Välkommen till CSD
Centrum för de samhällsvetenskapliga ämnenas didaktik
The Centre for Social Science Didactics (CSD) at Karlstad University is a center for subject-specific research and development in geography, history, religious education, civics, and political science.
CSD is a research center at Karlstad University (KAU) focusing on subject-specific education in the field of Geography, History, Religious Studies, and Social Studies. CSD was set up in 2006, and approximately 20 researchers at Karlstad University are connected to the center. We collaborate with researchers and teachers nationally and internationally.
CSD pursues subject-specific education research and offers doctoral studies programs, professional development training for teachers, and school development initiatives, and is responsible for the Nordic journal Nordidactica.
CSD's aim is to contribute empirically and theoretically to the research field and to school development. To this end, we work strategically with international, national, and local partnerships. A characteristic of our research is the close link between theory and practice. CSD's long-term goals are specified in three-year directional research programs (forskningsprogram).