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University pedagogy training

Om universitetet » Om Karlstads universitet » Vårt ansvar » Universitetspedagogik
As of Autumn 2020, there was a new model in place for UPE’s courses for university teachers. We now offer more courses but each course is less comprehensive. It will also be up to the individual teacher and his/her supervisor to choose the courses that are most relevant in their particular case. UPE’s mission is to provide excellent, relevant training and thus support teachers in doing their job. RANGE OF COURSES Below you can find short information about our courses.

Step 3: Develop your proposal

Forskarhandbok » Steg 3: Skriv ansökan
The proposal development step, also commonly referred to as the pre-award phase represents the beginning of the research project lifecycle, which includes drafting proposals, setting up collaborations, budgeting, compliance check, reviewing and submission. The Pre-award checklist and sections below provide support during the proposal development step.

CGF events 2020

Centrum för genusforskning » Evenemang och seminarier » Evenemang vid CGF » ÄLDRE EVENEMANG
Here you will find CGF events for 2020!   Higher seminars   23 and 28 October on Zoom The Politics and Intersections of Covid-19: Online Talk Series Critical Perspectives from Gender Studies   The current global pandemic has brought with it many challenges. Most obviously, the costs are seen in the lives lost and the health, emotional, social, and economic challenges that many people face around the globe due to the pandemic.

Doctoral students at CRS graduate school

CRS » Forskning » Forskarskolan om hållbar samhällsförändring
Khabat Amin, Risk- and environmental studies Researches on safety for pedestrians in road traffic environment. Sandra Andersson, Social Work Sofia Billebo, Human Geography Tove Bodland, Risk- and environmental studies My research interest concerns the societal ability to prepare for, manage and recover from extreme weather events.
Karlstad University’s user lab are used by different disciplines and also in collaboration with external parties. Within the research group for usability studies, there is also the development of methodologies for interaction design, especially around Ozlab which is a GUI experimental web service developed to admit easy testing, even improvisation, of ideas for interactive products. It admits non-programmers to become concept developers and interactivity testers.

Journal articles

CTF » Forskning » Forskning vid CTF » Publikationer
2024 Abadzhiev, A., Sukhov, A. & Johnson, M. (2024). Business model innovation for reducing uncertainty in sustainability transitions: A case study of the wood construction industry. Creativity and Innovation Management, (Published online). As'ad, N., Patricio, L., Koskela-Huotari, K. & Edvardsson, B. (2024). Understanding service ecosystem dynamics: a typology.

Conference papers

CTF » Forskning » Forskning vid CTF » Publikationer
2024 Abadzhiev, A. (2024). Managing business model innovation for sustainability transitions: The critical roles of values, knowledge and agency. Paper presented at the International Sustainability Transitions Conference (Early Career Researcher event), Oslo, Norway, 17-20 June. Abadzhiev, A., Carlborg, P., & Sukhov, A. (2024). Exploring circular business model strategies and practices.
Our choices as consumers are governed by various factors. At the restaurant one of them is the appearance of the person serving us - if the person has a look that is perceived as healthy, we choose the healthy options from the menu. These are the findings from a study made by researchers Poja Shams and Anders Gustafsson. The health trend is growing and we are becoming increasingly aware of what kind of food we should consume to maintain good health.


Forskning » Forskningsstöd » Forskarstöd » Grants and Innovation Office
Research information for researchers at Karlstad University from Grants and Innovation Office, GIO. 96 */ *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|*

Book chapters

CTF » Forskning » Forskning vid CTF » Publikationer
2024 Edvardsson, B., & Tronvoll, B. (2024). Managing Customer Experiences in Times of Crisis, In (Eds.) Kristensson, P., Witell, L. & Zaki, M. Handbook of Service Experience. Edward Elgar, UK.. Karlsson, J., Edlom, J., & Ryan Bengtsson, L. (2024). Innovating music experiences: Creativity in pandemic times. In Innovation in Music: Cultures and Contexts (pp. 232-246). Focal Press. Karlsson, J., Edlom, J., Ryan Bengtsson, L.  & Camén, C. (2024).
Inga Narbutaité Aflaki Inga Narbutaité Aflaki, PhD in Political Science, has a focus on innovative local and regional policy processes with an emphasis on human motivation, policy entrepreneurship and structural potentials. Currently she specializes in policies to support smart specialization and new forms of co-governance in civil society, especially policies that address social challenges such as immigrant integration. Lotta Braunerhielm Lotta Braunerhielm has a PhD in Human geography.

GDPR for students

Student » Meny » IT-stöd » Hjälp och support
This text is meant to provide support to students who process personal data as part of independent projects/degree projects/essays (called “independent projects” below), but all students will benefit from the information provided in Part 1. Aim of the text The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and complementing Swedish legislation require that all work with personal data should be done transparently, correctly and securely.

Information Systems

Forskning » Vår forskning » IT, ekonomi och juridik
2024-09-29--10-01 The 2024 European Symposium on Usable Security For two days at Karlstad University, the Eurosec'24 provides the latest within its field: Rebecca Balebako and Awais Rashid  are the keynote speakers as this event, and their speeches can be attended without paying the conference fee.
Great interest in increased autonomy and room for action for managers and employees. As part of the research programme “Arbetsplatsens struktur och arbetsrelaterad ohälsa: kvinnodominans, organisatoriska faktorer, åtgärder och politiska beslut i kommunal förvaltning” (Workplace structure and work-related illness: female dominance, organisational factors, measures and political decisions in local government administrations), researchers at Karlstad Business School look at
... and professor at the University of Borås. You are studying customers and employees in an increasingly digitalized society. Why is this interesting? "In recent years, there has been a great deal of focus on the opportunities that new digital solutions provide customers and companies. I think it is important also to problematise the use of new technology and highlight negative aspects.
PhD Student Jana Huck studies patient and employee involvement during the refinement of ideas for improving the Swedish Public Healthcare Service. The Swedish public healthcare sector is under immense pressure to innovate in order to adjust to major challenges. These challenges not only relate to a lack of resources and medical staff, but also to the demographic change towards an aging society and increasingly unhealthy society.
The IT branch has a great need to recruit employees, and students on IT programmes therefore have good chances of finding attractive employment after finishing their studies. What is important to employees and how does that correspond to what the branch has to offer? On 21 September, a little more than 100 IT students and around 20 business representatives met for the annual IT dinner of the Snits network that links industry and IT students.
Maria åkesson defended her doctoral thesis "Role constellation in value co-creation" in Business Administration on December 15th at Karlstad University. Her thesis focuses on customer-employee role constellations during value co-creation. Abstract The contribution of the present thesis is describing and explaining how value is co-created by addressing customer-employee role constellations during service encounters.
Diana Kalfas and Pål Lassen, both students at the Human Resource Management and Work Life study programme at Karlstad Business School, have won an award for their bachelor thesis Employees' experiences of Work-Life Balance and forced telework as a result of a pandemic. What was the aim of your bachelor thesis? - An increased understanding regarding employee’s experiences of work-life balance and forced remote work - in short, an increased understanding of how remote work