We are a multidisciplinary group and we work interdisciplinary with knowledge on societal risk.
Johanna Gustavsson
Director of CSR
E-mail: johanna.gustavsson@kau.se
Phone: +46 (0)54 - 700 2522
Johanna Gustavsson is the director of CSR. Johanna has long experience of injury preventive work for elderly people.
Dear Geomedians, here is a new selection of news and points of information related to the Centre for Geomedia Studies!
Dear Geomedians,
First, I hope you’ve had a good beginning of the new year – and thank you for productive work during 2024!
What expectations do employers have on newly graduated students? What abilities are important to take with you from the studies into the working life?
Having fun at work has been an important driving force and success factor ever since Altran started up in Värmland in 2011. Since then, Altran has grown from 2 to 40 employees in 7 years.
Employees with continuous customer contact, frontline employees, play a key role in service innovation. By involving the frontline employees, management can create better conditions for attractive and realizable services.
High employee proactivity can, for example, compensate for delays in customer service situations and thereby mitigate the negative effects of waiting.
Employee proactivity has been discussed as a key factor in company success and organisational performance.
Our choices as consumers are governed by various factors. At the restaurant one of them is the appearance of the person serving us - if the person has a look that is perceived as healthy, we choose the healthy options from the menu. These are the findings from a study made by researchers Poja Shams and Anders Gustafsson.
The health trend is growing and we are becoming increasingly aware of what kind of food we should consume to maintain good health.
Robert Eklund, Linköping University (before this at Telia Sonera), about the methodology used in the development of interactive systems, in particular as regards language-based interaction.
As a language technology researcher at Telia in the beginning of the century, Robert visited us several times for guest lectures in HCI for the Multimedia programme.
It is becoming increasingly common for employees to share the workplace with their colleagues in large open-plan office areas. In this way, companies and organizations want to save money, but also facilitate the interaction between the employees. However, a new study from Karlstad University shows the opposite.
The IT branch has a great need to recruit employees, and students on IT programmes therefore have good chances of finding attractive employment after finishing their studies. What is important to employees and how does that correspond to what the branch has to offer?
On 21 September, a little more than 100 IT students and around 20 business representatives met for the annual IT dinner of the Snits network that links industry and IT students.
Great interest in increased autonomy and room for action for managers and employees.
As part of the research programme “Arbetsplatsens struktur och arbetsrelaterad ohälsa: kvinnodominans, organisatoriska faktorer, åtgärder och politiska beslut i kommunal förvaltning” (Workplace structure and work-related illness: female dominance, organisational factors, measures and political decisions in local government administrations), researchers at Karlstad Business School look at
How are power and gender reflected in the service encounter between customer and employee in service organisations, and what are the consequences on the work environment for the employee?
... and professor at the University of Borås. You are studying customers and employees in an increasingly digitalized society. Why is this interesting?
"In recent years, there has been a great deal of focus on the opportunities that new digital solutions provide customers and companies. I think it is important also to problematise the use of new technology and highlight negative aspects.
Our physical environment – the way it looks and functions both inside and outside – matters a lot for the university to attract students and employees.
The document Campusplan 2040 points out the long-term direction for the university’s physical environment. The plan has been created as a collaboration project between the university and Akademiska hus.
PhD Student Jana Huck studies patient and employee involvement during the refinement of ideas for improving the Swedish Public Healthcare Service.
The Swedish public healthcare sector is under immense pressure to innovate in order to adjust to major challenges. These challenges not only relate to a lack of resources and medical staff, but also to the demographic change towards an aging society and increasingly unhealthy society.
This year’s SNITS dinner at Karlstad University was more than fully booked, not surprisingly since employment in the IT industry was on the table – a mouth-watering dish which tempted both businesses and students.
On 19 September, 130 students from the different IT study programmes at the university gathered to meet representatives from eleven local businesses in the IT industry.
Professors Patrik Larsson, CTF, and Lena Gonäs, Working Life Science at Karlstad University, have contributed to this book with a chapter on the Swedish development of human resource management entitled "Employment Regimes and Personnel Work in Sweden".
The book contains studies of the historical development of human resource management (HRM) in
seventeen different nations.
Maria åkesson defended her doctoral thesis "Role constellation in value co-creation" in Business Administration on December 15th at Karlstad University. Her thesis focuses on customer-employee role constellations during value co-creation.
The contribution of the present thesis is describing and explaining how value is co-created by addressing customer-employee role constellations during service encounters.
As of July 2018, Swedish universities have limited access to journals from Elsevier, one of the world’s largest scientific publishers. However, employees at Karlstad University can still access new articles through the interlibrary lending service, ”Get it now”.
Magazines published by Elsevier between January 1, 1995 and June 30, 2018 are still available through the usual channels.
Diana Kalfas and Pål Lassen, both students at the Human Resource Management and Work Life study programme at Karlstad Business School, have won an award for their bachelor thesis Employees' experiences of Work-Life Balance and forced telework as a result of a pandemic.
What was the aim of your bachelor thesis?
- An increased understanding regarding employee’s experiences of work-life balance and forced remote work - in short, an increased understanding of how remote work
Service innovation is an area that many firms, organizations and society are struggling with. Service as a phenomenon is what most of us is occupied with; both as employees and how we spend our money. I have spent a lot of time trying to make sense of what it really is.
The first thing that is striking with service innovations is that some are easy to copy while others are difficult to copy and latter types work well as differentiators for firms.
Jan Ch Karlsson is a former Professor of Sociology at Karlstad Business School. Although he is now retired, his interest for working life issues is as strong as ever.
- Now more than ever, research needs to point out what the situation actually is for employees today, says Jan Ch Karlsson.
Gardening is not Jan Ch Karlsson’s cup of tea.