Akademisk högtid
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» Akademisk högtid 2023
» Professorer 2023
Ida Flink was born and raised in Årjäng. After spending a few years abroad following graduation from upper secondary school, she moved to Örebro to enroll in the psychology programme. Immediately after graduation, she went on to doctoral studies at the same university, where the first two years were combined with the practical placement required to become a licenced psychologist.
Starting 1 January, restaurants, cafes, and organisers serving over 150 people per day in Sweden must offer customers the option of takeaway in reusable cups and containers instead of disposable ones.
Are you interested in learning more about the world you live in? Would you like to understand why life looks a certain way in various places and how the increasing mobility of people across the world can be explained?
Material or copies of material not available from the library may be obtained via other libraries. We cannot guarantee that all material will be sent, as all libraries have different regulations regarding interlibrary loans.
Who can order interlibrary loans?
The interlibrary loan service is aimed at those who study, research or work at Karlstad University.
A degree can be described as proof that you, through your studies, have acquired a certain level of knowledge. When you have completed your studies, you have to apply for your degree certificate.
Your degree certificate details which type of degree you have been awarded, the specific courses included in your degree, the grade you achieved for each course and the dates courses were completed. The degree certificate is in both Swedish and English.
Centrum för genusforskning
» Evenemang och seminarier
» Evenemang vid CGF
» CGF-evenemang 2020
Critical Perspectives from Gender Studies
Online Talk Series – 23.09.2020 and 28.10.2020 (09:00-17:00)
The current global pandemic has brought with it many challenges. Most obviously, the costs are seen in the lives lost and the health, emotional, social, and economic challenges that many people face around the globe due to the pandemic.
In this seminar, the new anthology Feminist philosophy: Time, history, and the transformation of thought (Södertörn studies in intellectual and cultural history 2023) will be presented by one of the editors, Johanna Sjöstedt.The publication is based on a four-year network, the aims of which were to a) research the philosophical roots of feminist theory; b) emphasize the importance of time and history as analytical concepts for feminist theory; c) scrutinize philosophy from a feminist perspective
In this seminar, the new anthology Feminist philosophy: Time, history, and the transformation of thought (Södertörn studies in intellectual and cultural history 2023) will be presented by one of the editors, Johanna Sjöstedt.The publication is based on a four-year network, the aims of which were to a) research the philosophical roots of feminist theory; b) emphasize the importance of time and history as analytical concepts for feminist theory; c) scrutinize philosophy from a feminist perspective
Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency say yes to funding for SustainGov, where Samhällsnytta at Karlstad University is one of the partners.
The decision means that SustainGov is granted around SEK 11 million in government funding per year for running the programme, which is intended to help the public sector do the right things.
– It is important for Karlstad University that we get to be a part of this long-term and strategic initiative, says Johan Quist, Managin
The school is a blessing and provides opportunities for all, regardless of their origin!
Name: Kristian Thorén
Exam: Teacher's Degree Compulsory School's Secondary School and Upper Secondary School and Philosophy of Literature, 2009
Age: 35
What did you choose Karlstad University?
Lots of emotional reasons. The newly-built library was among the most beautiful I saw, as was the internal décor: Lars Lerin's magical landscape paintings
Om universitetet
» Om Karlstads universitet
» Vårt ansvar
» Universitetspedagogik
As of Autumn 2020, there was a new model in place for UPE’s courses for university teachers. We now offer more courses but each course is less comprehensive. It will also be up to the individual teacher and his/her supervisor to choose the courses that are most relevant in their particular case.
UPE’s mission is to provide excellent, relevant training and thus support teachers in doing their job.
Below you can find short information about our courses.
Political Science research at Karlstad University mainly concerns two areas of interest: political procedures and processes at the local and regional levels, and social science education.
Political procedures and processes at the local and regional levels
European societies in general and the Nordic ones, including Sweden, in particular have undergone changes which entail an increased political and executive role for regional and local agents.
Akademisk högtid
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» Akademisk högtid genom åren
» Akademisk högtid 2019
» Professorer 2019
”For the future, I see great possibilities to integrate my different research areas since innovation, particularly service innovation, will be a vital factor in creating an inclusive, accessible and sustainable society.”
