News archive for "Hhk"

Reuse and other circular solutions are becoming increasingly common in the retail business to enable more sustainable consumption. To promote this transition requires more knowledge on how companies can create better conditions and customer experiences in relation to circular retail.
Great interest in increased autonomy and room for action for managers and employees. As part of the research programme “Arbetsplatsens struktur och arbetsrelaterad ohälsa: kvinnodominans, organisatoriska faktorer, åtgärder och politiska beslut i kommunal förvaltning” (Workplace structure and work-related illness: female dominance, organisational factors, measures and political decisions in local government administrations), researchers at Karlstad Business School look at
Björn Smith, tell us about your background - I spent the most recent years completing a degree in primary education, school years 4–6. I have also been lecturing at Karlstad University - mainly administrative law and local government law as well as jurisprudence and EU law to some extent. I really enjoyed working as a teacher and learned a lot.
Every year, AG Advokat awards a grant of SEK 50.000 to the law student who has produced the best degree project focusing on an issue that has commercial relevance for the real estate and construction industries.
Samuel Petros Sebhatu, Karlstad Business School, attended the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Global forum in New York, 12-16 June 2023 hosted by Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business.  The PRME global forum 2023 focuses on impact across various session themes: pedagogy, climate, digital, and leadership.
A workshop was held at Karlstad University together with students studying Information Systems – what was the purpose of this workshop? - We looked at the EU directives, laws and standards that regulate web accessibility, says Gunnar Olsson, Lecturer in Information Systems at Karlstad University.
Jan Ch Karlsson, Professor of Working Life Science at Karlstad Business School, and his German colleague and collaboration partner have been given an award for their article “Towards a Sociology of Meaningful Work”. – Work that includes a lot of negative stress or rigid hierarchies is actually lethal, says Jan Ch Karlsson. Why is research about meaningful work so important? – Most people spend a large portion of their lives and their waking hours working.
A glimpse from a yearly upcoming symposium (except during pandemic 2020 and 2021) on Marketing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. The symposium started 2011 in London with an initiative of Professor Patrick E. Murphy, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, USA, specializes in marketing and business ethics. The symposium has been hosted by several Universities/ Business schools around Europe and USA.
Professor, Saïd Assar, The Institute Mines – Telecom Business School How did you come in contact with Karlstad Business School? - I got in contact with Karlstad Business School via a former colleague and research partner, Dr Sana Skandrani, Senior Lecturer at the Information Systems department in KBS.

Farzaneh Karegar

News » 2023-04-21
Farzaneh Karegar, Senior Lecturer in Information Systems at Karlstad University – would you mind telling us about your background? - During my bachelor's and master's studies in Iran, I studied Computer Engineering, specializing in Hardware Engineering. Upon moving to Sweden, I worked as a project assistant for the European project A4Cloud at the Computer Science Department at Karlstad University.
Johan Renault, master program student in marketing, how was your green journey to Schwäbisch Hall in Germany? - The journey went extremely well. It was fun to drive down all together, and we got to know each other along the way since we did not know each other before, so it was really fun. We stopped a few times along the way, but it actually didn’t feel that long when driving down all together, and we didn’t get bored.
As part of the law programme at Karlstad Business School, students get to experience a mock trial at Värmland District Court in Karlstad. On Friday 10 March, students participated in a mock trial in Karlstad as part of the course Methods in Tax Law. Four groups represented the parties – the Swedish Tax Agency and the person charged with tax fraud. The chief judge, Ulrika Melin, welcomed the students in the court waiting room.
2023-03-09, a leading academic platform for researchers, has released its annual list of top researchers in the field of business and management. Bo Edvardsson, professor of business administration at Karlstad business school, is ranked 191 on the international list. Nationally, lists Bo Edvardsson significantly higher, which puts him in an impressive second place. Congratulations Bo Edvardsson.
The revenue generated by orbital and suborbital space travel is expected to soar to 214 billion dollars by 2030. The increased access to space travel has created a space market. Space tourism, a niche part of the flight industry, has radically transformed the private sector.
In her doctoral thesis, “Tensions experienced and balancing strategies used in Agile Software Development environments”, Carin Lindskog focuses on the contradictions and tensions that can arise when applying agile working methods. - There is still a lack of knowledge even though it has been around for over twenty years. - My thesis aims to contribute to our understanding of Agile Software Development (ASD), says Carin Lindskog, who recently completed her PhD in Informatio