Johan Garcia
My research interests span computer networking mainly with a focus on the upper layers. I am currently involved in projects examing low latency communication, in particular in relation to multi-path systems with applications to practical settings such as providing Internet access to passengers onboard trains. I also have a general interest in internet access performance of Starlink and on mobile platforms such as train-mounted cellular aggregation routers, as well as using deterministic network emulation to evaluate internet-based applications and protocols is also a topic of interest.
- Systems Modeling and Simulation
- Thesis advisor for Masters’s Project
- Thesis advisor for Bachelor’s Project
I have been project manager or subprojet manager for several projects, in most cases also involving industry partners such as Icomera.
I am currently sub-project manager within the 8-year DRIVE project working on measurements and evaluations of techniques to provide low-latency communication.
Prior to this I was sub-project manager within the 6-year HITS project investigating novel communications solutions, and another recent project was TRUEdig where the main focus was on exaplainabilty of ML and related techniques.
Further back I was initiator and project manager for the KauNet project funded by the Swedish foundation for Internet Infrastructure to enhance the KauNet emulator codebase and documentation.
I had a five month research visit at Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Constructions Aéronautiques (ENSICA), Toulouse, France to do research and deveolpment of programmable emulation with applications to satellite communications.
Investigator in “Reliable and Secure Communication in SCTP”, funded by the Knowledge Foundation of Sweden. In collaboration with Tieto Enator AB and Ericsson AB.
Co-work package leader for work package 6 on “Protocols and Architectures, and Traffic Modeling for Wireless Networks” of the EU FP6 Network of Excellence Newcom with more than 60 academic and industrial partners.
Johan Garcia is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Karlstad University in Sweden, where he received his Ph.D degree in 2005.
- Garcia, Beckerle Matthias, Sundberg, Brunstrom - 2025
- Garcia, Simon Sundberg, Brunstrom - 2024
- Garcia, Simon Sundberg, Brunstrom - 2024
- Sundberg, Garcia, Brunstrom - 2023
- Garcia, Sundberg, Giuseppe Caso, Brunstrom - 2023
- Garcia - 2022
- Garcia - 2022
- Garcia, Hurtig, Jonas Hammar - 2022
- Garcia, Claes Beckman, Rikard Reinhagen, Brunström - 2022
- J. Hillblom, Garcia, A. Waldenborg - 2021
- Topi Korhonen, Garcia - 2021
- Simon Sundberg, Garcia - 2021
- Omar Richardson, Garcia - 2020
- Garcia - 2020
- Garcia, Tobias Vehkajärvi - 2020
- Garcia, Topi Korhonen - 2020
- Simon Sundberg, Garcia - 2020
- Garcia, Simon Sundberg, Brunström, Claes Beckman - 2019
- Simon Sundberg, Garcia - 2019
- Garcia, Simon Sundberg, Brunstrom - 2019
- Afzal, Garcia, Lindskog, Brunström - 2019
- Garcia - 2018
- Garcia, Brunström - 2018
- Garcia - 2018
- Garcia, Topi Korhonen - 2018
- Garcia, Topi Korhonen - 2018
- Afzal, Garcia, Lindskog, Brunström - 2018
- Garcia, Topi Korhonen, Ricky Andersson, Filip Västlund - 2018
- Garcia - 2017
- Leilia Jalili, Ali Parichehreh, Alfredsson, Garcia, Brunström - 2017
- Garcia, Alfredsson, Brunström - 2017
- Claes Beckman, Garcia, Alfredsson, Brunström - 2017
- Garcia, Alfredsson, Brunström, Claes Beckman - 2017
- Garcia, Hurtig - 2016
- Garcia, Alfredsson, Brunström - 2016
- Garcia, Hurtig - 2016
- Johan Garcia, Stefan Alfredsson, Anna Brunstrom - 2015
- Garcia, Alfredsson, Brunström - 2015
- Garcia - 2015
- Antoaneta Popova, Johan Garcia, Nikolay Neshov, Ivo Draganov, Darko Brodic - 2015
- Garcia, Alfredsson, Brunström - 2014
- Garcia - 2014
- Garcia - 2014