Lars E. Olsson grew up in Dals-Ed and went to Karlstad to study and to work as a recreation instructor in the 1990s. Near the end of the decade, he moved to Gothenburg to retrain, taking up studies in psychology.
Lars E.
The project budget must be drawn up in consultation with a financial officer. You should make an appointment with your department financial officer well in advance of the application deadline. Bring all information about the call to the meeting.
An estimate is drawn up in line with the SUHF model (Sveriges universitets- och högskoleförbund/The Association of Swedish Higher Education), which includes a budget with full coverage of costs (i.e.
Akademisk högtid
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» Akademisk högtid genom åren
» Akademisk högtid 2023
» Professorer 2023
Bestoun S. Ahmed Al-Beywanee is originally from Iraq and was born in 1982. He has a bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Science from 2004 and got a scholarship to finish his master's study at University Putra Malaysia 2007-2009.
After his master degree Bestoun S. Ahmed Al-Beywanee moved on to a Ph.D. fellowship position at the University of Science Malaysia (2009-2012) in the field of Software engineering.
Anna Jansson jumped in at the deep end. She has lived in Germany and Ireland, and for the last four years she has called San Francisco home. She started by taking freestanding courses at Karlstad University and today she is brand marketing manager at Google.
I studied at Karlstad University from 2002 to 2006.
» Samverkan
» Samverkan vid HHK
» Alumn och partners
» Interviews with alumni
What is your current occupation?
"I've been working as an HR partner at NCC since 2017. It's an exciting assignment and I have the overriding HR responsibility for our region Civil Middle (Värmland, Örebro, Västmanland & Sörmland) with around 300 employees. I have the privilege of supporting all heads on staff issues and work with our management team to develop our operations.
Why did you choose to study the Master programme in working life studies?
» Lärarstöd
» Bibliotekets stöd till lärare
» Användbara tips
The library acquires the literature required for all the courses available at the university. According to the library's acquisition policy electronic books are preferred to printed editions.
Printed course literature
The library has the books required for all the courses available at the university.
“I collaborate with researchers in the fields of human-computer interaction, human-robot interaction, subject-specific music education and ethics.”
Carl Unander-Scharin was born in Stockholm in 1964 and graduated from Adolf Fredriks musikgymnasium in 1983. He continued his studies at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, where he studied church music, choir education and the supplementary teacher education.
Jenny Wilson is an internationally known Swedish indie musician, artist, and not least, producer. Her music is electro-influenced and energetic, and her lyrics are confrontational, often critical of society. At the same time, she does not shy away from being very vulnerable and personal, which is a significant part of her expression.
Akademisk högtid
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» Akademisk högtid genom åren
» Akademisk högtid 2021
» Professorer 2021
“Society and the industry continues to grow, and research which lays the foundation for the use of fewer finite resources and non-renewable resources, is very important.”
Agne Swerin comes from scenic Bollnäs in Hälsingland. After he finished upper secondary school, he studied Chemical Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH. He followed that with doctoral studies focused on paper technology processes.
» Forskning
» Forskarskolan om hållbar samhällsförändring
Khabat Amin, Risk- and environmental studies
Researches on safety for pedestrians in road traffic environment.
Sandra Andersson, Social Work
Sofia Billebo, Human Geography
Tove Bodland, Risk- and environmental studies
My research interest concerns the societal ability to prepare for, manage and recover from extreme weather events.
Behind administration, we find the administrators. A professional group that David Regin Öborn, new doctor in working life science at Karlstad Business School, has focused on in his research.
Karlstad University has received funding from the KK Foundation to build an industrial research school in forest-based bioeconomy and digitization. The project runs from June 2023 to May 2029.
EXACT is a collaboration between two strong research groups at Karlstad University - Pro2BE and DAMI4.0 - eight companies and several industry partners.
Research at Public health science consists of several strong research groups tightly tied to the community. Research topics include psychosocial health of vulnerable groups children. Environmental exposure and child development is studied in the SELMA-study.
Public Health Science at Karlstad University involve renowned and experienced researchers that produce quality research in their respective fields. Several large studies are currently being undertaken.