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Three projects at Karlstad University are the recipients of EU funds to a sum of 21 million SEK. The decision was made by the North Mid-Sweden Structural Fund Partnership on 15 December 2016. ”We are very pleased with this decision of the North Mid-Sweden Structural Fund Partnership. The funds will contribute to strengthening research at the university and the continued development of Värmland,” says Åsa Bergenheim, vice chancellor.
On June 12-15 researchers from CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden, gathered in Porto for the QUIS15 symposium. The symposium is held every other year and attracts around 250 leading researchers and executives from all over the world. CTF researchers Per Skålén, Carolina Camén and Bo Edvardsson participated in a workshop on Transformative service research.
Innovation, transformation and sustainable development during changing times marked by the pandemic were in focus at CTF´s Service Innovation Day 2021 where the participants listened to presentations from Vinnova, Ikea, Systembolaget and Ica Maxi on how they work with these issues.
Just over a year ago, the Next unit was established at the IT company CGI, where work is being done on emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. During a lunch lecture for IT students at Karlstad University one of the co-workers at CGI Next, Christer Enfors, tried to sort out the differences between these two concepts – which is what? Where are the boundaries between the two? What should they be used for?
Fredrik Wikström is a newly appointed professor of Energy and Environmental Technology. He conducts research on how packaging can contribute to a sustainable development where less food is wasted. In recent years, this research has been praised and received attention in the media. Fredrik Wikström holds a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Physics at Uppsala University and received his PhD in Systems Ecology from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
You’ve been appointed assistant director for Vipp Industrial graduate school as from January 1st 2014. Why is a professor in Psychology interested in industrial research in general and the forestry industry in particular? – I do research in psychology with business implications - among other things user innovation, creative organizations, service innovation and management.
Often when radical technological development happens, I gaze at it from a distance and try to understand it's impact on my life. This time I got to be a part of the revolution. I’m talking about the eye-tracking revolution, a journey that has been amazing to be a part of during the past 10 years. A journey that has just started. Ten years ago I approached Tobii Technology with a radical suggestion, to lend me an eye-tracker.
In media and in communication from the government innovation is brought forward to save our Swedish businesses through increased revenues and lowered cost. In addition, it will help us to create more jobs and a brighter future. Innovation has in recent years become such a buzzword, it seems like everyone is an expert in innovation and that all firms are innovative. So, what does this then mean in practice - let us see both sides of the coin.
ITQ – the network for girls studying IT at universities and practitioners in business, celebrated 10 years with cake, guest lectures, and not least mingle and networking. The guest was Siduri Poli, the digital inspirer of 2017, who told of her interest for technology as a tool for change. Present were also current IT students, high school students from Fria Läroverken as well as professionals from CGI, Ibiz solutions, Municipality of Karlstad, Netgain, Sogeti and ÅF.
That is the question Sara Davoudi has looked into in her doctoral thesis, “What happened with the leviathan of the Public Sector? The challenges of vertical coordination in regional public organizations and its effect on public value”. Sara Davoudi, PhD in Business Administration, tell us about your research. - My research is about vertical coordination, which is best described as the communication between public sector actors and the challenges associated with that.

CTF 25 years

News » 2011-12-16
CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University initiated the 25 year anniversary accompanied by lovely songs from the University choir SötLikör.

Lars Järnström is retiring

News » 2019-04-17
Lars Järnström, professor of coating technology, came to Karlstad University in 1999 and has been involved in building the current strong research environment for fibre-based processes and products. Now retirement is approaching but he will continue working at the university as senior professor. Lars Järnström's research centres mainly on environment-friendly surface treatment of fibre-based packaging materials.
Professor Bo Edvardsson summarizes and reflects on a new book chapter and provides guidance on how to become more successful when developing new services. Businesses and other organizations need to renew themselves to survive in fast changing markets. This is today even more important than ever before.
CRE8® is a model for innovation-challenge events, developed by the Grants and Innovation Office at Karlstad University. A public or private organization provides a real-world operational challenge to which teams of students try to find solutions. Since it was first introduced in 2017, the CRE8® model has become a very successful concept. With funding from Erasmus+, Karlstad University is now training facilitators to run CRE8® events around Europe.
Live case studies are a good way to learn and provide a feeling of being in a professional setting. In the course Business Development from a Process and Partnership Perspective, students at Karlstad Business School have been given the opportunity to collaborate with several organisations. Students have been helping to map out business processes and develop improved work procedures using digitalisation.
Education is obviously a valuable investment - it gives you possibilities. A good education is the ticket to your future career, but it is the actual knowledge that is the key to your own ability to think and reflect.
The music industry spends a lot of resources on creating innovative concert experiences, and the relationship between the musicians and their fans. With the show Abba Voyage, a giant step is taken towards developing and transforming an already digital industry.
In this blog article, CERS director and CTF’s advisory board member Kristina Heinonen shares some reflections of what is “hot” in service research and how research centers like CTF and CERS are making a difference in today’s society. The fast pace of political, economic, and social change is reshaping the global landscape. Are researchers and business professionals keeping up and exploring solutions to society’s most pressing issues?