- Johan Garcia - 2014
- Alfredsson, Giacomo Del Giudice, Garcia, Brunstrom, Luca De Cicco, Saverio Mascolo - 2013
- Alfredsson, Giacomo Del Giudice, Garcia, Brunstrom, Luca De Cicco, Saverio Mascolo - 2013
- Łukasz Budzisz, Garcia, Brunström, Ramon Ferrús - 2012
- Tomas Hall, Per Hurtig, Johan Garcia, Anna Brunstrom - 2012
- Garcia - 2012
- Tanguy Pérennou, Anna Brunström, Tomas Hall, Johan Garcia, Per Hurtig - 2011
- Johan - 2011
- Johan Garcia - 2010
- Johan Garcia, Johann Hofmann - 2010
- Johan Garcia, Oscar Vermaas, Johann Hofmann - 2010
- Thijs Jan Holleboom, Johan Garcia - 2010
- Per Hurtig, Tanguy Pérennou, Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström - 2010
- Emmanuel Conchon, Tanguy Pérennou, Garcia, Michel Diaz - 2010
- Johan Garcia - 2009
- Johan Garcia, Johann Hofmann - 2009
- Johan Garcia, Peter Hjärtquist, Johann Hofmann, Adrian Ulges, Strahil Sokolov - 2009
- Johan Garcia, A Ulges, C Jansohn, J Hofmann, G Gluhchev - 2009
- Tanguy Perennou, Amine Bouabdallah, Anna Brunström, Johan Garcia, Per Hurtig - 2009
- Johan Garcia, Thijs Jan Holleboom - 2009
- T. Endeshaw, Johan Garcia, Andreas Jakobsson - 2008
- Johan Garcia, Per Hurtig, Anna Brunström - 2008
- Johan Garcia, Per Hurtig, Anna Brunström - 2008
- Garcia, Hurtig, Brunström - 2008
- Mathieu Gineste, Johan Garcia - 2008
- Emmanuel Conchon, Johan Garcia, Tanguy Pérennou, Michel Diaz - 2007
- Johan Garcia, Emmanuel Conchon, Tanguy Perennou, Anna Brunström - 2007
- Johan Garcia, Per Hurtig, Anna Brunström - 2007
- Per Hurtig, Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström - 2006
- Hurtig, Garcia, Anna Brunstrom - 2006
- Anna Brunström, Stefan Lindskog, Johan Garcia - 2006
- Anna Brunström, Stefan Lindskog, Johan Garcia - 2006
- Anna Brunström, Stefan Lindskog, Johan Garcia - 2006
- Johan Garcia, Stefan Alfredsson, Anna Brunstrom - 2006
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunstrom - 2005
- Johan Garcia - 2005
- Anna Brunström, Stefan Alfredsson, Johan Garcia, Stefan Lindskog - 2005
- Anna Brunström, Johan Garcia, Stefan Lindskog - 2005
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström - 2004
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunstrom - 2004
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström - 2004
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström - 2004
- Grinnemo, Garcia, Brunstrom - 2004
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström - 2004
- Johan Garcia - 2003
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström - 2003
- Annika Wennström (Klockar), Anna Brunstrom, Johan Garcia, Jan H. Gustafsson - 2002
- Grinnemo, Brunstrom, Garcia - 2002
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström - 2002
- Johan Garcia - 2002
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström - 2002
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunstrom - 2002
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström - 2002
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunstrom - 2002
- Johan Garcia - 2002
- Annika Wennström (Klockar), Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström, Jan H. Gustafsson - 2001
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström - 2000
- Katarina Asplund, Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström, S. Schneyer - 2000
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström - 2000
- Anna Brunström, Katarina Asplund, Johan Garcia - 2000
- Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström - 2000
- S. Schneyer, Johan Garcia, Anna Brunström, Katarina Asplund - 1999
- Sean Schneyer, Johan Garcia, Anna Brunstrom, Katarina Asplund - 1999
- Asplund, Brunstrom, Garcia, Sean Schneyer, Grinnemo - 1999
- Garcia, Brunstrom, Asplund -
- Katarina Asplund, Johan Garcia, Anna Brunstrom, Sean Schneyer -
- Afzal, Garcia, Lindskog -