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Around 70 IT students attended the latest SNITS lunch at Karlstad University. This month’s lunch was hosted by Stamford, who discussed their experiences and challenges in continuing the development of large tailor-made business systems, some of which have been in use for more than 20 years. Stamford was founded in Karlstad in 1990 and has developed from a pure consulting firm into a company focused on product development.
A new research project on the experiences of families who moved out of big cities recently received a grant of SEK 2.9 million from Formas, the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning.

Cecilia Sillanpää, Alumna of the Real Estate Management programme

HHK » Samverkan » Samverkan vid HHK » Alumn och partners » Interviews with alumni
What do you do today? “I manage transactions and the land profile at HSB ProjektPartner. This means that I am responsible for the entire transaction process for the real estate business our company conducts when we buy land on which we later build housing. After graduating, my first job was at SBAB as a mortgage consultant.


Centrum för genusforskning » Evenemang och seminarier » Evenemang vid CGF » ÄLDRE EVENEMANG » CGF-evenemang 2020
Critical Perspectives from Gender Studies Online Talk Series – 23.09.2020 and 28.10.2020 (09:00-17:00) The current global pandemic has brought with it many challenges. Most obviously, the costs are seen in the lives lost and the health, emotional, social, and economic challenges that many people face around the globe due to the pandemic.
The law is an important tool for achieving sustainable development, but it has been criticised for not being effective enough. There is great interest from both the business sector and authorities in creating more effective environmental assessments. However, the Land and Environmental Courts have difficulty managing the complexity of environmental issues since the requirements for a legal review – rule of law, predictability and equal treatment – demand delimited and separate processes.

Bestoun S. Ahmed Al-Beywanee, Professor of Computer Science

Akademisk högtid » Föregående högtider » Akademisk högtid genom åren » Akademisk högtid 2023 » Professorer 2023
Bestoun S. Ahmed Al-Beywanee is originally from Iraq and was born in 1982. He has a bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Science from 2004 and got a scholarship to finish his master's study at University Putra Malaysia 2007-2009. After his master degree Bestoun S. Ahmed Al-Beywanee moved on to a Ph.D. fellowship position at the University of Science Malaysia (2009-2012) in the field of Software engineering.

Ida Flink, Professor of Psychology

Akademisk högtid » Föregående högtider » Akademisk högtid genom åren » Akademisk högtid 2023 » Professorer 2023
Ida Flink was born and raised in Årjäng. After spending a few years abroad following graduation from upper secondary school, she moved to Örebro to enroll in the psychology programme. Immediately after graduation, she went on to doctoral studies at the same university, where the first two years were combined with the practical placement required to become a licenced psychologist.
Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency say yes to funding for SustainGov, where Samhällsnytta at Karlstad University is one of the partners. The decision means that SustainGov is granted around SEK 11 million in government funding per year for running the programme, which is intended to help the public sector do the right things. – It is important for Karlstad University that we get to be a part of this long-term and strategic initiative, says Johan Quist, Managin

Interlibrary loans - borrowing material from other libraries

Bibliotek » Låna » Beställa » Fjärrlån
Material or copies of material not available from the library may be obtained via other libraries. We cannot guarantee that all material will be sent, as all libraries have different regulations regarding interlibrary loans. Who can order interlibrary loans? The interlibrary loan service is aimed at those who study, research or work at Karlstad University.
The room was crowded when Elvenite hosted the latest SNITS lunch at Karlstad University. IT students had the opportunity to listen to Pär Andersson, who was talking about the effects of digitalisation on the food industry, while providing examples from his company’s day-to-day experience.
You are now back in Spain after spending four months at CTF. What were your expectations before you came here, and what have you achieved during your visit? - My expectations before coming here were basically: learning new ways of working and presenting my research at an international level, deepening my dissertation research with the brilliant researchers of CTF, attending research courses, and trying to build partnerships for future research.
Karlstad Business School has been given greenlight to proceed in the process for an accreditation by the Accreditation Committee at the AACSB. The work now continues towards building a robust and sustainable quality control system as a support for a continuous development of the school. Just over two years ago, AACSB granted the Business School's request to start a process towards accreditation. It was the start of a quality development work for the entire department.

Full speed ahead in Ozlab

News » 2019-04-08
The usability lab, Ozlab, has been frequently occupied this spring, among other thins for eyetracking-surveys, updating of the manual and introductionfilms. From the latter half of January we had two German students as internships for 10 weeks, Antonia Appel and Jakob Kümmerle, from DHBW, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg. They helped students conducting various projects on undergraduate and master level with eyetracking equipment.

Step 5: Communications plan

Forskarhandbok » Steg 5: Genomför projektet » När ditt projekt blir beviljat
A communications plan is the fundamental document that will guide and shape your internal and public communications activities and your public profile. A good communications plan to announce the results of a project will give you and your team the focus it needs to have clear messages about the project, while at the same time, build both visibility and credibility for your organization.

Erik Steijner och David Steijner, Degree of Master in Business Administration, specialising in marketing

HHK » Samverkan » Samverkan vid HHK » Alumn och partners » Interviews with alumni
Why did both of you choose to study at Karlstad Business School? – I think the biggest reason is that we’re born in Värmland, says Erik Steijner. Moving to Karlstad felt natural. We didn’t have any solid plans for life, so instead of applying for random jobs, we chose to study. What were your expectations for the degree programme at Karlstad Business School? Did it live up to your expectations? – Our original idea was to study IT, says Erik.

Current research in Political Science

Statsvetenskap » Forskning
Political Science research at Karlstad University mainly concerns two areas of interest: political procedures and processes at the local and regional levels, and social science education. Political procedures and processes at the local and regional levels European societies in general and the Nordic ones, including Sweden, in particular have undergone changes which entail an increased political and executive role for regional and local agents.
Mia Larson’s research is in the borderlands between organization and marketing and her focus has been on tourism, events and sustainable development for a long time. Today, her focus is on digital services and personal integrity, and she was recently promoted to professor of Business Administration at Karlstad University. Mia's current research focuses on digital services and personal integrity.

Agne Swerin, Professor of Chemical Engineering

Akademisk högtid » Föregående högtider » Akademisk högtid genom åren » Akademisk högtid 2021 » Professorer 2021
“Society and the industry continues to grow, and research which lays the foundation for the use of fewer finite resources and non-renewable resources, is very important.” Agne Swerin comes from scenic Bollnäs in Hälsingland. After he finished upper secondary school, he studied Chemical Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH. He followed that with doctoral studies focused on paper technology processes.