editor - 2022
- Ulla Autenrieth, Cornelia Brantner - 2022
- Katharina Lobinger, Cornelia Brantner - 2022
- Katharina Lobinger, Cornelia Brantner - 2022
- Cornelia Brantner - 2021
- Cornelia Brantner, Florian Saurwein - 2021
- Cornelia Brantner, Daniel Pfurtscheller - 2021
- Cornelia Brantner, Florian Saurwein - 2021
- Cornelia Brantner, Florian Saurwein - 2021
- Joan Ramon Rodríguez-Amat, Cornelia Brantner - 2021
- Cornelia Brantner, Joan Ramon Rodriguez-Amat, Yulia Belinskaya - 2021
- Cornelia Brantner, Helena Stehle - 2021
- Jürgen Pfeffer, Daniel Matter, Kokol Jaidka, Onur Varol, Afra Mashhadi, Jana Lasser, Dennis Assenmacher, Siqi Wu, Diyi Yang, Cornelia Brantner, Daniel M. Romero, Jahna Otterbacher, Carsten Schwemmer, Kenneth Joseph, David Garcia, Fred Morstatter -