Bridging programme
15.0 ECTS creditsThe course deals with:
-leadership for promoting pupils knowledge development
-teacher leadership in relation to school governance and leadership
-teacher approaches to pupils' differences
-teachers' communicative ability, including communicating in digital environments, and exercises in conversation techniques and other coopration skills
-theories on group processes and conflicts and strategies for addressing conflicts as well as preventing discrimination and harassment in different environment and dealing with such incidents
-teacher leadership in relation to teachers' role as a norm setter, which includes power and democracy issues problematised in relation to student participation and influence
-professional ethics and the limitations of the teacher profession
-cooperation with guardians, authorities and other community actors
-factors of importance to pupils' motivation
-pedagogical and subject-specific learning and teaching considerations.
-leadership for promoting pupils knowledge development
-teacher leadership in relation to school governance and leadership
-teacher approaches to pupils' differences
-teachers' communicative ability, including communicating in digital environments, and exercises in conversation techniques and other coopration skills
-theories on group processes and conflicts and strategies for addressing conflicts as well as preventing discrimination and harassment in different environment and dealing with such incidents
-teacher leadership in relation to teachers' role as a norm setter, which includes power and democracy issues problematised in relation to student participation and influence
-professional ethics and the limitations of the teacher profession
-cooperation with guardians, authorities and other community actors
-factors of importance to pupils' motivation
-pedagogical and subject-specific learning and teaching considerations.
Progressive specialisation:
A1N (has only first‐cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Education level:
Master's level
Admission requirements
Admission to teacher education bridging programme and registered for the courses LPGK08 and LPGK02, or admitted to the VAL programme
Selection is usually based on your grade point average from upper secondary school or the number of credit points from previous university studies, or both.
This course is included in the following programme
- Secondary Education:Bridging Programme (studied during year 1)
- Secondary Education: In-Service Bridging Programme (studied during year 1)