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Centrum för genusforskning » Evenemang och seminarier » Evenemang vid CGF » ÄLDRE EVENEMANG » CGF-evenemang 2020
Critical Perspectives from Gender Studies Online Talk Series – 23.09.2020 and 28.10.2020 (09:00-17:00) The current global pandemic has brought with it many challenges. Most obviously, the costs are seen in the lives lost and the health, emotional, social, and economic challenges that many people face around the globe due to the pandemic.

Research in public health science

Folkhälsovetenskap » Forskning
Research at Public health science consists of several strong research groups tightly tied to the community. Research topics include psychosocial health of vulnerable groups children. Environmental exposure and child development is studied in the SELMA-study. Public Health Science at Karlstad University involve renowned and experienced researchers that produce quality research in their respective fields. Several large studies are currently being undertaken.

Sture Nordh, honorary doctor at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Akademisk högtid » Föregående högtider » Akademisk högtid genom åren » Akademisk högtid 2019 » Hedersdoktorer 2019
”Karlstad University wants to acknowledge my commitment to improving working life and increasing funding for research in the field. This pleases me because a major sustainability challenge concerns the future of work." Sture Nordh grew up on a farm in Västerbotten, near Skellefteå, in a family of active members of associations and societies. As a child he listened to discussions in board meetings relating to agriculture, church and politics, in the big farm kitchen.
“I collaborate with researchers in the fields of human-computer interaction, human-robot interaction, subject-specific music education and ethics.” Carl Unander-Scharin was born in Stockholm in 1964 and graduated from Adolf Fredriks musikgymnasium in 1983. He continued his studies at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, where he studied church music, choir education and the supplementary teacher education.

Ida Flink, Professor of Psychology

Akademisk högtid » Årets högtid » Akademisk högtid 2023 » Professorer 2023
Ida Flink was born and raised in Årjäng. After spending a few years abroad following graduation from upper secondary school, she moved to Örebro to enroll in the psychology programme. Immediately after graduation, she went on to doctoral studies at the same university, where the first two years were combined with the practical placement required to become a licenced psychologist.

Step 5: Communications plan

Forskarhandbok » Steg 5: Genomför projektet » När ditt projekt blir beviljat
A communications plan is the fundamental document that will guide and shape your internal and public communications activities and your public profile. A good communications plan to announce the results of a project will give you and your team the focus it needs to have clear messages about the project, while at the same time, build both visibility and credibility for your organization.
Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency say yes to funding for SustainGov, where Samhällsnytta at Karlstad University is one of the partners. The decision means that SustainGov is granted around SEK 11 million in government funding per year for running the programme, which is intended to help the public sector do the right things. – It is important for Karlstad University that we get to be a part of this long-term and strategic initiative, says Johan Quist, Managing

Ph D Dissertations

CTF » Forskning » Forskning vid CTF » Publikationer
Skarin, F. (2023) Psychology, Positive change for wellbeing: Maintained intervention-induced behaviors and healthier lifestyles, Karlstad University Studies, 2023:10. Arsenovic, J. (2021) Business Administration, Proactivity in Service Failure and Service Recovery, Karlstad University Studies, 2021:25. Molander, S. (2021) Business Administration, Enacting, Enabling, and Embracing Market Orientation: A study of Public–Private Dyads, Karlstad University Studies, 2021:12 Samuelsson, P.

HR Excellence in Research

Forskning » Forskningsstöd » Forskarstöd
At Karlstad University, we work actively towards creating a stimulating work environment and good conditions for our researchers. We strive towards fair and transparent recruitment as well as favourable professional development for researchers.
Having fun at work has been an important driving force and success factor ever since Altran started up in Värmland in 2011. Since then, Altran has grown from 2 to 40 employees in 7 years.

E-book readers

Bibliotek » Sök » Sök information » Sök böcker » E-böcker
Start using Adobe Digital Editions or BlueFire Reader. Adobe Digital Editions A program used to read and handle e-books on your computer. It can handle books both in epub or pdf  format. Use it to create notes and highlights and to search for specific text.

