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Per-Ola Wiklander, Senior Lecturer in Public Law and Programme Director at Karlstad Business School, is pleased with the development of the law programme. And the students find jobs right away. - I have been involved from the start as a teacher and I took on the role of programme director 2.5 years ago. It has been quite a bit of development work, as a degree in law is very comprehensive. Our students have been both ambitious and capable, however.
Julio Angulo was awarded his doctorate at Karlstad University in 2015 and is now doing research on user experience at Google. On 13 January he visited Karlstad University to give a lecture on his journey from Karlstad to Google to inspire students. ”During my time at Karlstad University I met many clever and motivated students.
On the 10 May Monika Rydstedt Nyman successfully defended her licentiate thesis titled "Learning and knowledge sharing from management of extreme weather induced impacts on the Swedish transport infrastructure - Case study of the Swedish Transport Administration". As opponent acted professor Peter Söderholm, Quality Technology and Management, Luleå University of Technology (to the right in the image) and as examinator professor Ragnar Andersson, Risk Ma
The situation surrounding the course Intercultural studies: race and whiteness in Sweden, which has attracted a lot of media attention, has led to a report being filed with the Disciplinary Board of Karlstad University. The report was entered in the registry on Thursday and will be processed promptly.
Research findings from Karlstad University were presented at a conference in Oslo. - As always when it comes to changing cultures, it is important to be persistent and not give up, says Markus Fellesson from the Center for Service Research (CTF). Markus Fellesson and Anna Fyrberg-Yngfalk, researchers at the Service Research Center (CTF) and Karlstad Business School, you recently participated in the conference “Prevent and Intervene – Ending Sexual Harassment at Work” in
What happens when manufacturing companies, who previously focused on products only, begin to focus on services? What challenges are they put up against and how can they face them? This is what Nina Löfbergs thesis is about. Globalization and increased competition from low-cost countries has pushed many Swedish manufacturing companies firms to focus on services rather than only products.
Värmland has received stricter general guidelines and Karlstad University is adapting teaching and research accordingly. In line with this, all activities will as far as possible take place remotely. A vice-chancellor’s decision was made on Monday following the new stricter general guidelines for Värmland County from the Public Health Agency. Karlstad University is taking its responsibility to help reduce the spread of infection.

New book: Service Innovation

News » 2016-04-26
CTF Professors Anders Gustafsson, Per Kristensson and Lars Witell, are together with Professor Gary Schirr at Radford University, the authors behind the new book "Service Innovation”. CTF Professors Anders Gustafsson, Per Kristensson and Lars Witell have teamed up with Professor Gary Schirr at Radford University, in the new book "Service Innovation". "We are delighted that our book on service innovation finally is available in English.
Jan Ch Karlsson, Professor of Working Life Science at Karlstad Business School, and his German colleague and collaboration partner have been given an award for their article “Towards a Sociology of Meaningful Work”. – Work that includes a lot of negative stress or rigid hierarchies is actually lethal, says Jan Ch Karlsson. Why is research about meaningful work so important? – Most people spend a large portion of their lives and their waking hours working.
New dictionaries online! The university library have subscribes to several dictionaries from Norstedts through Wordfinder online.  The dictionaries are available on the university or by logging in with your NetID. If you creatre a personal account using your @kau email address you can also download an app to your cellphone. Students and employees may search bilingual dictionaries from Norstedts, in English, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, French, Finnish and German.
Jörg Pareigis has been awarded the prestigeous "Emerald Literati Award 2022" for the article ”Office types and worker´s cognitive vs affective evaluations from a noise perspective” published in the Journal of Managerial Psychology. The article, written by researchers Tobias Otterbring, University of Agder, Christina Bodin Danielsson, KTH, and Jörg Pareigis, examines the links between office types and employees' subjective well-being regarding cognitive and affective eval
Jörg Lenhard, a postdoctoral research fellow in computer science, participated in the lecture series “Möt en forksare”. He talked about one of the meeting points between the fields of software engineering and biology: software evolution. During his lecture Jörg Lenhard described how and why software engineering researchers apply the term evolution and related biological concepts and what researchers hope to gain this way.
Two research projects at the Karlstad Business School were awarded 2,7 and 5 million by Forte, The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare. It is the subjects Business administration and Working life science that start up new projects starting next year. Forte, The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare announced the other day regarding the decision of the distribution of research funding.
Lamps that are switched on and off via an app, garbage cans that signal when it is time to be emptied and children who are tracked via watches. These are all examples of smart units gaining more ground in our everyday lives. Participants in the SNITS lunch on 6 November learned more about the Internet of Things and the technology behind it. The Internet of Things refers to devices that are not traditionally networked, such as watches, toys and machines.
The conflicts fall into three categories – easy, difficult and impossible. A collaboration between working life science and sociology has led to a book for students. Jonas Axelsson, Senior Lecturer in working life science at Karlstad Business School, and Markus Arvidson, Senior Lecturer in sociology at Karlstad University, have a long-term interest in matters of loyalty. They have known each other for more than ten years and had many discussions on the topic.
CTF’s efforts to develop groundbreaking theoretical knowledge has resulted in multidisciplinary research themes: Service Innovation, Service Management, and Service Experience. Based on these themes CTF is now developing a crosscutting theme on Transformative Service Research, TSR. It is a relatively new field in service research and is increasingly getting more attention in academia.
Bio-based resources from well managed forests play important roles in transition to a sustainable society. In WoodPro, the research team will explore new processing chains that convert forest residues to high-value industrial chemicals and soil amendment products. - WoodPro is an EU cooperation in form of a consortium with three sub-projects hosted in Karlstad University, the Natural Resources Institute in Finland (LUKE) and the University of Eastern Finland (UEF).
We welcome Jana Huck, new PhD student in Business Administration at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University. Jana Huck will conduct her doctoral studies in the field of innovation management, focusing on service innovation and its implementation. – I want to explore, among other things, what organizational factors contribute to the successful implementation of service innovations and how digital solutions can support the implementation process.

Welcome Pablo Moreno!

News » 2014-09-05
Ph D Student Pablo Moreno from the Spanish Science and Education Ministry will be a visiting us until end of December. We asked him what kind of research he is working on within his doctoral studies. - My research area is within service innovation. I focus on different relationships among customers and frontline employees, and their involvement in each of the developmental stages of new services.