Ebba Hildén

My research interest focuses on communication and leadership in preschool education.
My dissertation, publiched in May 2021, centers on the teaching preschool teacher, specifically how the teaching assignment is shaped. Three empirical studies were conducted from different actors' perspectives: the youngest preschool children, principals, and preschool teachers. The dissertation generates knowledge about how these different actors contribute to teaching situations in preschools in various ways. The combined results of the dissertation highlight the significance of non-verbal communication in teaching situations and the process of 'preschoolification' as a strategy for the profession in managing new policies. Preschoolification occurs when principals and preschool teachers fill the concept of teaching with content that aligns well with the preschool's tradition and culture.
Other research projects:
- Responsible Leadership in the Future Preschool (ALiFF): The project aims to contribute knowledge about the aspects of leadership enacted when preschool teachers lead educational processes involving childcare workers and to discuss the significance of this new organization for preschool teaching practices. To study this and contribute to the development of specific leadership, we use an action research approach (Rönnerman, 2022) combined with a theoretical approach to teacher agency (Priestly et al., 2015). The research project is funded by UBB and als include Annica Löfdahl Hultman and Katarina Ribaeus.
- Qualified practicum period - Challenges and opportunities connected to proven experience: The aim of the project is to study, discuss and critically examine different aspects of proven experience that emerge during supervision sessions between students and local teacher educators in the field. A broader objective is to contribute to bridging what is often described as a 'gap between theory and practice' in students' teacher education. The project's theoretical framework is rooted in pragmatism, where experiences are given significant importance. The project employs theories of teacher agency (Priestley, Biesta & Robinson, 2015) to interpret and understand how local teacher educators talk about and share proven experiences. The project is funded by LUN and also involves Susanne Duek, Åsa Melin, and Jehona Tahiri-Berg.
- Pilot-STEP: A research project where preschool teacher students are followed throughout their entire education of three and a half years. The focus was on the students professional development (becoming a preschool teacher), as well as how issues related to values and democracy are integrated into both the content and goals within the framework of preschool activities. The research project was funded by LUN and also included Annica Löfdahl Hultman, Katarina Ribaeus, and Ann-Britt Enochsson.
I am a trained preschool teacher and worked as a preschool teacher for several years. I then pursued a doctoral program for preschool teachers, which resulted in a licentiate thesis. After completing my licentiate thesis, I worked as a project manager in a development project focusing on pedagogical documentation. This project was a collaboration between four principals, the municipal authorities, and Karlstad University. Following that, I worked at the administrative level as a quality strategist for preschools, responsible for the systematic quality work of the municipal authorities and overseeing inspections of independent preschools in the municipality.
I have also been involved in the principal training program at Karlstad University, serving as an education leader and course coordinator for courses focusing on the principal's pedagogical leadership, systematic quality work, and legal issues. Within the framework of the principal training program, I led development processes as part of the Collaboration for the Best School initiative, a partnership between the Swedish National Agency for Education, school authorities, educators (principals, preschool teachers), and Karlstad University.
Other roles I have held include being a member of the board of the Swedish Institute for Educational Research, a member of the Swedish Teachers' Union advicery board for questions concering preschool education, a lecturer for Skolporten (an educational platform), and a contributor to Tidningen Förskolan (The Preschool Magazine).
I am part of the group of researchers called Centre for child and childhood studies in education and sport (UBB).
Web page: https://www.kau.se/ubb
Page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2259559387513238
- Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Lena O Magnusson, Susanne Kjällander, Anna Palmer, Christian Eidevald, Pia Williams, Hanna Palmér, Elza Dunkels, Hildén, Anna-Lena Godhe, Petra Petersen, Walan, Malin Nilsen, Andreas Ebbelind, Enochsson, Anniqa Lagergren, Emelie Patron, Eva Norén, Karin Forsling, Marina Wernholm, Pernilla Lagerlöf, Sara Hvit Lindstrand, Kristina Holmberg, Kristina Danielsson, Cecilia Caiman, Robin Samuelsson, Kristina Walldén Hillström - 2024
- Hildén - 2024
- Löfdahl, Ribaeus, Enochsson, Hildén - 2023
- Hildén, Löfdahl Hultman - 2023
- Löfdahl, Ribaeus, Enochsson, Hildén - 2023
- Hildén, Löfdahl Hultman - 2023
- Hildén, Löfdahl - 2023
- Hildén, Löfdahl Hultman, Katarina Ribaeus - 2023
- Enochsson, Katarina Ribaeus, Löfdahl, Hildén - 2021
- Hildén, Löfdahl Hultman, Ribaeus, Enochsson - 2021
- Hildén - 2021
- Hildén - 2020
- Hildén - 2019
- Hildén - 2019
- Hildén - 2019
- Hildén - 2019
- Hildén - 2019
- Hildén - 2019
- Löfdahl, Enochsson, Katarina Ribaeus, Hildén - 2018
- Hildén, Katarina Ribaeus - 2018
- Hildén - 2018
- Löfdahl, Hildén - 2018
- Löfdahl, Hildén, Andreas Bergh - 2018
- Hildén - 2018
- Hildén, Löfdahl, Bergh - 2018
- Hildén - 2018
- Hildén, Löfdahl - 2017
- Hildén - 2016
- Hildén - 2014