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International online-courses with strong links to the most successful research environments and tailor-made for professionals at work will be offered at Karlstad University thanks to a development project in conjunction with a number of leading companies and the support of the KK Foundation. The KK Foundation has granted Karlstad University 6 million SEK for the period 2017-2019 to develop and carry out net-based cutting edge Master–level courses, developed in close coop
International online-courses with strong links to the most successful research environments and tailor-made for professionals at work will be offered at Karlstad University thanks to a development project in conjunction with a number of leading companies and the support of the KK Foundation. The KK Foundation has granted Karlstad University 6 million SEK for the period 2017-2019 to develop and carry out net-based cutting edge Master–level courses, developed in close coop

Safe to use Zoom with KauID

News » 2020-04-16
Lately, there have been reports in the media worldwide about security flaws in Zoom. However, the section of Zoom provided by Karlstad University’s supplier SUNET is not affected by these security flaws to the same extent. “Employees and students at Karlstad University can feel safe when using Zoom,” says Monika Allöv Andersson, responsible for the Zoom service at Karlstad University IT Department.

Safety and fire

Student » Meny » Mina studier » Bra att veta
Below is information on the University’s physical safety, for example, fire protection and cardiac arrest emergencies, and documents on what to do in case of accident or death. For questions, contact the university’s chief of security, Jan Gambring, tel. 054-700 18 80. Suspected cardiac arrest Karlstad University has eight defibrillators.

The Grants and Innovation Office

Lärarutbildningen » Forskning » Forskningsmiljöer » Forskningssamverkan
The Grants and Innovation Office (GIO) supports individual researchers and research groups at Karlstad University in developing external funding strategies, as well as working with the personal and professional development of research staff. Support is offered through a range of competence development activities, for both individuals and groups, as well as in connection with external research funding applications to regional, national and international funders. The GIO

Jessica Comte, Master’s in Information Systems

HHK » Samverkan » Samverkan vid HHK » Alumn och partners » Interviews with alumni
Jessica Comte, what did you study at Karlstad Business School? - The Bachelor’s programme in IT, Project Management and ERP Systems from 2018 to 2020, and the Master’s programme in Information Systems from 2020 to 2022. Why did a Master’s programme at Karlstad Business School appeal to you? - I already had a career when I was looking for programmes, and I needed my studies to be 100% remote.

Genus, arbete och plats

Centrum för genusforskning » Evenemang och seminarier » Evenemang vid CGF » ÄLDRE EVENEMANG » CGF-evenemang 2022 » Nationell konferens för genusforskning - G22 » Öppna paneler
Att arbete är könskodat är väletablerat. Olika yrken, befattningar och arbetsuppgifter är könsmärkta/genuskodade, det vill säga antas vara mer eller mindre lämpade för ett visst kön (Acker, 1990). Likaså är arbetsmarknaden en del av att skapa och återskapa genusrelationer (McDowell, 1999, 2004). Arbetsmarknaden formas med andra ord av uppfattningar om könsspecifika ’lämpliga’ arbetsuppgifter, men den är också aktiv i att skapa dessa uppfattningar.
The Centre for Research on Sustainable Societal Transformation (CRS) will have a new director as of 1 April. Moa Tunström, senior lecturer in Human Geography, will take over when Margareta Dahlström steps down ahead of her upcoming retirement. Moa Tunström defended her doctoral thesis at Örebro University in 2009, “In search of the good city. Constructions of ideals and problems in Swedish urban planning discussion” in the discipline of Human Geography.
Rabia Bayer, tell us about your assignment at Karlstad Business School – As part of the Erasmus mobility program, I will be joining Karlstad Business School to contribute to the International Business class as a guest lecturer. My role involves delivering a lecture on International Marketing Ethics, emphasizing sustainability within challenging industries such as tourism and luxury.
Zelalem Abay, tell us about your background – I was born and raised in Ethiopia. In 2014, I came to Sweden to study my Master’s degree in Accounting and Control at Karlstad Business School. Before that I completed Master’s degree in Accounting and Finance at Addis Ababa University and worked as a University Lecturer in Ethiopia. I completed my PhD study from Gothenburg University in 2022 and subsequently joined Mälardalen University as Senior Lecturer.


