Gustav Stenseke Arup

My research interests spans from legal theory and environmental law to legal geography and legal pluralism. I am particularly interested in understanding how law is produced in the interrelations of multiplicities of processes in the landscape.
During 2025, I will work on the project Climate in the Constitution: On the Constitutional Framework for the Climate Work in Sweden. The overarching aim of the project is to conduct a systematic analysis of the constitutional rules that affect the government’s and parliament’s climate work. This systematic analysis is a prerequisite for further research on how constitutional climate protection could be developed to better align with our commitments under the Paris Agreement.
Through the theoretical discussion in the project, I also hope to contribute to a broader discussion on how Sweden’s constitution could be understood. One aim is to use a process-ontological and relational approach to analyze how national and international norms with constitutional significance entangle and continuously co-create Sweden’s constitution.
I teach jurisprudence, environmental- and planning law, constitutional law and contract law at the law programme, political science programme, business and management programme and real estate management programme. I also supervise student essays on master level.
Selected publications
Entangled Law - A Study of the Entanglement of Wolves, Humans, and Law in the Landscape. Avhandling, Karlstads universitet 2021. Link
Rätten i landskapet, in Jack Ågren och Stefan Olsson (eds) Vänbok till Bengt Lindell (Karlstad universitet, 2024), p. 9-24. Link
Några tankar om rätten i antropocen. Retfærd: Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift 2023:4.
Tankar om en proaktiv miljörättsvetenskap: En kritisk analys av Earth System Law. Nordisk miljörättslig tidskrift 2023:1. Link
Book review: Ecolaw: Legality, Life, and the Normativity of Nature. Margaret Davies. Nordisk miljörättslig tidskrift 2022:2. Link
- Stenseke Arup - 2024
- Stenseke Arup - 2024
- Stenseke Arup - 2024
- Stenseke Arup - 2024
- Stenseke Arup - 2023
- Stenseke Arup - 2023
- Stenseke Arup - 2023
- Stenseke Arup - 2022
- Stenseke Arup - 2022
- Stenseke Arup - 2021
- Stenseke Arup - 2017