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On November 7-8, Karlstad University hosted the inaugural Security Divas Sweden, a national conference focusing on cybersecurity and information security that aims to spotlight women in these fields. The event was organized by Karlstad University in collaboration with the Compare Foundation. The conference welcomed eleven female role models who shared key insights on topics such as information influence, data protection and current perspectives on cybersecurity.
The project 6G-PATH (6G-Pilots and Trials Through Europe), in which the departments of computer science and nursing at Karlstad University participate, has been included on this year’s IVA 100 List.
During the autumn, several research funding foundations announce their decisions. So far, nine applications from researchers at Karlstad University have been granted a total of close to SEK 40.5 million. The Swedish Research Council, which is Sweden’s largest governmental research funding body, has granted educational science research funds to the project “Skolgång, utvecklingsvägar och skolerfarenheter för elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar”.
Professor of Analytical Chemistry Torgny Fornstedt received the J. F. K. Huber Lecture Award at the International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC 2024) in Liverpool in October. The award was given for ‘highly recognised contributions to the fundamental understanding of adsorption chromatography’. ‘This distinction means a great deal to me, as J. F. K.
– We want to show that learning is fun and that there are many ways to acquire new knowledge, says John Johansson at Karlstad Business School. John Johansson, lecturer in business administration, why is lifelong learning important? – The new technological innovations and increased complexity that we’re seeing today will require us to learn and relearn. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one example of this, which will require learning over time.
Teachers across the Nordic countries are happy to include literature in their teaching. But what they want their pupils to learn from the literature differs between the countries. This is one of the findings of a doctoral thesis by Anna Nissen at Karlstad University. "I hope my research offers teachers new insights, helping them identify areas for improvement in their teaching as well as what they are already doing successfully.
– Our research makes a valuable contribution to the students’ work in designing places for tourism, where we demonstrate the importance of working with place-based digital development in harmony with places and people, says Lotta Braunerhielm, docent in human geography at Karlstad University. Geomedia research looks at the relationship between places and media and how they affect each other.
During the spring, I had the benefit of working with a national evaluation for the Swedish Higher Education Authority, with a focus on collaboration between higher education institutions (HEIs) and the surrounding community. By analysing self-evaluations from 37 HEIs, I can confirm that collaboration is a powerful tool. Academia carries a vision of creating value and contributing towards a positive societal transformation.
New technology is something threatening and often dangerous. At least that is the picture presented if you read modern children’s literature. – This is contradictory. Technology is becoming an increasingly integral part of everyday life, including in literature. But at the same time, there is often a concern or a hidden threat in technology, says Jakob Olsson, researcher at Karlstad University. Jakob Olsson has studied 249 books, published between 2000 and 2019.
Research on organic solar cells has been conducted for a long time. Recent advancements in understanding their molecular structures are now paving the way for the development of highly efficient solar cells. – By using atomic force microscopy-infrared spectroscopy, AFM-IR, we’ve been able to create clearer images of the morphology or structure of the material, says Ishita Jalan, postdoc in physical chemistry and main author of a recently published scientific article.
Petter Falk, new doctor in Political Science at Karlstad University and the Service Research Centre (CTF), sheds light on conditions and grounds for datafication in his doctoral thesis “Assemble Care // Align Data”. – What surprised me the most was that datafication is intuitively accepted, despite a kind of intellectual resistance, says Petter Falk. The term “big data” is frequently used nowadays, but your research emphasises the importance of the small details.
The first Nordic conference for PhD supervisors has now been held at Karlstad University. With a large turnout from 13 countries and 42 universities, one might wonder how big the Nordic region is, or as expressed by one of the participants, “The Nordic countries have grown in numbers”. – It has been an intense but very rewarding few days, says Roger Renström, docent in computer science and organiser of the conference.
Swedish pupils need support to fully understand what they read online. They often have great knowledge and abilities, but must be given tools to interpret texts in a digital environment. These are the findings of new research at Karlstad University. "Reading a printed text and reading a text online entail different types of challenges, and pupils must be able to work with both text types.
Why are so many people fascinated by video games? How did it all begin and how has storytelling in video games evolved over time? A new course at Karlstad University explores the history of narratives in video games, with the help of a one-of-a-kind historic video games archive. Video games are more and more prevalent in popular culture, and the games industry keeps growing each year.