Carl Allert, alumnus of the Business and Economics programme

HHK » Samverkan » Samverkan vid HHK » Alumn och partners » Interviews with alumni
What do you do today? “I am an assistant auditor at Grant Thornton and work in Karlstad. After graduation, I immediately got a job at PWC in Norrköping. I really felt that it was the right job for me, but my girlfriend was still in Karlstad and a long-distance relationship is not that easy. So I moved back to Karlstad and switched to Grant Thornton. This time it was also easy to find employment because of what I had studied at the Karlstad Business School and my theoretical background.


Gifted Network » Contact » People contacts
Valerie Margrain Karlstad University Email: Profile:   Gisela Priebe Karlstad University Email: Profile:   Elisabet Mellroth Karlstad University and Karlstads kommun Email: Profile:   Michael Tengberg Karlstad University E-mail: Profile:

Doctors 2023

Akademisk högtid » Årets högtid » Akademisk högtid 2023
At this year's Academic Celebration, 18 new Doctors were confered at Karlstad University. Faculty of arts and social sciences Åsa Bergman Brun Defended her doctoral thesis in the subject Working Life Science on 31 March 2023 The doctoral thesis is entitled: ”The double-sided nature of lifestyle-oriented work within the Swedish equine sector: Characteristics and consequences for employee health and well-being” Sara Blanck Defended her doctoral thesis in the subject Edu


Samverkan » Forsknings- och innovationssamverkan » Innovationssamverkan
CRE8® is a fast-paced method for competing in creative problem solving, with an emphasis on innovation. Three to four interdisciplinary teams of students test their problem-solving abilities and pitched their solutions to a jury. The teams are given real cases from researchers, companies and the public sector.

Parallell session 1

Företagsekonomi » Konferenser » Sessioner
Session 1A: Business Schools are aiming at ackreditations such as AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS: Why? Panel in 1B309 (english) Moderator: Bo Edvardsson (Karlstad University) Panel: Anette Hallin (Mälardalen University), Sofia Isberg (Umeå University) and Jerker Moodysson (Karlstad University) A panel discussion on what different accreditations (AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS) can mean for the development of business schools in order to meet future challenges in business and society.

Elin Skau, Human Resource Management and Working Life

HHK » Samverkan » Samverkan vid HHK » Alumn och partners » Interviews with alumni
Elin Skau, why did you choose Karlstad Business School? - I chose it both because I come from Värmland but also because I heard very good things about the school and student life. The Business School has a super nice campus with good connections to the city centre. What expectations did you have for the Human resource management and working life program - and were they met? - I had the expectation of gaining a greater and broader understanding of working life and organizations.
After the recent hacker attacks in which the university's IT supplier Tietoevry, amongst others, was affected, it becomes clear how quickly organizations can become target of such actions. Meiko Jensen, lecturer in cybersecurity at computer science, helps us clarify the areas of hacking and cybersecurity. Hi Meiko Jensen.
Degrees and Courses: 2013 - Teaching Registration, Swedish primary and secondary school 2007 - Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 15 ECTS, Karlstad University 2006 - Course for Supervisors in Postgraduate Education, Karlstad University 2001 - PhD, Educational Sciences.

Completed projects

CTF » Forskning » Forskning vid CTF » Forskningsprojekt och profiler
DISCERN - digital services and customer experiences  TRUEdig  Självstyrande team (FoU Helsingborg) MECO, Music Ecosystems Inner Scandinavia ServzChall Digital method for development (2018-2021) RESPONSE VIPP Hållbar kollektivtrafik – effekter av bättre samordning och ökad flexibilitet 2018-2021 Kollaborativ kollektivtrafik för levande landsbygd CoSIE- Co-creation in Public Service Avans 2018-2020 Effektivare folkbokföring med stöd av forskning  Energieffektivare arbetspendling: Bety

Working Life Science

Forskning » Vår forskning » IT, ekonomi och juridik
Working Life Science is the study of work at the levels of the individual, organisation, and society, centring on areas such as the organisation of work and its consequences, the development of the labour market and the meaning of work in our lives. Working Life Science offers education at all university levels including the doctoral level and contract courses.