Forskning » Vår forskning » Samhälle, kultur och språk
The discipline Sociology is part of the Department of Social and Psychological Studies. The institution also includes the disciplines Social work, Psychology and Gender studies. We conduct research and teach in the fields of sociology and social psychology. Our main program is the Behavioral Science Program (180 ECTS).
Are you interested in maps; collection and analysis of geographical information; geodetic measurement technology; 3D visualization of landscapes and cities as well as the environment; working with satellite images and UAV remotely sensed data; image interpretation and analysis; machine learning techniques and analyses that can support different dimensions of sustainable development from a geographical perspective? Geomatics is an umbrella term for disciplines and techno

Student interaction

HHK » Utbildning » Att läsa på HHK » Studentliv
Karlstad Business School offers many opportunities to make your voice as a student heard. Student interaction and influence are some of the key factors in developing quality and innovation in education, for courses as well as programmes. Students' rights are also regulated by the Swedish Higher Education Act and Higher Education Ordinance. There are several ways students can interact with Karlstad Business School.

Georg Gulyas, Professor of Guitar

Akademisk högtid » Föregående högtider » Akademisk högtid genom åren » Akademisk högtid 2024
Georg Gulyas was born in Säffle. His Hungarian father worked at the city library while his Finnish mother worked at the church daycare centre. He acquired his basic qualification in classical guitar from Malmö Academy of Music. After completing his degree, he continued his studies at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, École Normale de Musique de Paris and Juilliard School in New York.
Karlstad Business School is working with quality assurance to reach the accreditation according to AACSB. During two days, mentor Ian Clark visited to coach the Business school ahead in the process. It was an opportunity to ask questions, try out lay-outs and make adjustments ahead of the continuous journey. Three years ago, Karlstad Business School was granted application to start the process for accreditation at AACSB.

Hello there Nurul Momen!

News » 2016-03-15
Welcome to Karlstad University! What and where have you studied before you began your employment here in February? I completed my MSc from EIT Digital Master Program with a focus on innovation in Security and Privacy. During this program, I completed 1st year from University of Trento, Italy and 2nd year from Technical University of Berlin,Germany. How do you like your new hometown? I don’t like it, I love it!
Can digital services support people who want to change their behavior? This is what researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, currently is studying together with Wellness in Värmland. Many people want to, or have to for health reasons, change their habits to a healthier lifestyle, for example start exercising, eating healthier or quit smoking. Although many want to make a change, it is not an easy task.

Step 5: Research agreements and contracts

Forskarhandbok » Steg 5: Genomför projektet » När ditt projekt blir beviljat
After a successful application, you should immediately contact the legal department for assistance in reviewing and/or drafting of necessary research contracts. It is important for the project management to have adequate agreements for the research projects, in order to prevent disputes and to create satisfactory and secure conditions for employees and departments, as well as for our collaborative partners.
The teacher and musician Georg Gulyás teaches guitar, chamber music, and guitar methodology at the Ingesund School of Music. After his promotion, he can now call himself a professor. Georg Gulyás was born in Säffle, and his Hungarian father worked at the city’s library while his Finnish mother worked with the church’s children’s hours. His basic qualification in classical guitar is from the Malmö Academy of Music.

Cornelia Brantner, Professor of Media and Communication Studies

Akademisk högtid » Föregående högtider » Akademisk högtid genom åren » Akademisk högtid 2024
Cornelia Brantner holds a PhD and a master’s degree from the Department of Journalism and Communication at the University of Vienna, Austria. After her PhD, she had a postdoctoral position which concluded with a few months at the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, where she deepened her knowledge of digital methods, such as network analysis.