» Forskningsdata
» Forskningsdata och öppen data
What is research data?Research data is information and material collected or generated during the research process, and that form the basis for a scholarly analysis, regardless of the research domain.The research funding body requests a data management plan – what is that?A data management plan is requested because it supports the possibility of sharing data with others.
Centrum för genusforskning
» Evenemang och seminarier
» Evenemang vid CGF
24.04.2019 kl 15-17, room 3A:340
Title: "GUYnecology: The Missing Science of How Men’s Health Matters for Reproduction"
Presenter: Rene Almeling, Yale University
Abstract: Medical researchers have been making headlines with a surprising series of findings about how the health status of men’s bodies prior to conception can directly affect the health of their children.
» Forskning
» Forskning vid CTF
» Publikationer
Edvardsson, B., & Tronvoll, B. (2024). Managing Customer Experiences in Times of Crisis, In (Eds.) Kristensson, P., Witell, L. & Zaki, M. Handbook of Service Experience. Edward Elgar, UK.)
Brodén, K., Wästlund E., Westman J. and Liu, X. (2024). Smart and Safe - trygghetsskapande i offentliga miljöer baserat på IoT-lösningar Karlstads Universitet. Karlstads Universitet.
Fahimi, M., Falk P., Gray, J.W.Y., & Jarke, J. (2024).
This text is meant to provide support to students who process personal data as part of independent projects/degree projects/essays (called “independent projects” below), but all students will benefit from the information provided in Part 1.
Aim of the text
The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and complementing Swedish legislation require that all work with personal data should be done transparently, correctly and securely.
We are a multidisciplinary group and we work interdisciplinary with knowledge on societal risk.
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Dear Geomedians, here is a new selection of news and points of information related to the Centre for Geomedia Studies!
Dear Geomedians,
First, I hope you’ve had a good beginning of the new year – and thank you for productive work during 2024!