Om universitetet
» Om Karlstads universitet
» Vårt ansvar
» Om flyktingfrågan
The University can be an important resource in terms of education, commissioned training, and as an employer, but can also organise collection of basic necessities and other equipment, or this can be done on private initiatives by staff or students.
Universitetet at the Parents and Kids Fair
Published 18 March 2016
18-20 March, the university participated in the yearly Parents and Kids Fair to share information on how employers can contribute by receiving refugee intern
» Om utlandsstudier
» Studera utomlands
Would you like to explore a new academic world, experience a new culture, learn a new language and increase your value for future employment. Then exchange studies abroad are something for you!
As a student at Karlstad University you have many possibilities to go abroad during your studies. You can go as an exchange student, international trainee, field studies etc.
On 16 October, employees, students and the public are welcome to attend open lectures where new docents present their research. The lectures are open to everyone.
» Utbildning
» Att läsa på HHK
» Att studera på Handelshögskolan
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to contribute to a good working environment for all employees and students and to support our work on systematic quality development.
» Att läsa Datavetenskap på Karlstads universitet
Many companies that employ people with a degree from the master's program in computer science think that the former students at Karlstad University are well prepared for working life. Here are some voices from the business world.
- A master's degree in computer science provides a very stable foundation to stand on and the new parts of network and security feel tailored to our assignments, says Lars von Wachenfeldt, director at TietoEVRY in Karlstad.
We now have institutional early access to JSTOR’s interactive research tool. This tool is described by JSTOR as "employs AI and other technologies to empower people to deepen and expand their research with JSTOR’s trusted corpus".
To use the tool you will need to login/create a personal account. The tool helps you to assess content relevance, deepen your research and uses natural, conversational language.
Jobba hos oss
» Karlstads universitet som arbetsgivare
Karlstad University is a public institution. Staff members are therefore civil servants working on behalf of citizens – this responsibility is demanding, but also holds extra benefits. All government employees, irrespective of their professions, share the following core values:
All public power in Sweden proceeds from the people. The people elect representatives to the Swedish parliament, the Riksdag.
» Sök
» Sök information
» Databaser & artiklar
Students and employees can access library resources outside campus by logging in with KauID. At the top of this page, we list current problems we know of and things you can do yourself to solve or at least work around these problems.
No known problems at the moment.
Contact the university library for help with access to our e-resources.
Log in using your KauID
First choose a database, e-journal, e-book etc.
In addition to keep up with novel research ideas and methods, it is also important for researchers to seek opportunities for professional development in relation to their work.
In the last ten years, relatively large groups have entered the labour market. At the same time, most societal sectors have expressed a clear skills shortage. The next ten years are expected to be even tougher and competition for skilled employees will intensify.
This development will also likely be reflected in a growing demand for higher education, where we can expect increasing competition to attract students.
The students, enrolled in the Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Programme with a focus on forest bioeconomy, had the opportunity to visit Billerud Gruvön.
Johan Tielman was born and raised in Linköping and grew up in a family with a keen interest in sports. His father was self-employed and his mother worked as a teacher. His lifelong interest in nature was sparked by visits to his grandparents in the Santa Anna archipelago.
A longing to understand and learn more about aquatic life determined his academic direction.
Researchers and doctoral students at Karlstad University can receive support, advice and funding opportunities for the development of innovative ideas. Just Contact The Grants and Innovation Office. There is also a similar support for other employees and students.
Musikhögskolan Ingesund
» Bibliotek
» Musikhögskolans bibliotek
» Om biblioteket
The Music Academy’s library is part of Karlstad University and is primarily for students, researchers, teachers, and other staff, but the public is also welcome to borrow from us.
In addition to well-established career paths (e.g. as an English language teacher), studying English can increase your job prospects and employability. English skills open up possibilities for working abroad and in international environments, and provide you with broad linguistic and cultural competences.
The study of language and literature helps to improve your analytical skills and develops your creative imagination.
In the project “AI-robotar i besöksnäringen: En framtid med nya kollegor” (AI robots in the tourism industry: a future with new colleagues), researchers from Karlstad Business School and the Service Research Center (CTF) are looking at how employees in the tourism industry are affected by having AI robots as colleagues.
Kristina Palm, Poja Shams, Nina Löfgren and Maria Åkesson from CTF, along with Calle Rosengren from Kristianstad University and Carin Håkansta from Karol
» Om utlandsstudier
» Praktik/vfu/fältstudier
At Karlstad University, students can carry out their practical placement (traineeship/internship) or thesis data collection abroad. Make the most of this opportunity and return home with enhanced international experience and employability skills. It is possible to apply for a scholarship via, for example Erasmus+ (for traineeships for at least two months in a country that participates in the Erasmus programme).
You should start by:
Contract educations are professional development training for working professionals, where the employer pays for the education. We offer education in various areas, such as health, leadership and care and nursing.
Om universitetet
» Organisation
» Ledning och styrelse
The overall control and responsibility for higher education and research in Sweden lies with the Swedish Parliament and the Government. The highest decision-making body within the university is the University Board.
» Utbildning
» Studera informatik
» Bli student
Competence development, competence supply, further education, continuing education, reskill, upskill and certainly many more names are used for what KAU calls "commissioned education". Commissioned education is skills development for professionals where the employer is responsible for financing the training.
Jobba hos oss
» Karlstads universitet som arbetsgivare
At Karlstad University, we work actively towards creating a stimulating work environment and good conditions for our researchers. We strive towards fair and transparent recruitment as well as favourable professional development for researchers.
At Karlstad University, we work actively towards creating a stimulating work environment and good conditions for our researchers. We strive towards fair and transparent recruitment as well as favourable professional development for researchers.
Guro Gravem Johansen is originally from Troms in northern Norway where she grew up on a farm close to the sea. She is a trained jazz singer with a bachelor’s and master’s degree as well as a PhD in music education from the Norwegian Academy of Music.
Finding a rental apartment can be difficult in Swedish cities and Karlstad as well, so we strongly recommend that you start looking for a place to stay as soon you receive the decision of employment.