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International online-courses with strong links to the most successful research environments and tailor-made for professionals at work will be offered at Karlstad University thanks to a development project in conjunction with a number of leading companies and the support of the KK Foundation. The KK Foundation has granted Karlstad University 6 million SEK for the period 2017-2019 to develop and carry out net-based cutting edge Master–level courses, developed in close coope
International online-courses with strong links to the most successful research environments and tailor-made for professionals at work will be offered at Karlstad University thanks to a development project in conjunction with a number of leading companies and the support of the KK Foundation. The KK Foundation has granted Karlstad University 6 million SEK for the period 2017-2019 to develop and carry out net-based cutting edge Master–level courses, developed in close coope

Safe to use Zoom with KauID

News » 2020-04-16
Lately, there have been reports in the media worldwide about security flaws in Zoom. However, the section of Zoom provided by Karlstad University’s supplier SUNET is not affected by these security flaws to the same extent. “Employees and students at Karlstad University can feel safe when using Zoom,” says Monika Allöv Andersson, responsible for the Zoom service at Karlstad University IT Department.
Can digital services support people who want to change their behavior? This is what researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, currently is studying together with Wellness in Värmland. Many people want to, or have to for health reasons, change their habits to a healthier lifestyle, for example start exercising, eating healthier or quit smoking. Although many want to make a change, it is not an easy task.
The Centre for Research on Sustainable Societal Transformation (CRS) will have a new director as of 1 April. Moa Tunström, senior lecturer in Human Geography, will take over when Margareta Dahlström steps down ahead of her upcoming retirement. Moa Tunström defended her doctoral thesis at Örebro University in 2009, “In search of the good city. Constructions of ideals and problems in Swedish urban planning discussion” in the discipline of Human Geography.
... What research area will you conduct research in and what will you focus on? - I will conduct research in the organizational psychology field focusing on the individual in organizational change. It is a well-known fact that organizational change often entails major challenges for employees within an organization, and that many difficulties linked to different change initiatives often can be traced back to psychological or psychosocial factors in the individual.
Jan Ch Karlsson, Professor of Working Life Science at Karlstad Business School, and his German colleague and collaboration partner have been given an award for their article “Towards a Sociology of Meaningful Work”. – Work that includes a lot of negative stress or rigid hierarchies is actually lethal, says Jan Ch Karlsson. Why is research about meaningful work so important? – Most people spend a large portion of their lives and their waking hours working.
Many companies need to start focusing more on the customers to become more innovative and successful. What are the market needs? What does the customer want, and how can we facilitate for the customer?
A small group of pioneering founders led the creation and early evolution of the service research field. A new article in Journal of Service Management provides service wisdom from ten of those pioneering founders, me being one of them.  Professors David Bowen and Ray Fisk specified three criteria by which to identify a pioneering founder. In total, 12 founders met the criteria were invited to join Bowen and Fisk.
You are now back in Spain after spending four months at CTF. What were your expectations before you came here, and what have you achieved during your visit? - My expectations before coming here were basically: learning new ways of working and presenting my research at an international level, deepening my dissertation research with the brilliant researchers of CTF, attending research courses, and trying to build partnerships for future research.
This was one of the questions that the IT consultancy firm Tieto tried to sort out when they gave a lecture on the mobile networks in the past and in the future to over 70 IT students at Karlstad University at the autumn semester first Snits lunch. Currently the development of the next generation mobile net 5G is in progress, which will lead to revolutionary changes for users and operators.
On June 12-15 researchers from CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden, gathered in Porto for the QUIS15 symposium. The symposium is held every other year and attracts around 250 leading researchers and executives from all over the world. CTF researchers Per Skålén, Carolina Camén and Bo Edvardsson participated in a workshop on Transformative service research.
Fifteen years ago, open source developers were considered geeky. Today, on the contrary, these are the most sought after developers. Redpill Linpro, a company only working with products based on open source code, hosted the last SNITS lunch of the year on 5 December, with the theme “Kickstarting your career with open source”. Software developed from source code that is open to everyone to use, change, develop and distribute is known as open source.
Often when radical technological development happens, I gaze at it from a distance and try to understand it's impact on my life. This time I got to be a part of the revolution. I’m talking about the eye-tracking revolution, a journey that has been amazing to be a part of during the past 10 years. A journey that has just started. Ten years ago I approached Tobii Technology with a radical suggestion, to lend me an eye-tracker.
Two research projects at the Karlstad Business School were awarded 2,7 and 5 million by Forte, The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare. It is the subjects Business administration and Working life science that start up new projects starting next year. Forte, The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare announced the other day regarding the decision of the distribution of research funding.
For the second year in a row, Ikea is ranked as Sweden's most innovative company. This, according to the Swedish Innovation Index, where researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, have asked customers to evaluate the degree of innovation in companies and organizations in the Swedish market.
Innovation, transformation and sustainable development during changing times marked by the pandemic were in focus at CTF´s Service Innovation Day 2021 where the participants listened to presentations from Vinnova, Ikea, Systembolaget and Ica Maxi on how they work with these issues.
Karlstad University is currently dealing with a situation that has received a lot of media attention. It is, of course, in the interest of the university to ensure a safe environment for our teachers and students, but any measure we take must comply with our regulations. In brief, the situation involves an online activist with an explicitly right-wing nationalist agenda who has been admitted to a course in intercultural studies with a focus on racism.