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Collaborate with us

Our tailor-made courses within ISE are developed in collaboration with businesses and organizations. We welcome more partners in our course development. We welcome companies and organizations to collaborate with us within ISE.

Exchanges and collaboration

Jobba hos oss » Karlstads universitet som arbetsgivare » Kompetensutveckling & karriärstöd
STAFF EXCHANGE Doctoral students can apply for student exchange and practical placement within Erasmus+, and if they teach they can do teaching assignments in Erasmus+ as long as they fulfil the criteria for the programme. For third-cycle study, the criteria stipulate full-time study at the third-cycle level at an international institution and for the course of study to be part of a Karlstad University degree. Research is not included, but work to prepare your thesis is.

Electrical Engineering

Forskning » Vår forskning » Natur, teknik och miljövetenskap
Electrical engineering is one of the disciplines in the Department of Engineering and Physics, which also includes Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering and Physics. At Karlstad University, you can study electrical engineering on undergraduate (grundnivå) level that leads to Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Electrical Engineering. The study program focus in the area of electrical and renewable energy systems for sustainable development.

Religious Studies

Forskning » Vår forskning » Samhälle, kultur och språk
Every day we encounter expressions of different religious traditions in our surroundings, in the news, in literature, in art and in popular culture. It is clear that religion can be an expression of both conflict, reconciliation and a sense fellowship. Thus it is important, relevant and interesting to engage in the field of religious studies. Some of the questions students process and deepen their understanding of are: What is religion?

Photography and the method of art

KUFO » Aktiviteter » Tidigare aktiviteter » The Uses of Aesthetics 2019
This panel is part of the Uses of Aesthetics conference. A rethinking of photographic subjectivity is palpable across the field of visual social science. The increasing ease and speed with which digital technologies are employed to adjust the photographic image to desired messages and outcomes seem to inspire this academic imagination by unsettling the truth-value and the perceived quality of photographic evidence.
Practical placements form an important part of the Master of Science in Psychology Programme. Students are out on their practical placements during semester 6 for 14 weeks. Practical placements are hosted by public or private organisations employing psychologists. All psychology students will be supervised by a licenced psychologist during their practical placements and the university offers practical and pedagogical support to supervisors.


Samverkan » Forsknings- och innovationssamverkan » Innovationssamverkan
The Grants and Innovation Office (GIO) has access to the VFT funding programme through its involvement with the innovation office Fyrklövern. On the basis of a competitive application, the university receives an annual grant from this Vinnova programme. This funding can be used to verify innovative ideas that might benefit the world in the form of new businesses, licensing, and so forth. It cannot be used to finance research.

Our mission

HHK » Handelshögskolan » Om Handelshögskolan
Karlstad Business School is part of Karlstad University and we share the same core values. Vision Karlstad Business School is influential and highly visible in society - the first choice for students, employees, and partners. Mission statement "We educate responsible professionals and conduct research with high societal impact." We define a responsible professional as a person who makes an impact in society through knowledge, shared thoughts and actions with consider

Henrik Nilsson, alumni economics

HHK » Samverkan » Samverkan vid HHK » Alumn och partners » Interviews with alumni
What do you work with? - I work as a senior consultant at Virtusa. It is an international IT consultant company listed on Nasdaq in the US with 19 000 employees all over the world that works within bank, insurance, telecom, health care as well as media and entertainment. In Sweden, Virtusa is focused primarily on bank and insurance.

Master's programmes (2nd cycle)

Utbildning » Program och kurser » Program
All Master's programmes are presented here, grouped in areas of interest. At this level, we offer one-year and two-year Master’s programmes as well as professional degree program. Students who have earned a Bachelor’s or a professional degree of at least 180 ECTS cr. are eligible for admission to master’s-level study.

Runa Skyrud

CRS » Konferenser » People and Networks Matter - Enabling Sustainable Bioeconomy Transition 27-28 mars 2019 » Keynote speakers
Runa Skyrud, is the project leader of Tretorget AS. Tretorget runs development projects that are rooted in companies' strategies and needs, and deliver measurable results. They have long experience with establishing business networks and clusters and have been involved in several cross-cluster projects. The company was established in 2001 and is now owned by some of the employees.

Sustainability, societal and human aspects

DAMI » Samverkan » Competence areas DAMI
Digital technologies and digitalisation-related change can affect society at large as well as individuals. This area studies how digitalisation and digital transformation can create synergies between industry, individuals, employees and society at large. Particular focus is on the expansion towards Industry 5.0, where sustainable digital transformation and an interaction between people, the environment and society is central.

4. Interlibrary loans

Bibliotek » Om biblioteket » För dig som är ny student » 15 fakta om biblioteket
Literature not held by the Library can be borrowed from other libraries. Who can order interlibrary loans? Students, researchers and employees at Karlstad University may request an interlibrary loan. How do I order? You can find more information on the page about interlibrary loans. How much does it cost? Book loans from within the Nordic countries are free of charge. Journal articles (copies) can be ordered at a charge of 50 SEK / article. Pricelist Interlibrary

Applying for a degree certificate

Student » Meny » Mina studier » Efter studierna
Online applications for degree certificates are done via Ladok. You should apply for your degree at the university where you completed the most recent course that you want included in your degree. Make sure that all courses and grades that are to be included in your degree have been registered correctly in Ladok.
Library card / KAU card for students NEW STUDENTS When you obtain your KAU card, you can use that as a library card. The PIN you chose for your KAU card is the same that you must use to borrow or reserve books. Contact information is automatically collected from "My Kau" If you need to borrow before you have obtained your KAU card, you can turn to the Information desks in the library. You can get an account by showing a valid ID, and also your t-number if you are an exchange student.

SNITS (cooperation between industry and IT students)

CS » Samverkan » Så här samverkar vi
The cooperation group associated with the IT programmes at Karlstad University arranges study visits, guest lectures, lunch meetings, mentorship programmes, practical placement and degree projects for IT students at Karlstad University. Snits offers a variety of activities to promote meetings between students and industry. It is a unique opportunity for you as a student to build relations with the industry during your studies.

Digital method for development

CTF » Forskning » Forskning vid CTF » Forskningsprojekt och profiler » Pågående projekt
The aim of this project is to develop and test a digital innovation method that enables users and employee to co-create and develop innovations through a digital platform. The focus of the project is services related to Region Värmland. More information will soon be available here. The project is financed by Vinnova during 2018-2021 and conducted by CTF in collaboration with Region Värmland and CGI.  Participating researchers: Jessica Westman, Jakob Trischler, Peter Magnusson, Lars E.